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    Cloudy water

    Green algae bloom can be quickly cured with Algae-fix. It works wonders, put it in and about 2 hours later the water is crystal clear. Bear in mind if you have algae eaters, supplimental food should be provided since it kills all the algae in your tank.
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    Oh no!

    Stress coat will help him heal.
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    Someone please understand my frustration

    Put the tank in the backyard and start a Koi pond or have a pool party with 2 of your closest friends. :D
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    Any thoughts on sweetcorn???

    Corn won't really help them. Hemp seed would probably be good. BTW, over here on this side on the ocean hemp is still a taboo item. It has to do with the cotton and paper lobby as well as keeping the Drug Enforcement Agents busy. [redneck drawl]Hemp seeds will get you time in the slammer...
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    The Angelfry in my Community tank are thriving.

    bump for the night crew.
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    Whats wrong with my Pleco

    Add some stress coat to the tank, it will calm them down. More hiding spots will help too. Put a piece of Cucumber in there too, plecos go nuts for the seedy centers.
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    Bala Shark is Twitching & lower fins are fraying!!

    I had the exact same problem with one of my balas. I put him in a quarantine tank and gave him a full dose of Maracyn and Maracyn II at the same time. This will cover both gram negative and gram positive parasites (whatever that means) plus a host of other diseases. It worked, he's looking...
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    New 1 gallon with UGF

    For the same 10 bucks you can get a 10 gallon. Why would you get a tank so small?
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    The Angelfry in my Community tank are thriving.

    In my 110gal. community the two angels mated, spawned and have taken exceptional care of their young to this point. Both parents caring for them, chasing away the balas, tetras and even the bigger (5") pleco. Now the fry (about 100-150) have eyes and yolk sacks and are clumped on and near a...
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    Shark Catfish

    How about a little salt in the tank he's in? As you know I am a salt advocate. Most fish will not be stressed by salt and it will help the shark along. (Do searches regarding tankmates that might be particularly sensitive anyway) Throw some salt in undissolved and watch him/her go nuts. It's...
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    Plecos with Plecos

    Most plecos are fine together if there are enough hiding spaces for each.
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    Large aquariums

    2 gallons at a time in an old Pretzel container. :sad: 10 trips from the sink to the tank. Siphon goes to the toilet.
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    Exchanging Fish

    I have done it with Catfish after buying them and then doing research online. That's how I found this place, and I haven't made a bad purchase since.
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    Misleading Labels at PetSmart, LFS etc.

    Large Balas are not 6 inches long, so why label them as such? Same with Pictus Catfish, angels and Cichlids. In most pet stores Balas are labeled as follows Small=2-3 inches Medium=3-4 inches Large=5-6 inches This fish will grow to 10+ inches, so where did this scale come from? I understand...
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    you know where i work.

    rabittlady, you pose an interesting question. How to help "Big box store X" do a better job selling fish. Of course staffing the pet section is your biggest problem, since not many people have such a broad range of fish knowledge. I consider myself fairly knowlegable about fish but don't ask...
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    My tank needs some color...

    Some male Boesmani Rainbow fish would work well to spruce the place up. Peaceful community fish with tons of color.
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    new stuff

    Try some Hikari sinking carnivore discs, my lobster eats those.
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    Picture of favorite Fish

    The 4th tetra from the left, that's Bruiser, he's got style. J/K I'd have to say it's Lola, but she's not really a fish.
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    Help Me Identify These Fish?

    Must be nice having a pet store in your back yard. I'd only catch Coney Island White Fish the way things are around here .
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    Unwanted Dwarf Puffer

    Use the 10 for the Puffer and get this for the Bettas. The $9 solution.
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    Angelfish laying eggs in my community tank

    No, I don't have enough room to grow out 200-300 angels. I read about having eggs in a community and the strongest few fry will survive to maturity. I will be offering fresh brine shrimp when the eggs hatch, but other than that no plans. If a few make it that would be cool but I am not counting...
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    Angelfish laying eggs in my community tank

    So yesterday morning my angels are pecking the plastic swordtail plant getting it super clean, then the eggs started coming. I knew they were a mated pair but I never thought it would happen without all kinds of preperation. Seeing as how they were getting their groove on with no help from me...
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    First time tank Pictures - 35 gal with barbs

    Referred to as a common pleco.
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    ID Shark

    Raw chicken?
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    Healthy fish

    My sentiments exactly.
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    Do your fish yawn?

    New world Cichlids>regular Cichlids. :whistle:
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    im getting rid of 3 fish.

    More tetras, the bigger the school the cooler it looks when they are on the move.
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    Will Angelfish Eat Harlequin Rasboras?

    I took a risk putting my pristella tetras in with full grown Angels, as of right now they are fine. Rasboras are pretty large and fast compared to tetras so you should be fine. The shrimp will be eaten though.
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    fish compatibility

    Hatchetfish are top dwellers and don't get too big. Check into those. Balas will be fine for a while in that tank, you can wait till they hit 9" before a tank upgrade.
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    introducing myself

    Welcome to the show. Post some pictures of your tank in the photo section. A good tip would be to put your tank, filters and fish in your signature so when you ask a question we know what you have.
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    Milky Water!

    Bacteria bloom could be the cause.
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    slate Find the biotope you are trying to replicate here.
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    Melafix for Whitespot?

    Raise the temp to 88 degrees over a few days and hold for a week. Slowly drop it back down over a second week. Add Melafix when the ich is gone.
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    Oh, Crud! Just caught my male Krib with a

    Kribs are cichlids, this shouldn't be much of a suprise.
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    panic !

    We will return you fish when the experiment is complete. j/k, sorry for the loss.
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    Fish Compatability

    Flagtails get large, like 10" each so plan accordingly. Australians don't get as big. Either way, any of these fish should be ok with the BGK and congo tetras.
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    Do your fish yawn?

    They are usually just floating around toward the end of the day chillin out cause they know there is no more food coming. Once in a while they will strech their mouths real wide. My angels do it, my balas too. They are healthy, happy and I am positive they are just acting normal. What could...
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    Let's play a game

    I fell into the same trap. They are beautiful fish. Here is a picture of the one I had for a few weeks. I finally gave up with him after a night where 5 zebra dianos were eaten. Picture taken that morning.
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    Angel Questions Need Answers

    I would get a matched set. When at the LFS watch the tank of angels for a while. You will see a pattern of interaction, usually sets of pairs will be easy to pick out. Buy two that are haning out together, this will probably be a mated pair or two that just get along. I would put them in a...
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    Under gravel filters

    I hear the hot new setup is to reverse flow prefiltered water into them with a from a canister outlet.