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  1. F

    Gonopodium Stuck In Female?

    Haha, thanks guys. :) Yes, she still had fry after I managed to "release" him. :lol: And I highly doubt that will happen to any other guppy, no worries. :good:
  2. F

    What's The Purpose Of Filter Wool?

    lol Thanks guys. :)
  3. F

    Female Guppy's Tail Turning Red, Having Trouble Swimming

    Yes, will do. I also do almost daily 10% water changes. The tank has been established for 2 years.
  4. F

    Meet The Members

    Forum Name fry_forever! Real Name Stephanie Location Canada Number of Years in Hobby Started when I was around 6 (obviously not seriously though) so I'd say around 7-8 years. Fishkeeping Profile Currently Have 6 aquariums, keeping and sometimes breeding, kribs, bettas, zebra danios...
  5. F

    What's The Purpose Of Filter Wool?

    Thank you. =) I have power filters, like Aquaclears and such. =) I put some filter wool in all of my 6 aquariums. (I had the wool before, I just didn't know what the exact purpose was.)
  6. F

    Any Way To Get Rid Of These External Parasites?

    Like how it works out? :huh: Oh man, I feel so dumb. lol
  7. F

    What's The Purpose Of Filter Wool?

    What's the actual purpose of filter wool.... Is it just a place for beneficial bacteria to grow? Does it pick up fine particles of debris? Oh, and where do you put it in your filter? Thanks, f_f!
  8. F

    How Did You Get Into Bettas?

    Well......... I started out when I was about 7, went to the pet store after begging my parents for another pet, asked the lady there what was a good type of fish, she said, "a betta, the like small spaces and don't require much maintenance." :no: Well, we left with two 1/4 gallon tanks, and two...
  9. F

    Did You Make Your Coconut Cave(S)?

    Well, I'm pretty young, so I get my Dad to do it, or at least help me. So far I've (we've) made 6 caves (out of 3 coconuts). Here is a good way to do it: As for the power tools... I'm not quite sure what you could do about that... It is quite a...
  10. F

    Yet Another Problem

    Could be dropsy. It's hard to treat in later stages, but you can try medicated anti-bacterial food.
  11. F

    Female Guppy's Tail Turning Red, Having Trouble Swimming

    The tank is only 10 gallons, but I have another two 10 gallon tanks if need be. A couple of the fry died already - not sure why, but they rest are still eating and everything.
  12. F

    Any Way To Get Rid Of These External Parasites?

    Okay, that was pretty obvious - I am not the brightest bulb. I use an API master liquid test kit for fresh or salt water use.
  13. F

    Gonopodium Stuck In Female?

    :lol: That's what I was thinking. :lol: So technically the baby was stuck as well, because it was getting blocked by the male's gonopodium. :blink:
  14. F

    Kribensis Guarding Eggs?

    Haha, thanks. I guess I knew that, just a dumb question. She's still in the cave, and is coming out less often now.
  15. F

    Female Guppy's Tail Turning Red, Having Trouble Swimming

    I treated with a half dose, and they are doing better now, at least a little. They had fairly clamped fins before - now they aren't as clamped if at all. The other female dumped a load of fry, now I have 60+. Thanks kindly for all the help, -f_f!
  16. F

    You share a lot of the same fav pokémon as me. lol

    You share a lot of the same fav pokémon as me. lol
  17. F

    Gonopodium Stuck In Female?

    Thanks guys. :/ I'm not going to get another one, because I now have 60+ fry to look after - the other female exploded today. (Not literally. :lol:) And misscosmo - I'd love to take some fish off of you, but my guess is that you either live in the States or UK, and I live in Canada. (And if...
  18. F

    Any Way To Get Rid Of These External Parasites?

    Thanks, I'll see if I can try that. How should I sterilize the tweezers? (Dumb question, but.)
  19. F

    Gonopodium Stuck In Female?

    Thanks, it's okay. :( The pet store that I volunteer at doesn't have the best reputation for fish, and I just brought her home to give her a good home and maybe get some fry.
  20. F

    Kribensis Guarding Eggs?

    Hey guys, I've had this one female krib for a while now, about a few months, and she has already laid eggs once. There was no male though, so unfortunately they just got fungus. Well, I'm pretty sure she laid eggs again, but there is a male this time! She is guarding this one coconut cave...
  21. F

    Ancistrus Plecos?

    Okay, that's what I thought, thanks. :)
  22. F

    Ancistrus Plecos?

    Those are the same thing as bristlenose plecos, right? At the store that I volunteer at, they have some plecos that look an awful lot like BN plecs, named under "Ancistrus plecos". I told the manager that I was pretty sure those were BN plecs, but he argued away. In any case, they were put at...
  23. F

    Eggs In Filter

    Those are definitely snail eggs. I have thousands of snails, I just let them roam around. Haven't harmed anything..... yet.
  24. F

    The Most Terrible Thing Just Happened

    I'm sorry to hear that... Same thing happened to me before - I lost almost the whole tank of fish because I turned the heater up too high (d'oh! :stupid: ) and when I came back it was near 100F. I always keep a close eye on the temps now.
  25. F

    Any Way To Get Rid Of These External Parasites?

    Thanks. Why is it that only the livebearers & zebra danios show symptoms?
  26. F

    Female Guppy's Tail Turning Red, Having Trouble Swimming

    Unfortunately, she didn't make it. I isolated her into a small tank, treated with some anti-bacterial meds, she died within a couple minutes. I guess the move was too stressful for her. :( I'm worried that the fry are going to catch it or something.... They definitely caught the parasites from...
  27. F

    Gonopodium Stuck In Female?

    LOL Even if I was a male guppy in that situation, I'd be panicking a little. XD I'm happy they're okay as well.... Actually, the female died.... She had a bacterial infection, and I tried medicated food to no avail.... The infection got worse quickly, and she died just a few minutes ago. :/
  28. F

    Any Way To Get Rid Of These External Parasites?

    They clamp their fins.... From time to time flash against objects, I even see some clear stringy waste from time to time. Anti-parasite medicated food has no effect. It's only the livebearers & zebra danios that have these symptoms. Also, they don't move around a ton, especially the zebra...
  29. F

    Gonopodium Stuck In Female?

    Yeah, it was really weird! I'm surprised the male survived the ordeal; He was getting thrown around quite a bit! lol
  30. F

    Female Guppy's Tail Turning Red, Having Trouble Swimming

    The female's not really eating anymore. She's deteriorating. The rest of the fish are eating though. I have the fry in a 10 gallon tank, I can supplement some medicated food into their diet. Will the fry have contracted the infection from their mother? They seem okay, so far.... The mother's...
  31. F

    Any Way To Get Rid Of These External Parasites?

    Ooh, that's quite a bit of money.... Are there any medications that you recommend? Btw, if you remember, I've been having that internal parasite problem for ages.... My 2nd and 3rd generation fish seem to still be slightly affected by it. They aren't really having fry, and I notice stringy...
  32. F

    Gonopodium Stuck In Female?

    See, that's the thing, it's really hard to explain. He was kind of to the side and on top of her. His gonopodium looked REALLY strained, the poor thing!
  33. F

    Female Guppy's Tail Turning Red, Having Trouble Swimming

    Thanks guys. Your description, Wilder, sounds exactly right. And it makes sense, too. I know the store I got her from was not the best for water quality & fish health. The tank they are in right now is a 4.5 gallon QT tank, and the water stats are as follows: 0ppm ammonia 0ppm nitrite 10ppm...
  34. F

    My Pregnant Platy

    I'd say about 2 weeks along. Oh, and nice names. :lol:
  35. F

    Gonopodium Stuck In Female?

    Before you guys all read this topic, I'll say firstly that the male and the female are okay, though it was a pretty freaky experience. Okay, so my female guppy was giving birth, and since male guppies like to pass their genes on, they mate with the females like crazy while giving birth (stating...
  36. F

    Female Guppy's Tail Turning Red, Having Trouble Swimming

    Hey guys. Last week, a lady brought in a bunch of guppies into the store that I volunteer at that she bred herself. I brought a couple home, but I noticed they weren't super active. I had a male in with them. I got a little suspicious, so I tested the water, but it turned out to be fine. Ammonia...
  37. F

    Any Way To Get Rid Of These External Parasites?

    I treated four times. The directions say; "Treat with 1 tablet per 10 gallons, in 48 hours, do a 25% water change and repeat treatment." After I did that, I repeated the original treatment 5 days later.
  38. F

    Livebearers Photo Sharing Thread

    They look a little irritated by something, LilyRose, perhaps external parasites.
  39. F

    Platy Fry

    Yours will keep their base colours. (ie. White/silver, yellow/red) The color will only intensify or shift slightly as they age.
  40. F

    Any Way To Get Rid Of These External Parasites?

    Hey guys. Somewhere along the lines of sharing nets between tanks, (I don't do that anymore) a disease spread to all my tanks. I treated them all with Jungle Parasite Clear, and the diseases (Which were external parasites) are gone in all tanks but one. In my 39 gallon, the fish in there still...