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    Which Are More Aggresive, Scats Or Monos?

    Wow! It all depends on the indivisual fish(es)! I'll consider it more then....But I take it archers are very peaseful? I want to keep one, my brother loves them!
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    Which Are More Aggresive, Scats Or Monos?

    The prices of both have dropped, so I was thinking about a 70 gallon with one species with some archerfish. The thing is, I don't want to take chances. I know both can get big(The biggest scat I saw was 15 inches, mono 9 inches high) WHich is more peaseful. On account of my experiance, I saw...
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    Pacman Frog

    How do you guys heat the place? I once bought one without thinking, and killed it because I couldn't heat the place!
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    Found An Apple Snail Clutch

    Wow! I love the speckles! Cute babies! Reminds me of my first(and only ever hatched) clutch of mine....Unfortunantly, I managed to kill all 143 of them.....Darn!
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    Siren Intermedia

    Wow! Cool! What do you feed them?
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    Betta Tankmates

    Thanks guys. Will post again if I need help :rolleyes:
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    Bullying Neon Rainbowfish

    You haven't seen anything. Have you seen a 1.5 inch rainbow kick around a 6 inch Lake Malawian cichlid? Or trying to spawn with a frontosa? :hyper: I mean to say, they are very personal buggers, but if it's too much, you should seperate them.
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    Betta Tankmates

    Hi guys, Right now I have a 30 gallon breeder tank "lying around"(If you can call a water-filled, operating tank with plants and some lefover fishes empty :lol: As my dad says "No more FISH" after I spent another $70 on tropheus, I think the betta is as far as I can get. I want the plant...
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    Halfbeaks With Tanganikan Cichlids?

    I know that 100% the comps will be fine, but the julies I will experiment. I'll can the fish store and see if they can order them.
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    Whats Your Favourite Fish?

    Halfbeaks and Endlers
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    Halfbeaks With Tanganikan Cichlids?

    I used to keep min with apple snails in fairly hard water, and they bred fine(over 30!). But I was a complete idiot at that time, spending more time on games instead of studying and fishkeeping. Needless to say, I regret it. I'll try it, and post later what happens. As I have another big tank...
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    Halfbeaks With Tanganikan Cichlids?

    I kept some halfbeaks(Nor) before, and I'm itching to keep them again. Do you think they can live in a thirty gallon tank, planted with vallis, hronwort, Java moss and fern, with 4 Julidochromis transcriptus and 4 altolamprologus compresseps Sumbu Shell? Thanks in advance, I really want...