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  1. M

    Which Substrate?

    Yet another question for the big planty brains out there! Which substrate do people prefer, Seachem Flourite, Seachem Onyx Sand or CaribSea Eco-Complete? Also they reccomend you use a depth 2", could you use less if you're putting sand over the top? Maybe 1" substrate and 1" sand? Thanks again.
  2. M

    Pygmy Cory Substrate

    Will Pygmy Cories be happy on a Seachem Flourite or Onyx Sand (or maybe Eco-Complete substrate? Or should I put a layer of sand over the top? Thanks.
  3. M

    Co2: Cheap Glass Diffuser Or Diy Reactor?

    Thanks Sam. I suppose the glass ones look better too. Is a really cheap one (AU$10) OK?
  4. M

    Co2: Cheap Glass Diffuser Or Diy Reactor?

    Having a first go at CO2 with a DIY setup for a 10gal. Would a cheap glass diffuser such as this ebay link be better than a DIY reactor with a powerhead/pump? I read that glass diffusers aren't as good as reactors as the CO2 is only distributed locally around the diffuser, whereas a reactor...
  5. M

    My Two Planted Tanks

    Love that Betta tank... and we have the same name! (well, my username, anyway). :hyper:
  6. M

    My New Aquascape

    I agree, either paint it black or get a black background. Other than that I think it'll look fantastic once those tall plants (vals?) grow and start floating on the surface. Nice work!
  7. M

    Planting Arrangment

    If you're really stuck for ideas a good general rule is to plant your tallest plants at the back, medium ones in the middle, small ones at the front and go from there. Check out, you can search for your plants and find out if they're background, middle or foreground plants. Enjoy...
  8. M

    Which Filter?

    Yeah, I think it has to be the Eheim. Funny how thinking "I'll just set up that spare tank as a nano, it won't cost much to do" turns into buying a new filter for the big tank.... very strange.
  9. M

    Light Required For Nano?

    OK, thanks Corin and Sam... I'll aim for 25-35W power compact T5s.. Thanks for the tip but I'm in Australia, and I don't think we can get Interpet stuff here (and it'd be twice what you pay if we could!). I'll keep searching. Cheers. :good:
  10. M

    Light Required For Nano?

    I'm a little confused on how much light I'll need for a 10gal nano I'm planning. The tank is roughly 15"X12"X13" deep, so the water depth, including substrate, will be about 11". I understand that the wpg rule doesn't apply under 20gal, but I'm not sure I understand the lumens/square inch...
  11. M

    Which Filter?

    OK, thanks for that, might climb off my wallet and go for the Eheim then. Yep, and $150 is the absolute cheapest price from an online shop. I've noticed everything is a lot more expensive here in Oz than in the UK or USA. Due to the small market here and freight costs, I suppose.
  12. M

    Which Filter?

    I'm currently running 2 HOB filters on my 44gal planted tank: an Aquaclear 50 and a 20 (making maximum flow of about 300gal/hr). I'm going to be removing the smaller one to use on a nano planted I'm planning :hyper: , and I'm unsure what to replace it with. The contenders are an Eheim Classic...
  13. M

    Do You Have A Specific Favourite Fish?

    At the moment, Blue Rams - very colourful and active.
  14. M

    Need Help With Blue Rams And Sexing Them Plz

    Sorry, I can't really help you there, I've only had my Rams a week and they're pretty placid. Maybe you do just have 2 males but they're coloured differently....? If it's still going on i'd take them back to the LFS and ask the guy for a definite male/female pair.
  15. M

    Starting Over Again

    Nice one! :good: I've thought about doing that myself at some point. Any chance of a journal or a few pics along the way?
  16. M

    Ei Dosing?

    I make up a stock solution in a bottle and add a specific amount of the solution to the tank each time I dose. It just depends what method you prefer.
  17. M

    What Sort Of Angel Is This?

    That would be a shame... I was thinking they'd look pretty impressive if they got big.
  18. M

    Ei Dosing?

    You buy the fertilisers as dry powder and you can either add it to your tank dry or mix it with distilled water and dose that way. See the pinned article: EI pinned Explains it all. Enjoy!
  19. M

    Co2 Alternatives

    I agree. I've had good results using Excel (at 1.5X the dose on the bottle). But apparently you shouldn't go past 2wpg with it.Oh, and it is fairly expensive. I'd recommend buying it online, it's about half price.
  20. M

    Need Help With Blue Rams And Sexing Them Plz

    If you don't get your own photo up this might help: you can see the Ram on the right has a red belly and no black dot on the side so is female. The one on the left is male: no red belly but distinct back dot on the side. Guy at my LFS said he's heard of a Ram that was a bit psycho... went...
  21. M

    What Sort Of Angel Is This?

    Would pearl scale be the same as diamond scale? I bought these 2 as "albino diamond scale angels" last week.
  22. M

    Thinking Of Having A Planted Tank

    It's not that hard once you've done your research. It can be a little more time consuming than an unplanted tank (putting fertilisers in every couple of days, trimming plants, big weekly water changes etc) but there are less time consuming methods if you want a low-maintenance tank. You really...
  23. M

    My Planted Tank

    Looks good. :good: I reckon it would look even better with a black/blue background.
  24. M

    A Question

    I suppose it depends what kind of plants you want to keep, how well and how fast you want them to grow. To grow well plants need carbon, light, macro and micro nutrients. Most people use CO2 as the carbon source, but you don't have to (I don't, I use Flourish Excel instead). If you have more...
  25. M

    Does Anyone Not Use Co2?

    Nope, I don't use it either. But I do use Flourish Excel daily as a carbon source.
  26. M

    Moving House

    Off topic, but I love the fishy thing in your signature, very cool! :good:
  27. M

    How To Stop Greedy Guts?

    I must admit, I've tried the tube thing to get algae wafers to my plecs without Gouramis and others getting there first - The cheeky buggers follow the wafer as it sinks in the tube then get into the cave and scoff it!
  28. M

    How To Stop Greedy Guts?

    You could try feeding you BN some fresh cucumber or zucchini, mine love it. I just weight some slices down with a small rock. The other fish go and have a poke at it but soon get bored - the plecs are the only ones who eat it. :good:
  29. M

    The Last Fish(es)!

    I agree. My golden gouramis harass everyone else in the tank (the male does, anyway). I also have 2 angels and they're rarely aggressive, don't even look at my neon and rummynose tetras.
  30. M

    I'm Addicted To This Site!

    This site definitely has addictive properties. I can't believe I'm so obsessed with a hobby that 6 months ago I never even considered. It's a disease! My family has started calling me "fishnerd". :blink:
  31. M

    Tidying Plants?

    Did you mean the one on the left? Is the one at the back elodea? If you really want to nerd out and check out the names of your plants [url=""] can be useful.
  32. M

    Going Away!

    Excellent... thanks.
  33. M

    Going Away!

    Ok, ta people. I'll double dose then get the boss to dose after one week. Lights are currently on for 10 hours, so I'll lower to 8. I assume it's OK to dump macros and trace in the tank at the same time? I normally do them on different days.
  34. M

    Going Away!

    OK, thanks guys. I'll double dose before I go and take 2hrs off the photoperiod. I'm only at around 1.5wpg now (2X 30W T8s), should I lower it to 0.75wpg or leave it at the normal level? Also I don't use CO2, I use Excel for carbon. Should I lower the dose of that too?
  35. M

    Going Away!

    I'm going on holidays for 11 days :hyper: , and I'm not sure to do with my EI dosing while I'm away. My girlfriend is happy to dose Excel and other ferts for me, but I don't really want to burden her with the 50% water change. I thought maybe I could do a 50% water change the day before I leave...
  36. M

    Ya Think?

    I can't comment on the whole list , but apparently glass catfish will be unhappy on their own and should be kept in a group of 5 or more.
  37. M

    Top 5 Films?

    Not sure, I only ever saw the normal version. Got to admit though, those Glasgow accents are pretty thick to my ears.
  38. M

    Top 5 Films?

    Excellent choice, biff, Mad Max is a classic :good: Unfortunately in the US they called it The Road Warrior and dubbed it with American voices. :sick:
  39. M

    Top 5 Films?

    It's tough to narrow it down to 5... 1. The Thin Red Line 2. In The Winter Dark 3. The Godfather 4. Nil By Mouth 5. Apocalypse now All a bit bleak and serious, I suppose.
  40. M


    Sweet. I'll give it a go next time. :hyper: