Male Or Female


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
This is the girl I got that someone had returned to the shop as she was agressive..we decided she was a boy. Anyway, he bubbles away flares but he has got a definite white dot!! I was in the shop today and the tank that had girls in has definitely got some male bettas in though they all seem to be getting on well. This cross dresser of mine also does stress stripes. I am still not convinced of the sex...
..left side, Mum
..Was that OK, Mum?
..right side, Mum
DSCF1506.jpg I love you wiggle
Hrm, hard to tell, the end of the anal fin's missing so you can't really tell how long it is. But I'd be tempted to say it's a very macho girl, guys don't tend to be that... chubby, for want of a better word, and it's a bit drab even for a drab guy.
excuse me my fish is not drab IT is a beautiful turquoise colour...just caught IT in a bad light..

:hyper: :hyper:
see you are confused now it is same fish same camera and only about 10 minutes between each photo.

ROFL :shout: :shout: I could put my little girl fishy near IT...she upsets all the boys...Tart.... :drool: :drool:
excuse me my fish is not drab IT is a beautiful turquoise colour...just caught IT in a bad light..

:rofl: Yes liz, IT's a lovely colour :wub: I can't really help since I have never kept a female betta. Looks like a female to me, but as I've only kept VTs I'd take that with a huge pinch of betta flakes :)
Looks more like a male to me too. Those ventrals are def macho looking! :rolleyes:

The thing is though, only when it's flared up. I tried to get my macho girl to flare, which she wouldn't do (git), so I couldn't really compare, although from the last time she did she looked pretty guy-ish when flared.
With plakats it is really hard as males show the white spot as well. Best way to tell is showing a female to him/her. A male will react different to a female than another female. You could also show him/her another male. Look for breeding bars!

Males flare by dancing, and females will sometimes flare but no-where near as energetically.

I would say its a he, and a lovely he too. Probably from a thai fighting line with some wild bred in somewhere.

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