do i have endler's, guppie's, or a hybrid

what are they?

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May 4, 2017
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I got a bunch of free fry and was told they were guppies. They have since grown up and they look like endler's to me. I don't know enough to tell the difference between them and wanted to know if someone could tell me. they arent the best photos if i need better ones please let me know.


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They look like endlers to me though I doubt if they are pure bred.
What is your setup like?
The vast majority of endlers sold in shops are not pure endler, they are endler/guppy hybrids. Pure endlers have to be obtained from registered breeders.
Your fish do look like endlers, but the chances of them being pure endler are very small.
I agree with essjay.
I have three in my tank that are almost identical to what you have and they were sold to me as endlers (from a very reputable LFS, not a chain).
But I'm aware that there is only a tiny chance they are pure endler.
okay thank you guys I had got them from a LFS and i bought shrimp and he had netted them so he just gave them too me.
They look like endlers to me though I doubt if they are pure bred.
What is your setup like?
right now it is just a 10 gallon with two decorations i plan on setting up a different tank for them its just what i had and i didn't have another tank for them.
right now it is just a 10 gallon with two decorations i plan on setting up a different tank for them its just what i had and i didn't have another tank for them.

has their current tank been cycled properly?
okay thank you guys I had got them from a LFS and i bought shrimp and he had netted them so he just gave them too me.
oh well that was lucky!!
They get along great with shrimp, that's what I have also!

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