The combination you suggest could work, with one proviso: water chemistry. Many of the halfbeaks sold prefer soft and acidic water conditions, and at the very least such conditions are useful for getting them to breed (e.g. Nomorhamphus liemi). On the other hand, Dermogenys spp. halfbeaks are pretty indifferent to water chemistry and will thrive in hard, alkaline water.
I've routinely mixed halfbeaks with West African and South American dwarf cichlids and provided the water depth is sufficient, the halfbeaks are ignored. In fact, they make excellent dither fish because they stay out in the open and at the top of the tank. I haven't kept either of the cichlids you mention, so I'll have to let you decide whether their level of aggression is amenable to a community tank setting. If they are basically peaceful, then the halfbeaks will be fine.
Do try and keep the top of the tank fairly uncluttered. While a few plant leaves or floating plants is fine, and the fry especially like floating plants, adult halfbeaks actually prefer open spaces because they are built for speed not agility.
Cheers, Neale