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    Cool, how about 4 pit bull Pleco instead of the BN? And increase to 20 of each rasbora
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    Fish: 2 scarlet badis. 4 pitbull pleco 8 kuhli loach 20 harlequin rasbora 20 red tallied rasbora Plants: Brazilian pennywort Pygmy chain sword plant Water stargrass Broad-leaved Dwarf Amazon Sword Red copper leafed Alternanthera Java fern Java moss Lighting: 2x30w
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    Aquatic Frogs

    Add more substrate if they seem to struggle
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    Amazon Theme

    Sure does help, thanks. :)
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    Hey, I love your tank set up! What plants have you got in there?

    Hey, I love your tank set up! What plants have you got in there?
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    How Does This Sound (2Nd Try)

    Anyone out there to answer the above question? :)
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    Wow, that's bigger than I expected. Thanks for the plant info, I'm looking into making a biotite...

    Wow, that's bigger than I expected. Thanks for the plant info, I'm looking into making a biotite like yours.
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    Hey, I love your tank set up! What size is your tank? What plants have you got in there?

    Hey, I love your tank set up! What size is your tank? What plants have you got in there?
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    Hey, I love your tank set up! What size is your tank? What plants have you got in there?

    Hey, I love your tank set up! What size is your tank? What plants have you got in there?
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    Amazon Theme

    2 x30w lighting system I'd rather not but I can.
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    What Exactly Do Plants Do For My Tank?

    Not a pro at all but plastic plants could scratch your fish and real plants look much better!
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    Amazon Theme

    100x40x50cm (200l)
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    How Does This Sound (2Nd Try)

    Could I have any more rasboras?
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    Amazon Theme

    Anything and everything you'd recommend for an amazon themed aquarium would help me a lot!
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    How Does This Sound (2Nd Try)

    Measurements: 100x40x50cm Fish: 1 scarlet badis 1 bristle nosed catfish 8 kuhli loach 12 harlequin rasbora 12 red tailed rasbora
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    would harlequin rasboras and neon tetras get along?
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    Is there a tetra that looks a lot like the buenos aires tetra?
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    African Dwarf Frogs

    i'll add more substrate and stuff to the bottom then :) thanks for the replies!
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    How Does This Sound

    okay, 6 now...
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    I think my favourites are the glowlight tetra and the buenos aires tetra
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    How Does This Sound

    What do you think of the edit?
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    Which tetra would look best in a large school with an amazon themed biotope?
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    How Does This Sound

    Measurements: 100x40x50cm Fish: 1 bristle-nosed catfish 1 red tailled shark 2 African dwarf frogs 6 kuhli loach 10 silvertip tetra 10 cochu's blue tetra 10 flame tetra or 10 glowlight tetra Is this too much? Or can I add more of one or another? Should I just have two type of tetra instead of...
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    How Many?

    How many 3inch fish is recommended for a 200l?
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    Is It Too Much?

    Are there any other top dwellers apart from hatchetfish?
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    Is It Too Much?

    X-Ray Pristella Tetras Black neon tetras Neon tetras Bristle nosed pleco Harlequin rasboras Kuhli loaches
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    Is It Too Much?

    For a 200l tank is 7 species of fish too much?
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    Small Fish

    So just one guppy with live happily on its own?
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    Small Fish

    Are there any small fish that aren't violent and don't need a school of the same kind with it? Or are there any gentle giants that can live in a community tank with small fish?
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    Kuhli Loach

    Whats the minimum recommended amount to keep?
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    African Dwarf Frogs

    But how many?
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    African Dwarf Frogs

    What about 16 inches? :)
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    African Dwarf Frogs

    I'd prefer to know before I get them...
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    African Dwarf Frogs

    Okay, so, I'd like at least 4 ADF's in my 200l aquarium but what should go with them?! I like: black neon tetra, glow light tetra, cardinal tetra... Would these go well together? How many of each? Anything else that would be good or is that enough?
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    90Litre Aquarium

    Okay, how about a 200litre tank?
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    African Dwarf Frogs

    My tank is 50cm tall.
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    90Litre Aquarium

    Corydoras panda x4 Cardinal tetra x8 Neon tetra x8 Glowlight tetra x8 Black Neon tetra x8 Neon Rainbow x8 Cherry barb x4 Harlequin x8 African Dwarf Frog x4 Is this good or are there too much of one thing? Too little of another? Any problems you can see?
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    90 Litre Tank

    Thank you :) do you know of any other good tank mates?
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    90 Litre Tank

    Please help!