Jimbooo's Jungle Journal 3 (50g Cube 2x2x2)

thanks for the comments. as to the next project it's going to be a while until i can do it. when i say i'm moving house what i mean is i'm buying my first house. i'll be skint for a while (better buy sofas, washing mashine, beds blah blah before i upgrade the tank. the rio180 will be moving with me for the first few months and upgrading when were settled.

what i mean by something in the middle is enough light to grow meduim light plants (around 2wpg), rich substrate, co2. but not fast enough growth to make EI and 50% water changes essential. on a 400L tank i dont fancy 200L changes every weekend!! the cube was supposed to be 50% every week but if i forgot about it for 3 weeks nothing really went wrong. i'd like that flexability for a long term layout. i'm done with my experimenting now and just want a long term planted layout that looks the business but doesn't take up all my time to keep it that way. something along the lines of my current rekord 60 layout i suppose.
Awesome. I look forward to seeing how it goes, and for now, I'm watching the current tanks.

this tank is nothing short of a total inspiration to me....

so beautiful
ooooh :good:
sweet job.very neat and clean.how often do you have to prune out the dwarf sag?
that is inspiring.thanks for the journal also.d
sorry i missed the part where you were getting rid of it..so sad.
Really lovely tank, an inspiration for a Juwel 180 I should be buying soon...

How did you get the java moss to 'stick' to the substrate?
hi everyone, i just noticed this has jumped up the list again. thanks for the kind comments everyone.

sophos9 if you fancy a challenge i take this one step further in my rio180 (journal in my sig). as to the moss look at my pinned thread on riccia and javamoss carpets. it's in there.

basically the same method as riccia (hairnet) just grows much more slowly.
Hey jimboo. Very impressive. Makes me excited to get started on a planted tank. I have kept fresh water fish for years with plastic plants but after seeing that it just not the same.

Sorry for dragging this thread up after so many months but i HAD to ask you a question.

Just wondering what that red plant in the middle is called as well as the broad leafed green plant in the back with the white flower ?
no worries, nice to talk about this tank again it was my favourite of all of them.

red plant = tiger lotus lilly (available from greenline)

white flower plant = Anubias Nana
no worries, nice to talk about this tank again it was my favourite of all of them.

red plant = tiger lotus lilly (available from greenline)

white flower plant = Anubias Nana

this tank was amazing to read about, one of my favourite i have seen!
Just read all about the rio 180 and this cube... onto the rekord 60 :hyper:

I really enjoyed reading the journals by the way, love the tanks... I haven't tried a "proper" planted tank yet, so all this info is invaluable...

Has anyone ever written just a massive intro to the well planted tank thread or book??? I don't get PFK as its expensive and I'm a poor student, I'm waiting until there is something really cool for free with a subscription.
thanks lisa, glad my journals have been usefull.

as to a general intro the pinned threads in the planted forum are worth a read, most things will be covered there. i'm not aware of a single "one thread answers all" post but to be honest with the knowledge on here it would be impossible to write as opinions differ on the specific points. for example fertaliser advice will vary hugely depending on the equipment used (lighting levels, co2 addition (and method of co2 edition) etc...)

your best bet is to get all you can from existing posts and ask us about any points left unanswered.

good luck


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