^^ This... Regular, and sometimes more than once a day... I did a fish in cycle with 12 Rosy Feeder Minnows, and it was quite a lot of work, even with seeding the tank with some of my sisters bacteria, I would suggest trying to find someone with an already established tank and seeding yours as...
Completely agree about the tank sizes, if it's a Comet it will need a 75 Gallon tank or larger, just for ONE comet. I recommend the poster reads your link regarding cycling, it's very important... if they are fancy goldfish, they won't survive a 'fish in' cycle.
All of the fish should be...
A good ich treatment:
Raise the temperature of the tank to at least 85-86 degrees F. Add aquarium salt (dissolved in water) at a ratio of, some say, 2 teaspoons of salt per gallon of water in your tank. You should do some more research on the quantity of salt to add, I do believe it really...
There are a lot of benefits to a small amount of salt in a freshwater aquarium, depending on the fish... in fact, this is the only way some goldfish breeders will keep their fish. Indeed, it promotes slime coat and protects against infection, keeps their immune systems strong and healthy and...
If you don't have clove oil and can't get to the store, since goldfish are cold water fish, you can scoop him up into a bowl and place him in the fridge for an hour or so, this will bring it's body temperature down and induce a hibernation like state, after which, you can place him in the...
Thank you for your sympathy, it was definitely a killer! lol
Pics of my tank now? I have a few old pics of it, but it looks MUCH different now, I'll take some new ones soon... in the meantime, here are some old ones to tide you over.
It has become clear to me - that the only way - to maintain a large tank - is to have a python siphon.
I just got done doing a massive water change on my 75g - - with a 3g bucket. Needless to say, my back hurts! You know that feeling you used to get when you were a kid and you played outside...
I would do another 50% water change, I would also recommend that you purchase an API Liquid Master Test Kit, comes with all of the testing you need and it's quite accurate for freshwater. I probably wouldn't have moved her, as that will just stress her out even more... I'd stick to the water...
Khaleesi, Drop Dead Fred (Fred, Freddy), Valentine, Caino (Short for Volcano with an interesting spelling), Splash... Sunny... I'll think of more later! haha
I ponder aloud as well. :)
It IS good to see someone else noticing, for sure, this has been something that has occasionally bothered me throughout the years, more so as time and technology progresses. I often think and ponder to myself as well, about the world and people in general really...
Very well said!
9001+ points of respect, you should blog, do you blog? You would be very good at it. Love it! Your children sound like they have great parents as well, and that is wonderful!
Running this gaming community I host puts me in touch with a lot of different people; a trend recently has been "dating within the community". Now, I'm all for finding love online, I found my husband online, but he lived fairly close to me and it was feasible to spend time actually "together". I...
And THIS is why I haven't posted any pics of my tank, because I know everyone will be all like "OMG, it's like a glorified child's first fish tank!!" xD
I personally think your tank looks nice. :)
Chocolate Gouramis are extremely sensitive fish, they also enjoy a very low pH, sometimes below 4.0, very soft water, but still do well in a pH from 4.0-7.0. They are quite prone to parasites and fungal infections, which is why it's imperative that the conditions of the tank are perfect. They...
I made some Deviled Eggs last night with whole grain mustard stone ground, jalapeno bacon, shredded cheese and real mayo, dressed with a light dusting of paprika.
Here's a few for you Stan..
Dungarees are?
A Bin is?
How do the British pronounce Aluminum?
lol I've got more!!! My husband spent 7 years in England, 2 of his daughters were born there, I hear this stuff all the time. xD
I JUST made some ground beef seasoned with pepper, salt, garlic, paprika, cumin, chili powder, onion, green pepper, crushed red pepper, a little bit of lemon juice and some Mexican stewed tomatoes! YUMMY O.O