Search results

  1. G

    Just Lost Me Job

    put hey who cares same day a won a polario air pump worth 200 quid :rolleyes:
  2. G

    Power Cut

    just survied a power cut thanks to my quilt towels and my wifes cardigons :good:
  3. G

    Guppy Problem

    female guppy is i think normal to sticking to the bottom of the tank and the top have you males in there they try to avoid there attention plus should keep three females to one male they are horny little buggers :blush:
  4. G

    Fish For 35 Litre

    sorry thoght you bought them whoops :good:
  5. G

    Fish For 35 Litre

    i would say thats way to small for your fish i have the same tank i only use it for bringing up my bristlenose fry plus if you have platys in there they will breed like crazy and making more over crowded problems do some research on tetras and similar size fish that lay eggs dont go for live...
  6. G

    Aqurium Salts

    plus them endless guppies look great should a been could picasso guppy :hyper:
  7. G

    Aqurium Salts

    thanks everyone for your time and effort you guys are great :good:
  8. G

    Aqurium Salts

    so would it be advisable to add salt to a cycleling tank when nitrites are high , i dont know i am a newbie plus i add'd cant remeber the name nitrazorb pouch to my fluval 205 filter it said it is reacivated by bathing it in a salt solution ?????????????????
  9. G

    Substrate Ideas?

    i would go for sand mate its a lot easier to clean and you can see a lot better if there is any build up
  10. G

    Aqurium Salts

    i dont seem too have any problems with the health in any of my fish but i was going to add it to maintain there health if they are all ok i think i wount bother :good:
  11. G

    Aqurium Salts

    andy thanks for the advice did not want to add it till a got some advice off u guys plus a nicked your pic lol :good:
  12. G

    Aqurium Salts

    noticed u had cherry shrimp what is your input on them noticed your bristlenose too i have a breeding pair got about 50 of the little suckers in me 32 liter breeding tank
  13. G

    Aqurium Salts

    thanks mate for the reply so is it a definate no no then just read some where it helps with there coating n stuff :sick:
  14. G

    Danio With A Spot

    do s he look like he is trying to get out of the tank ie swimming up and down the glass ?
  15. G

    Aqurium Salts

    hi all would my fish be all ok if i add it or to sensitive sword tail platy neon bristlenose longfin leapord danio guppy plus at the weekend was thinking of adding some shrimp is it worth adding and the shrimps ????????????
  16. G

    How Many Fish In A 30 Gallon Tank?

    i heard it was 1cm per gallon but am no pro
  17. G

    Clown Loach

    dont think al bother then tank is far to small thanks mate
  18. G

    Clown Loach

    just got myself a 180 litre tank recently and i would like to introduce some clown loach i was looking up on how many to introduce one said min of three and another of five once they reach adulthood would they out grow the tank ????????
  19. G

    Fluzal Vicenza 180

    hi guys just orderd me new tank kinda a fel in love with it at first sight but got home and noticed some bad reviews on it ie the filter been fed thru drilled holes of the bottom of the tank and o rings starting to leak or having to be changed every year or so i am paying £370 inc cabinet what...
  20. G

    Colourful Tropical Fish

    will u guys look out for my new tank al post it i am a bit of a nerd :hyper:
  21. G

    Best large colourful tropical fish = ?

    i bought a bi-ube would not realy reccomend for a community tank bought a new tank tho me bi ube should be perfect for a hospital or breeding tank
  22. G

    Colourful Tropical Fish

    180 fluval :good: :good: vicenza just bought my mind is kinda not on the sword tail they hump a lot at the present i have a bi ube and took loads of healthy fry to my lfs
  23. G

    Colourful Tropical Fish

    what would you guys recomend :hyper:
  24. G


    thanks guys ya al great :good:
  25. G


    so will it be ok for the big ploopers ie plcs and sword tails :good:
  26. G


    i was wanting to add a smaller substrae to my tank ie sand the cleaner a have now will just wipe it all out please help guys thanks :good:
  27. G

    Aqurium Sales

    nick the biube really aint a bad tank only probs its a bit small only 35 liters i had two green sword tailes and they had fry with been a beginner i was intrested in trying to rear them i segregated the female for a bit cos the male kept eating the fry poor buggers but at the end still had...
  28. G

    Aqurium Sales

    hey no probs peachs all info is much appreciated
  29. G

    Aqurium Sales

    thanks mate what fish have you got in it i have got a bi ube at the mo but its for to small gonna use it for a breeding and hospital tank
  30. G

    Aqurium Sales

    hi all looking for a new tank could anyone tell me of any good deals any were curuntly looking at the jewul rekord 120 is this tank any good thanks for your time :good:
  31. G

    Biorb Anti Algae Kit

    keep out of theway of sun liht you wont have any probs with algae
  32. G

    Zebra Danio Eggs

    cheers mate got rid of them and done me tank change did not do it for two weeks cos of the fry and it just been a 35 ltr tank :sick:
  33. G

    Zebra Danio Eggs

    ok so av just read that danio are gravel layers i have an ornemtal log decoration kinda thing and i have clousters of eggs round about ten each since i bought live plants from my lss i had snails is this there egg laying please help
  34. G

    Zebra Danio Eggs

    someone please av gotta do a tank change asp
  35. G

    Zebra Danio Eggs

    has anyone got a pic of what they look like kind of a beginer just had my first fry of swordtailes not sure about eggs tho thanks guys :good:
  36. G

    Are My New Danios Fighting Or Just Courting?

    am new to tropical fish keeping and the first fish i added was the zebra danios three femal to one male they seam to be a very active fish one of the females the male seams to have his eyes on he chases her all over the place av read that danios pair for life and after one dies god bless they...
  37. G

    Fallen In Love..

    dont know much about the fish or the web site av never orderd but the fish looks similare and cheaper
  38. G

    Amonia Results

    two weeks cycle saturday added the z danios
  39. G

    Amonia Results

    lfs said the fish would survive the cycle got them at the weekend and seem real happy i hope,every feed time they take flakes like pirranas i am feeding with in two mins every thing is gone
  40. G

    Amonia Results

    what is an ideal result or an acceptible level in a tank for healthy fish should this alway be zero my lfs said my danios would survive the cycle and the mrs been unpationed and demanding av had to do kind of a fish cycle my nitrite is zero and nitrate is zero ph is around 7.5 av read in a...