Yet Another Problem


Fish Fanatic
Aug 15, 2009
Reaction score
New Zealand
I woke up this morning, and noticed one of my tetras looks like he's swallowed a balloon. His eyes are slight protuding and it looks like his gills have gone a little funny, he seems to be swimming alright though, he's not excluding himself, seems to just be playing around with the others. My stats are normal, and no other fish seem to be showing anything like this.

What could it be?

Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Bulging eyes can be caused by injury, bacterial infection, bad water quality, parasites, viral.
Are both eyes bulging out.

What do the gills look like. Can you explain in more detail.
Do they look swollen and red.

Uhmm. 7 platy's and 9 tetra's, 3 glow-light and 6 neon.

Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
Ph: 7.4/6

Yes both eyes are bulging. The gills just seem slightly inflamed and even thought it looks like it's breathing is slightly laboured, it's swimming around find and interacting normally, but it looks like the scales are slightly raised? Although the tetra doesn't look nearly as inflated as it did yesterday.
Your tanks abit on the overstocked side.
What test kit are you using.

Add a bacterial med.
is the fish bloated with the sticking out scales.
Dropsy and popeye are closely related due to the build up of fluids.
Yeah, I know it slightly is but I do a 30L water change every 3 days. (should I be doing more than that?)

I am using the...API Freshwater Master Test Kit.

Bacterial med.. Okay got it.

Yep, the fish that is bloated has the slightly sticking out scales, but again this morning, the size seems to have gone down.

Oh dear :( Is it infectious?
Could be dropsy. It's hard to treat in later stages, but you can try medicated anti-bacterial food.

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