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    Halle - Finally Log

    Since i've recently, done a fish-in & fish-less cycle, and done add daily and add & wait, thought i would give my penny's worth: :book: Fishless cycling; :nod: :nod: :nod: :hooray: :thumbs: pros 1 avoids fish death & long term health of fish -stress free for fish & human 2. if you mess...
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    Finding Ammonia In The Uk

    yes its safe to post(really tape the lid down, and triple bag it). I refuse to go on a wild goose chase(petrol isn't cheap these days), looking for this ammonia, and i bought mine online, and they sent it to me - safely, well sealed, so that the poor postie doesn't get a shock.There was a tiny...
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    Wth Ammonia In Tap Water?

    Agreed. We are only mortal beings, with hectic lives & multi-tasking, we need a 'buffer' too against the laws of nature, so 0.25ppm is our 'buffer'.
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    Halle - Finally Log

    OOOOO.......what happened overnight to the website......a new face lift....... Yeah! 6th day since all the fishes went in, and all good under the hood - so to speak. Amm & Ni tests are all 0ppm, as the pic. No more daily tests needed. Done done done. My 2nd bottles of api ammonia is out. Why...
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    Ex700 Or Ex1200

    lol TT's :hooray:
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    Ex700 Or Ex1200

    This has my vote. :nod: We have 3 of these. Never a problem.Crystal clear water. Over-filtration is always better than under filtration. In relative terms, flow rate & running costs,this beats some that are supposedly marked higher L/HR. When the ex1200, first came out,they were cheaper...
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    Sponge Filter

    But is it worth the risk? Especially if it 'may' have non-fish friendly additives/colourings added to it. Personally i wud get those sponges that are for filter cannisters or pond filters etc Then you'll get a good night sleep...... :)
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    Is My Tank Cycled/ready Yet?

    'matured & diseasefree' seed material rocks! Never realised how precious that stuff was,until i put it in my cycle :nod:
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    Hayleys New Cycle Log Pt 2

    Guess its easier when both parties have MTS :hyper: My OH started it, i wasn't sure,and within weeks, i got on board, have over taken him, and now every now and then he reigns me in......cos i get carried away......even on hols i'm always checking out aquariums.
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    Cycle Journal Part 2

    hang in there. At the end you'll have 3.
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    Hayleys New Cycle Log Pt 2

    hehe its my fourth year now, and i now have MTS. i like watching the small fishes the size of my thumb, grow into the size of my palm, so i have a smaller tank for the small ones, otherwise they wud be bait for my 3 year old ones,if kept with them in the larger tank.
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    Halle - Finally Log

    yeah 4th morning since feeding fishes and 0 ppm on both tanks & both ammonia & nitrite! Bacterias are rocking. My nitrate went red whilst i was shaking the tube for 1min before the 5min wait!Eek! Experimenting on plants sucking up the nitrate, and will give it a month, and test the nitrate.A...
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    Tank Oxygen Levels

    Thanks all. Good to know i'm not depriving them of oxygen.
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    Tank Oxygen Levels

    In the past i notice(tall tank), that a few of the fishes, occaisionally during the day, go up to the surface, gulping air, and i had 2 spray bars from my external cannisters on, which took bubbles three quarters of a way down the tank. So i did a tetra oxygen test - midway results 5-8mg/L...
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    Is My Water Changing Method Acceptable?

    Not tangent at all. I for one found the info enlightening. :good:
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    Halle - Finally Log

    Hurray plants have arrived........ sadly can't plant inside of the tank, my fishes will make mincemeat of they're going on top These plants are not for aethestical purpose but hopefully to take out as much nitrate in the tap water as possible.
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    Do Bacteria Still Breed When There's No Food?

    LOL :rofl: thats what my OH says of me all the time
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    Is My Water Changing Method Acceptable?

    wow thanks for such detail info. Abit extreme, but imagine my OH coming home to find that (if we had one such cylinder), and i had hack into it just to 'peeped alook'......imagine his face LOL..........hehe just kidding with you, appreciate your research in the name of the cause. Ewww in...
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    Is My Water Changing Method Acceptable?

    LOL okay guys & gals, next due water change......its hose time on the cold & hot water tap combined......and sit back :)
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    Why Are They Dieing?

    I totally agree. I have a copy of our water report. And have an email from the water company, that they don't use chloramine in our waters....yeah. Our water report says that maxiumum mean valve is 0.03mg/l of chlorine, and when i tested the tap water with sera chlorine tube test (whose lowest...
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    Why Are They Dieing?

    Please i'm not offended at all :) I've already gone thru this, doubting, verifying, checking etc......thats why i don't want anyone 'convincing' me, thats all. If you go to seachem's website(prime's manufacturer), they will verify it - they distinguish between tests based on salactyte(?can't...
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    Why Are They Dieing?

    yikes cycle..... large daily water changes
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    Halle - Finally Log

    Thanks, we manage to squeeze it into our humble abode... ;) The 6ft amount of water, will come in handy for the 12 large bamboo plants out back, whom love nitrogen. :hyper: I also want to thank-you, :thanks: because along with "Waterdrop" and others :thanks: , your detailed responses to...
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    Halle - Finally Log

    holding tank 2nd tank 180L for the baby orandas
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    Halle - Finally Log

    6ft tank pics my new favourite colours
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