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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. lazarusthefishboy10

    If you were to be an aquarium fish, what would you be?

    No, any fish that CAN be kept in an aquarium! :good:
  2. lazarusthefishboy10

    Platy about to give birth maybe ?

    Your fish are probably waiting for the show to happen; the fry to be released and be eaten. but now since the lights are turned off, the fish will think it is sleeping time, and will hopefully fall asleep. If not, at least 6 fry will survive anyway. Congrats and good luck! :good:
  3. lazarusthefishboy10

    If you were to be an aquarium fish, what would you be?

    What aquarium fish would you choose to be and describing on any fish's personality, what fish matches you and your personality? It can be marine, fresh, brackish!
  4. lazarusthefishboy10

    What's on my betta's gill?

    I have never seen this before! Interesting... I hope he gets better! :D
  5. lazarusthefishboy10

    Platy about to give birth maybe ?

    Well, if you have another cycled setup, you can put her in that tank as gentle as possible and try not to stress her out! But if you don't, turn the tank lights off and leave the room dark. This means that when she gives birth the fish won't be able to find the fry, and the fry can run to hide...
  6. lazarusthefishboy10

    Betta tank mates?

    Only temporarily (for breeding purposes). if you are breeding them, you put the male and female together, and once they have bred and the eggs are in the bubble nest, you will need to remove the female from the tank and to another tank. they are not long term compatible tank mates! Hope this...
  7. lazarusthefishboy10

    Ranchu tank

    I think you can! I have a ranchu too in my 15 gallon outside tank! It does fine! But they will probably need a much bigger tank later in the future! I have seen them fully grown and they can get MASSIVE! But for a year or two, they should be fine in your 15 gallon! Good luck! ;)
  8. lazarusthefishboy10

    My pregnant Swordtail!!!

    thank you for your friendly words. The angelfish is nipping at the pearl gouramies who are nipping it back. and my zebra danio gets a little nippy sometimes.
  9. lazarusthefishboy10

    My pregnant Swordtail!!!

    Well, as you could tell the angel fish was getting quite nipped at, so I am taking it to a pet store TODAY and give him a bigger and friendlier home. I don't think it is bloat, but certainly not dropsy. she does not have scales pinconing on its sides. But thank you for your thoughts.
  10. lazarusthefishboy10

    My pregnant Swordtail!!!

    I have a pregnant swordtail that I just wanted to show you all because it is a pretty cool thing to happen! And let me know how many fry you think she will give birth too!
  11. lazarusthefishboy10

    Need Advice!!!

    That is not true! I am glad you are not intending on getting another male betta! Your tank is awesome! It is a shame because Crispii is right! Most of your fish are not compatible! :( best of luck with your fish keeping journey and welcome to the forum!;)
  12. lazarusthefishboy10

    Male gouramis?

    I guess if they are doing great together it should be fine, but if you did see them being aggressive towards each other or see them aggressive again, you will probably need to rehouse one of them or return them to the pet store (they should take unwanted fish). I once had two males together a...
  13. lazarusthefishboy10

    Hank :D

    Looks amazing! I love better fish! It looks very healthy and gorgeous! You must take care of it very well! Keep it up! :good:
  14. lazarusthefishboy10

    How do I treat Pop-Eye disease on my neon tetra?

    Thank you guys! Wish I would've known to use that epsom salt a lot sooner! Oh well, next time I will know what to do! Thank you all for your help!:)
  15. lazarusthefishboy10

    How do I treat Pop-Eye disease on my neon tetra?

    He didn't make it! He died about an hour a go... :( :( :( Oh well, I guess it is just part of the hobby!:rolleyes:
  16. lazarusthefishboy10

    How do I treat Pop-Eye disease on my neon tetra?

    I just did a 75% water change and this is the neon tetra: Poor soul! :(
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  20. lazarusthefishboy10

    How do I treat Pop-Eye disease on my neon tetra?

    ok! It is just that my fish is struggling and needs help, but hopefully @Colin_T will reply within the next hour or two!
  21. lazarusthefishboy10

    How do I treat Pop-Eye disease on my neon tetra?

    Yes, I am very sure! Plus cooking salt never contains iodine. I have used this salt on one of my tanks before, and it worked! ;) So I am guessing it will do the job?
  22. lazarusthefishboy10

    How do I treat Pop-Eye disease on my neon tetra?

    It doesn't say it, but the pet store told me it is. So will it do?
  23. lazarusthefishboy10

    How do I treat Pop-Eye disease on my neon tetra?

    Nope! It is 100% aquarium safe. Will it do?
  24. lazarusthefishboy10

    How do I treat Pop-Eye disease on my neon tetra?

    I just checked on my Neon Tetra and it is struggling in the plants! :( What about this salt? It is 100% aquarium safe and I have even used it before:
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  26. lazarusthefishboy10

    How do I treat Pop-Eye disease on my neon tetra?

    Will this epsom salt work? My Mum uses this stuff for baths. Here is a pic of the packet:
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  28. lazarusthefishboy10

    How do I treat Pop-Eye disease on my neon tetra?

    The Amonia and Nitrite and Nitrate are fine! I guess I should just do a 1/3 water change everyday for a week or so, and I will update you all and tell you if it worked! ;)
  29. lazarusthefishboy10

    How do I treat Pop-Eye disease on my neon tetra?

    My Neon Tetra in my 20 litre tank has pop-eye disease! And I really want to know how I can treat it without having to use expensive chemicals! There are about 6 ghost shrimp with it, and they are doing well. I have an AquaOne Internal Filter, no heater, because it never drops bellow 20, although...
  30. lazarusthefishboy10

    shrimp id please

    Those are Ghost shrimp! They are such a cool shrimp! I have a few in my 5 gallon nano tank! I love these shrimp! Good luck with your shrimp! ;)
  31. lazarusthefishboy10

    I finally have a berried shrimp!!!

    Congrats! So exciting! Good luck with the shrimp! :thumbs:
  32. lazarusthefishboy10

    platy--Male or Female?

    Yep! 100% female!
  33. lazarusthefishboy10

    Cory eggs

    Congrats! How exciting! Goo luck with your hatching! :thumbs:
  34. lazarusthefishboy10

    So... this happened

    Wow!!! Congrats on your fry! It is so unfortunate that after your heater broke, your dwarf gouramies bred and had 200 babies. Oh well, just gotta be patient and wait for the heater to be delivered.
  35. lazarusthefishboy10

    pls let my guppies be pregnant

    I am sorry to tell you this but they are all males. Take out the one in the breeder box immediately! I did a video on how to sex livebearers on my channel. You should check it out if you would like to:
  36. lazarusthefishboy10

    Question about ph

    same! You could probably get some danios and tetras depending on the size of it! :good:
  37. lazarusthefishboy10

    Panda guppies

    Those guppies are gorgeous! So cute! Congrats on your pregnant female guppy. Once again, it is LOADED with fry! Keep it up! :good: BTW I subscribed. It is so cool watching videos of all your different livebearers. As you may know, I really love caring, keeping and breeding livebearers as well!;)