Anonymous Fox
Fish Addict
hello, I'm new (duh) um so I need help with some guppies and the tank sizes and stuff. my grandfather gave me about 20ish guppies yesterday (ages toddler to preteen, i think) and I was happy, but then I kind of panicked, because I don't really know there care. I will buy a 20 gallon tank for the one inch per fish=1 gallon rule, but it will take at least a month. But what food, hides, plants, tanks, filters, heaters, etc. do you guys (or girls) recommend? I currently have the Aqueon Betta falls kit, the tanks are 1/2 gallon tanks, and even as a newish owner ( I have owned bettas and about 3 guppies in the past, they did not live the best and longest life) I still find it really really small, and it is. but I have a few more questions. first, do they need a bubbler? or is just the filter fine? second, can I mix the babies and teens or will they fight? (they have been fine so far, but just in case, I don't wand anyone getting hurt) third, what breed are they? they are clear-ish, but not like glass fish clear, they have the body of fancy guppies, but with thinner tails, i was thinking they were Indian guppy fish? I can't post a picture because I'm on a PC and I don't have a iPhone (I can't afford one -I have many pets that matter more than a phone- and my mom won't let he have one till I CAN afford one) fourth, can you just give me any more info for me to know for them to thrive, I feel most people don't think fish need things to thrive, like they can just take Petco's care and buy a 1/3 gallon bowl and put 3 gold fish and 1 tiny little hide in and they will survive for there 10 year lifespand.
i know this was suposed to be my introductun and whatever, and i could just look this stuff up, but I trust you guys more than I trust a random articel I found on the internet
Thank you so much
I'mnotallowdtosharemyname lol
i know this was suposed to be my introductun and whatever, and i could just look this stuff up, but I trust you guys more than I trust a random articel I found on the internet
Thank you so much
I'mnotallowdtosharemyname lol