Search results

  1. L

    If You Could Have Any Bettas In The Uk...

    The problem with ordering from abroad is a) cost, b ) legality issues and c) for some reason the pesky far easterners often send fish which are nothing like the ones you chose. I know several people this has happened to. I must say I've had one seller who sent pictures and I said are you sure...
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    A Balance

    Is it possible to attain a well planted tank through overstocking of tanks? I can find little info on this method and believe it to be called Diana Welstead or something... Would this be possible? High levels of fish leads to high levels of Co2, then the high levels of plants utilise and...
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    Newb Needs Help!

    Wouldn't you just have to change the light starter for a higher wattage? By light starter I mean the tiny cylindrical white thing a bit like a fuse. Get a higher one of those and I'm sure you could accommadate a higher wattage... Not too sure on the ins and outs though...
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    Anyone Speak German?

    Thanks!!! Yeah I wasn't just being 100% lazy, luckily I knew about the babel thing... Its just so hard to figure out whats what using the translation I hoped someone else would know for definate. It seems cheap for pressurized Co2... I'm very wary something crucial is missing or it is no...
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    Anyone Speak German?

    Saw this link recommended for Co2 all in one kit and wondered what does it come with, whats the quality of it, is all the stuff useful, will I need anything else, how good is it (if osmeone else has got it), how much was postage (not listed) and is it possible to post pressurised air through...
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    Brackish Planted Questions

    Hi, If I do do the brackish planted I have a few questions. Atm I use tap water because it is hard alkaline (about pH 8 ) imagine liquid chalk... As I was thinking about doing a planted tank as well I was thinking about using different water. I can source some filtered really really pure stuff...
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    Water Used For Brackish

    Hi there, Atm I use tap water because it is hard alkaline (about pH 8 ) imagine liquid chalk... As I was thinking about doing a planted tank as well I was thinking about using different water. I can source some filtered really really pure stuff (probably alot like RO, pH 7 very low GH and kH)...
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    I was planning a brackish 126L or 180L tank planted well, but then I had a traumatic experience with my puffers and now I only have 2 when I used to have 5 they are kept with a mono and 2 x knight gobies. Now I can't decide if I want to do EI on a 84L tank, diana walstead type thing on the...
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    Heating Cables Are They Worth It ?

    Could you please indicate how much stuff is costing/cost? Especially 2kg Co2 and pH meter
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    If You Could Have Any Bettas In The Uk...

    The uk has a major lack of show quality bettas, there are a few die hard importers and breeders doing their best but I haven't seen much that would stand up at an international level. If you could have any betta type and colour what would you have? I have a list long as your arm, hehe...
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    Tropica Plants

    Oh my god I thought I was going insane! I was scouring the aquaessentials website for plants, thinking where the hell are they!!! So why don't they stock plants in summer?
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    Ebay Shop Any Good?

    Hi, Just wondering if anyone has used this shops gear? I could do with a Co2 unit to help the plants growth considering they will be growing in brackish conditions, but can't afford it. I was considering using a fermenting type one and changing the batch often. Website
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    Allenbatrachus Grunniens

    My fiancee has a juvenile one of these and only rarely makes any noise. Its only been on 3 occaisions when someone has put something like a bottle in front of his cave. I thought my friend was farting!!! But no it was the toadfish grunting.
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    Lisas First Attempt At Mid Tech Brackish Planted

    I have three figure 8 puffers and a pair of knight gobies, they are at 1.005 sg. I'm quite happy with the level of salt atm. I really wanted a rio 180 but funds are not allowing so I'm getting a duo deep 800 this weekend cross fingers. I have a 204 external already running with the fish. The duo...
  15. L

    Brackish Community

    Hi There, Could anyone give any advice on good community brickish species? Preferably smallish (relatively for brackish species) to live at 1.005 sg. From what I can see some potentials are:- *Mollies *Desert Gobies *Maybe Kribs (not sure on agression?) *Maybe Celebes rainbowfish (not sure how...
  16. L

    Lisas First Attempt At Mid Tech Brackish Planted

    Okay I have been reading journals and guides like theres no tomorrow! The plan:- I have sold one tank but still have 4 on sale to pay for the set up. I used to work for a shop and they have offered me my discount (15%) if I buy everything in one go... They are cheap anyway, so this is good. I...
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    Johns 450ltr (110 Gals) Journal

    I wait with baited breath... :D I don;t know what that means by the way, its just what you say at times like these right? hehe
  18. L

    Jimbooo's Jungle Journal 3 (50g Cube 2x2x2)

    Just read all about the rio 180 and this cube... onto the rekord 60 :hyper: I really enjoyed reading the journals by the way, love the tanks... I haven't tried a "proper" planted tank yet, so all this info is invaluable... Has anyone ever written just a massive intro to the well planted tank...
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    Bettas For Sale

    Yellow pk pair, mg dt pair reserved now. Still have some CTs and Pks available! All tanks available still including one divided tank perfect for 4 betta males, and one of the same size just not divided yet! (the stuff to divide the tank is included though :good: )
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    Brackish Planted Tank

    Hello there, I am looking into buying a new bigger fish tank for my puffers, all my old tanks are in the for sale section btw. I would really like to do a well planted brackish tank. The SG is 1.005. The tank will be somewhere in the region of 150 litres. I've been recommended to have 1.5-2...
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    Saving Up For Brackish Tank/advice Please

    Thanks very much for all the amazing advice :good: I've been going through the mill this acedemic year and have been doing my two big tanks on alternate weeks. I am now selling my other tanks to pay for a bigger tank for the puffers, so I will step up the waterchanges to every week. I will...
  22. L

    Saving Up For Brackish Tank/advice Please

    Heya! I have a rekord 96 with 5 young figure 8s, all getting on really well. I added a desert goby, which has been doing well for about a month. I have now added very young mono (1") and two knight gobies (2"). The SG is 1.005 and I do w/cs every 2-3 weeks and do about 60%. I have an aqua-glo...
  23. L

    Bettas For Sale

    Just in case you haven't seen in the for sale section I have some bettas and tanks for sale if anyone is interested!
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    New Plakat

    How about a demon name like belthazar :D
  25. L

    Crown Tails In West Midlands, Uk

    Try emailing both to see what they have... Kev from KG is really busy atm so give him a few days... They may have stock, just haven't got round to putting pics on :D
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    The Lfs And Betta Treatment

    In the dry season bettas can survive in small pools made by animals footprints, but they can jump out to try to find another one... Now, this is only the dry season, most of the time they have the run of shallow water like streams and rice paddies... And actually they cover a pretty MAJOR area...
  27. L

    "sticky" Fins... (poorly Betta)

    I had two bettas die from this and now my crowntail is showing signs (harder to stick together). I know the water is pretty good, but he doesnt get much light as the only light I have is way too powerful for it... Do you reckon I should have the light on more? I don't want to lose another fishie!
  28. L

    It's Not A Girl?

    Males can bar up horizontally when stressed, but I have never heard of them barring up vertically. Male plakats often have a false oviposter, not only have I heard this but I have several pk males with them. I have a proven female that has a beard too. I would say your best bet is if one is...
  29. L

    Water Changes For My Betta

    Try testing your tap water! Tap water can contain nitrates from fertilisers from farmers and things. I don't believe 2 is high for nitrate either... The english legal limit is something like 40 (maximum allowed in tap water)
  30. L

    Diary - Update 06-01-2007 - Almost 6 Months

    Ohhh nooo, You should sell lovely bettas to us!!! And cant wait for pics!
  31. L

    Betta Acting Funny

    You did use de-chlorinator?? Maybe he's stressed from bad water conditions? Sometimes they spit out food if they can't quite swallow it whole. Try some bloodworm, I'm sure he'll gulp it right down :good:
  32. L

    Male Or Female

    With plakats it is really hard as males show the white spot as well. Best way to tell is showing a female to him/her. A male will react different to a female than another female. You could also show him/her another male. Look for breeding bars! Males flare by dancing, and females will sometimes...
  33. L

    Signing A Petition Against Youtube

    I have been going through videos on youtube and flagging them. Hopefully they will at least get that viewers discretion thing. Also have posted a few comments, saying how its illegal and considered animal cruelty. This will have an immediate action and then contacting youtube to get them taken...
  34. L

    What You Can Keep With Female Bettas

    Thanks for the help!!!
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    Betta Surprise

    Isn't he a good little fishie? Tannins are annoying but at least you know they are good for the betta!!!
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    :-( One Of My Girls Has Dropsy

    I see where you are trying to get logic from dogfood. But its wrong. And if you don't know what you are on about you should really say nothing at all. And a cancer patient, eh whaaaat? That really is nothing like a fish with dropsy. And if you think it is clearly you should stay quiet. Just...
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    What You Can Keep With Female Bettas

    So what can you keep with female bettas cos its different to males? I got Corries, a plec, sparkling gouramis... Anyone got anything else?
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    What You Can Put With Male Bettas

    I always get asked what you can keep with male bettas and I say, if your lucky some cories and ottos. Anyone got anything else? Btw look out for my other topic for females
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    So I Put A Betta In With My African Cichlids...

    Dey is puuure evil :shout: