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  1. N

    Can you have too many tannins?

    Some fish prefer more tannins in the water and I don't think most will mind. I don't think there is a rule about tannins, or how much of it should be in the water column. It depends on the fish and your preference. A picture would help.
  2. N

    How to promote breeding in angelfish

    Hello. I have two angelfish which I raised up since they were babies. They have been showing some signs of pairing for about a month now. They play fight but they never hurt each other nor do they swim together. I was wondering if there is anything I could to do, to get them to breed. The temp...
  3. N

    Possible bristle nose eggs ?

    These look like pleco eggs. I would take the eggs out if you want to save them. If they aren't in a cave with a male guarding them they might not be fertilised. Most fish will eat these eggs as soon as they find them. What other fish do you have in your tank? If you want to breed plecos you...
  4. N

    Tank Ideas Please

    I would personally add more plants, just because I like them. Do you only have a sand substrate or do you have something like aqua-soil or something for the plants underneath it? Of course you could add liquid fertiliser. I would add plans like java fern, anubius and amazon sword because they...
  5. N

    Blue gourami breeding questions

    I have a fish store I'm selling the fry two and gave a fully equipped 40g grow out tank. I had success breeding them in a community tank, because there is a lot of plant coverage. There is some aggression, but nothing to serious. I take the fry eggs out immediately so the breeding only lasts for...
  6. N

    Stocking ideas

    You could easily put as much as you want in there. Get a huge school of corries, make sure to get 6 of every kind otherwise they won't school together. You have a lot of options when it comes to stocking. What other fish would you add?
  7. N

    Blue gourami breeding questions

    No they are in my community tank, with angels fish, bristelnose plecos and panda garra. I was considering getting another thank for the pair but it's not possible at the moment. Should I still try and lower the temperature by a few degrees or will that negatively affect the rest?
  8. N

    Newbie brain overload!

    Before getting any fish be sure to research and understand the nitrogen cycle and how to properly cycle your tank. This is the most important thing for a new fish keeper. There are some good videos and websites about it, just do some research. There are also some posts on this forum, where the...
  9. N

    I keep destroying my gourami nests

    I had a similar issue a few months back. My blue gouramis were breeding and constantly building bubble nests. What I did is wait until there were eggs in the nest and then I took the nest and eggs out, then do a water change and soon I would get a new nest. I suggest you do the same, and if you...
  10. N

    Fun food!

    I would normally just microwave them because it saves time, and then I dip them in freezing water, so they float down. You could boil them it would be safer but it would still get you the same results.
  11. N

    Fun food!

    I usually feed my angelfish, gouramis and panda garra frozen blood worms. Its a good treat and it promotes breeding. I also feed them live baby brine shrimp and sometimes frozen cyclops. I also feed my plecos and panda garra veggies such as zucchini or green beans. For my fry tank I feed a...
  12. N

    Blue gourami breeding questions

    So I got a spawn of blue gourami about two months ago. After that the male built a bubble nest and would chase the female and I also couldn't tank any more fry, so I added an air stone to keep him form building a nest. Now I want them to spawn again but I'm worried that the male won't spawn...
  13. N

    Stocking Question

    You could add a school tetras or rasboras. You have a lot of options, such as neon, cardinals, rummy nose etc. You could also add some hatchet fish, they are less common but should work fine with the bettas. They are very unusual and cool locking. There are a lot of videos on youtube about betta...
  14. N

    One Platy nipping others - advice needed!

    Do you have any plant or decorations to break the line of sight and provide some hiding spaces?
  15. N

    Stocking help

    I suggest you try something different from your first community. What do you keep in there? Here are some of my ideas A pair of grouramis and a school of tetras A school of barbs Bunch of corries at the bottom together with some schooling fish on top Dwarf cichlids or angels African cichlids
  16. N

    Any Pleco Breeders Here?

    No I haven't posted about this before but I'm currently raising gourami fry, and might get another batch soon, so I could start some kind of gourami/super red bp breeding project if people are interested
  17. N

    Any Pleco Breeders Here?

    I'm currently trying to breed super red brittleness plecos. I have two males and two females. One of the males and one of the females have bred in the shop (I saw it with my own eyes and a week later I bought them). The other two are still young. I have 3 caves (pleocs breed in caves) and a lot...
  18. N

    Hello and help

    First of welcome. Second and probably most important: the inch per gallon rule isn't true and you should not follow it. A 20 gallon tank with a lot of REAL plants and a good filter would work. However you will have more guppy babies and you will have them very very soon. This is why I would get...
  19. N

    Collecting daphnia?

    Thank you all. Your advice is really helpful. I would definitely like to try to culture "wild caught" daphnia but for now I will most likely get a start up culture from the store and then later in summer, when I have more time I might dedicate some time to starting from scratch. To be honest I...
  20. N

    Out of control Algae

    I would cut back on both CO2 and fertilisers. Don't put any for a week as see what effect it has on the algae. What fish do you keep in that tank and how much do you feed them. Fish poop is also a fertiliser for plants and algae, and if you feed to often or too much this can promote algae...
  21. N

    Collecting daphnia?

    Hello, Is there a way to collect your won wild daphnia and are there any dangers of doing that? If not how can you get a daphnia culture started.
  22. N

    Fry questions

    Thank you for your advice. I'm still in school and don't have time to do more then a quick water change, but I will definitely try to do more water changes, now that I have a week off. I will try to slowly increase the temp, right now its about 26°C. I'm planning to buy some high quality dry...
  23. N

    Fry questions

    Hello A about 2 months ago I had my first spawn of gourami fry. The babies are doing fine and growing quickly. They are about 2-3 cm now and I was wondering how long until they reach sellable size. I water change 3-4 times per week (30-40%) and feed regularly 3-4 times per day a mixture of...
  24. N

    Brine shrimp

    After about 24 hours you should see the water in the container turning bright orange. That means that the shrimps have hatched. I build my own hatchery out of two water battles and I used an air pump to keep the water moving. I got the idea from youtube. I will share some pics later. What fish...
  25. N

    Salt and plecos

    Ok thank you I just added a bit of salt to see how the appisto (the sick fish-fungi) and the plecos will react. I will keep any eye on them.
  26. N

    Salt and plecos

    Hello, I read that salt treatment can not be used in a tank with plecos because it can kill them. I'm pretty sure that's not true, especially if I follow the ratio of one table spoon of non ionised salt per 100l of water. However I do have 4 super red bristlenose plecos. Is this true or is...
  27. N

    pleco ID

    It could be a lepord frog pleoc. How did you get it? The person you got it from should know.
  28. N

    Dwarf Gourami Having both Fin Rot and White Fuzz. What to do???

    I have a similar problem with these hair fungus thing. My male apistogramma ciclid. I have started adding some medicine but I don't think it's working, I might need to buy something else. He is eating well and still displays his color so idk what to do.
  29. N

    Can Shrimp Live With....

    Depends on the species of shrimp red cherry and other neon caridina (maybe) amano - no problem wood shrimp or bamboo shrimp as well but they need bigger tanks
  30. N

    Stocking help

    I loved MD fish tanks and all of his scapes. My water is very soft 3° gh and the plants I have in an established tank (Sought American tank plus some other fish) seem to be doing very well. I wouldn't spare any money when buying plants, and I would get a good substrate.
  31. N

    Stocking help

    So I have a small tank about 5 gallon (34x17x22 cm) and it was my first tank every back when I was 10 or 11. I had one betta in there and he lived for about 8months. Now I wanted to use it as my nano desktop tank and I would like some help with stocking the tank. I want to keep the tank low...
  32. N

    Honey gourami unwell?

    What are the water perimeters? Did you do or add anything that might stress them out? Make sure to look for any signs of illness.
  33. N


    Which fish shop did you go to? If the store isn't specialized in selling fish they can often get some things wrong. Even if it is they are, usually they can still be mistaken. Just talk to more than one person. I'm no expert I haven't kept Jack before but if you get bigger angels I don't see a...
  34. N

    Red Tail Sharks?

    You could but then you would need to get a bigger tank (55g minimum) or get rid of him (return him to the store, sell, give to a friend). No it would't harm the fish. I kept him with cory catfish and live bearers before for almost 2 years, never had any problems, he would only eat algae, blood...
  35. N


    American cichlids would be suitable tank mates for Jack Dempsey, both north and south. So oscars, blood parrots, angelfish etc. Giant danios (zebra danios but just much much bigger) Would also be a good match, they are big and swim very fast and you could get a whole school of them and have Jack...
  36. N

    Red Tail Sharks?

    He won't eat any of your fish but they get about 4 inches but are very active and need a lot of swim room so I wouldn't recommend keeping them in anything less than a 55g
  37. N

    nik_n - February 2021 Fish of the Month Winner

    Thank you all! Really appreciate your support and I'm looking forward for participating in future contests. Thanks to other participants, and better luck next time ;)
  38. Screenshot 2020-10-01 at 21.32.23.png

    Screenshot 2020-10-01 at 21.32.23.png

  39. N

    Do I have too many plants in my 7.5 gallon nano?

    How long have the plants been in there. New plants experience die off of old leaves. This is natural. What substrate are you using? Do you use liquid fertiliser? Yellow leaves also mean iron deficiency. Does the substrate/fertiliser have any iron in it? If not add some liquid iron will help...
  40. N

    Nerite snails in a fry tank

    Today I added a nerite snail in my fry tank to help with the clean up, so eating left over food and algae. However I notice he produces a lot of waste. Should I keep him in there or do I take him out? Thanks