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  1. GobyMaster11276

    My Betta Percy

    Klavier, in his original (Petbarn sold) tank.
  2. 20160206_121434.jpg


  3. GobyMaster11276

    My Betta Percy

    Okay, so I am getting some money together now to buy the plants and rock. Have decided on anubias for the driftwood, and java fern for the rock. Possibly some crypts later down the track (as recommended by Nick). Expenses are tight these days, so it will probably take a while. If possible, I...
  4. GobyMaster11276

    Why make a betta flare?

    Really? Looks like that's what I'm doing tomorrow with Percy.
  5. GobyMaster11276

    Why make a betta flare?

    Hello again, I'm just wondering why making your betta flare (with a mirror) is considered playing with it. Doesn't flaring just stress them? Are there any benefits to it? Thanks in advance.
  6. GobyMaster11276

    My sorority rebuild

    That is beautiful! Please help me make my tank look so good.
  7. GobyMaster11276

    Strange lump on Betta

    I think, that like others have said, it might be a tumour. I don't know how to treat that, but my advice is to put him in a hospital tank for a while.
  8. GobyMaster11276

    Desert Gobies

    What hardness do they require? My tap is around 15-20ppm (quite soft). I can't find a commonly accepted figure.
  9. GobyMaster11276

    Lethargic betta?

    Might just be the bowl. A few things. Like FroFro said, those bubbles seem to be quick, which might be why he is so tired. Does that work as a filter (the bubbler)? Was the tank cycled properly? The water changes won't stress him, as long as you warm the water and dechlorinate. You definitely...
  10. GobyMaster11276

    Desert Gobies

    I'm thinking of having 1 male to 3 females. Is that overstocking for a 20g?
  11. GobyMaster11276

    Risks associated with live foods

    Thanks for all the information. So how often would you recommend live foods? Is fortnightly too often? I decided to get some new foods for Percy, and am currently looking at Betta Buffet Pellets from Omega One. What do you think?
  12. GobyMaster11276

    Desert Gobies

    Thanks for everything so far. So you don't think it will be necessary to adjust GH before adding water?
  13. GobyMaster11276

    do i have endler's, guppie's, or a hybrid

    Those are definitely endlers, but as many have said, it is unlikely you have got pure breeds. How old are the fry?
  14. GobyMaster11276

    I need help quick

    Heated, shelled, crushed green peas work, but mainly for goldfish. Many bettas will ignore the peas as they fall, which is why daphnia is better.
  15. GobyMaster11276

    Tabletop native micro garden

    Nice. Can't wait to see this develop.
  16. GobyMaster11276

    I need help quick

    Monitor how much your betta is defecating. First fast him for two or three days and then feed him that. I've heard of some other stuff about temperatures and epsom salts, but you need to research that and decide. When was the last water change?
  17. GobyMaster11276

    I need help quick

    Okay, you need to get him a laxative. Try daphnia. Maybe someone else can offer a better one? Also do some background research on swim bladder disorder and share your findings and/or what you plan to do.
  18. GobyMaster11276

    Risks associated with live foods

    My area isn't too polluted, though it is urban. I believe it is okay, because I have an outside pond with goldfish, and have been doing this for quite some time. How would you, or anybody here, recommend lowering the risks, just to be cautious?
  19. GobyMaster11276

    I need help quick

    I believe it is swim bladder. How much and what is he fed? Water parameters? Was the tank cycled? Picture of the tank would be helpful.
  20. GobyMaster11276

    New to this particular forum

    I believe it was because some people didn't like his "not sugar coated" replies. Maybe he seemed rude? Did Logic get banned as well, 'cause I can't get on his profile. Also, Logic mentions in his description thing that he was apparently recommended here by Dutch. Pretty solid evidence.
  21. GobyMaster11276

    New to this particular forum

    Wait, Dutch was banned? Darn. Well, I do get the feeling that Logic and Dutch are the same person, or at least very similar.
  22. GobyMaster11276

    Help me & my fishes

    Okay, a few things. First, please make only one thread on each topic, as there are currently two of these ones. Second, if you really don't want to give them away, you might consider setting up multiple tanks to accommodate all of the fish. But that option will be costly, and require lots of...
  23. GobyMaster11276

    My new obsession: Mystery snails

    I used to have these snails, very interesting little guys. Can you send some pics of the whole tank?
  24. GobyMaster11276

    Desert Gobies

    Thanks for the advice so far. I might just do a species tank, if that's the case. I've been reading that they're annual, so I definitely want breeding. My tank size I am still considering, probably 70l+ (about 20g). What do you recommend as a good male to female ratio? I am currently looking at...
  25. GobyMaster11276

    Desert Gobies

    Hi, I'm planning to eventually have a desert goby tank setup, starting sometime this year. Just wondering what people have to say about water parameters, filtration, tank mates, etc. Thanks.
  26. GobyMaster11276

    Risks associated with live foods

    Also, I am talking about livefoods cultivated yourself (say, from your backyard). I didn't mention that. :D
  27. GobyMaster11276

    Risks associated with live foods

    I was just feeding my betta Percy his fortnightly mosquito larvae, when I realised I had never properly researched the risks associated with feeding live foods. I know of the benefits, but what are the risks? Pathogens? Parasites? Thanks.
  28. GobyMaster11276

    My sorority rebuild

    How did you get that kind of a deal? My one offers "a betta tank... about 9l for $65".
  29. GobyMaster11276

    My sorority rebuild

    Will definitely be following this. Best of luck! :D
  30. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    This has gone silent...
  31. GobyMaster11276

    What might have killed my goldfish?

    Let's just assume that by some almost impossible miracle they did survive that long, I doubt it was happily. When owning fish, you don't want them to survive, but thrive. I'm sure they didn't survive "with no problem". Are you aware of how inhumane that size is for just one goldfish to be in 5...
  32. GobyMaster11276

    DutchMuch's Iwagumi (Epic Alert!)

    Do you ship to Australia? I may be interested.
  33. GobyMaster11276

    Hi all.

    Hi all.
  34. GobyMaster11276

    My Betta Percy

    I'm thinking maybe granite?
  35. GobyMaster11276

    My Betta Percy

    Plant Update: I have cut that list down to three: Pearlweed, java fern and anubias. How difficult is pearlweed? I am thinking of possibly getting a rock (for a corner) so that I can put one species on the wood and one on the rock. Are there any rocks that won't change the water chemistry? I...
  36. GobyMaster11276

    My Betta Percy

    Okay, tomorrow is the big rescape. I'm thinking about moving the heater to the back, and the wood to the left (to make it more visually pleasing). I also want to move the weird fluffy plant and long one (very educated description, I know) to the back, and leave those little ones where they are...