Lisas First Attempt At Mid Tech Brackish Planted


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2005
Reaction score
Salisbury, Wilts
Okay I have been reading journals and guides like theres no tomorrow!

The plan:-
I have sold one tank but still have 4 on sale to pay for the set up. I used to work for a shop and they have offered me my discount (15%) if I buy everything in one go... They are cheap anyway, so this is good. I have not much money, so any thrifty tips gratefully recieved!

The tank
I have a set of drawers which could (maybe) hold 36" but I want the tank to be about 160 litres. So I am thinking about 36 x 18 x 20. Allowing 2" for substrate and 2" for the gap at the top gives 162 litres/35.7 ukg.

I'm thinking about a 2128. At charterhouse aquatics this is £150

Planty equipment
I thinking I'll do CO2, probably pressurised, haven't fully read about everything but I like the idea of the big canisters or fire extinguishers! I need cheap yet effective and reliable...
Lighting, I shall attempt to make a hood I think. I'm thinking T5 lighting maybe, there seem to be more clippy things made for T8 to clip into a hood. I shall research this more though hehe.
Depending on using wpg rule or the link here I need 90-100 watts of light...

I'm thinking laterite with the roundy gravel which is about 3 mm, and maybe some sand in there too... Definately the laterite though...

Problems to overcome
1 - No algae cleanup crew can survive brackish or the puffers, so dealing with algae
2 - I like the idea of EI but my lighting will be moderate so need to figure out amounts
3 - I can't really do 50% w/c every week, the cost of salt would be too high, messes with EI regime?
4 - I need some decent buckets, does anyone know where to find some with metal handles?
5 - I like the idea of an eheim, but I've never had one before, the cost is phenominal! Is it worth it?
6 - Is it worth going for the thermo one? the 2028 with media is £120, the 2128 without media is £150
7 - Trying to work an aquascape that I can change regularly, with lots of hidy holes
8 - Getting the plants to grow fast enough to overcome the puffers biting holes

Well I better get to sleep now, nighty night!
You know it isn't that hard to move up to salt water from a true brackish tank. You would have more options then.
Sounds good, planted brackish tanks are a rarity. What puffers are you planning on having? Also what SG are you having it at? as this really limits your plant choice.

If you haven't already, take a look at Planted Brackish Aquaria by AMS
Sounds good, planted brackish tanks are a rarity. What puffers are you planning on having? Also what SG are you having it at? as this really limits your plant choice.

If you haven't already, take a look at Planted Brackish Aquaria by AMS

I have three figure 8 puffers and a pair of knight gobies, they are at 1.005 sg. I'm quite happy with the level of salt atm. I really wanted a rio 180 but funds are not allowing so I'm getting a duo deep 800 this weekend cross fingers. I have a 204 external already running with the fish. The duo deep has 2 x 17 watts which gives approx 1.5 wp(uk)g if you assume the tank holds 100L (it actually takes max 126l, but allowing for gravel and rock space).

So, at 1.5 wpg I don't need CO2. Do I need excel? Should I add another light? Truth be told I couldn;t afford a decent CO2 unit and I wouldn't want to delve into fermentation methods considering the sensitivity of brackish fish to CO2. But then you consider how the well planted nature of the tank would mean a high conversion of CO2 to O2. Maybe you plant wizzes can help me! I can get ferts from the lab I work in, score! If I did go down the CO2 route and did EI or something I could get the ferts for free.

What substrate should I use? I was thinking maybe 1" onyx sand and 1" normal sand sand on top. Other options could be 3mm gravel with laterite as a base, or as a top alternative maybe some small crushed coral about 2-3mm diameter. I suggest onyx sand, clay type substrate, laterite, sand and crushed coral are top choices as the place I used to work for have some in. I could get them to order in fuorite though.

So please help! Any cuttings of the following would be most greatly appreciated:-
Java Moss (Vesicularia Dubyana)
Java Fern (Microsorium pteropus)
African Tiger Lotus (Nymphaea zenkeri)- not sure how much light this requires though
Moneywort (Bacopa monnieri)
Bacopa caroliniana (synonym Bacopa carolina).
Vallisneria (All Vallisneria species) Vallisneria americana in particular
Watersprite (Ceratopteris thalictroide)-
Cryptocoryne ciliata (Cryptocoryne ciliata)- not sure if suitable for my light levels though
Hornwort/Coonstail (Ceratophyllum demersum)-
Onion Plant (Crinum species)-
Hygrophila Species (Hygrophila species)- especially Hygrophila polysperma
Wendt Crypt (Cryptocoryne wendtii)-
Banana Plant (Nymphoides aquatica)-
Anacharis (Egeria densa)-
Mexican Oak leaf (Shinnersia rivularis)-
Aponogeton crispus

Cuttings or the actual plants would be lovely, willing to pay obv! If you have snails in any of your tanks then please please send them to me too!!! Its a puffer tank dont forget!!!

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