Male gouramis?

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Apr 29, 2020
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Hillsboro, Oregon
Hi there! I recently Made a post about getting some help figuring out the sex of my new 3 powder blue dwarf gouramis. I made This post because before purchasing them i saw it was not recommended to keep 2 males in the same tank. Although i believed I had Purchased 2 females and one male, it’s now come to my attention i most likely have 2 males and one female. This has been worrisome to me and i don’t have a large enough tank if they did become territorial and i didn’t want to create a stressful environment for my gouramis. The thing is, ever since I’ve had them I’ve never once noticed them being aggressive towards eachother or any issues. They are always pretty peaceful and swim together a lot of the times as well. Is this normal and is it possible these fish may live ok together in the long run?? I did Purchase all 3 from the same store at the same time and they were in the same tank at the petstore so I’m wondering if this had a play in them doing well together?? Idk, any thoughts?? Everything seems to be perfectly okay and the fish are doing amazing and healthy but i just Want to make sure this will be sustainable long term:(
I guess if they are doing great together it should be fine, but if you did see them being aggressive towards each other or see them aggressive again, you will probably need to rehouse one of them or return them to the pet store (they should take unwanted fish). I once had two males together a few years back, and they did fine until they died, and they were actually fighting behind my back! But your choice. If you do see them fighting again, it is best to house one of the males, because they will certainly be aggressive towards each other when breeding and will possibly kill each other! Let me know if there has been another conflict between them! ;)
Hi there! I recently Made a post about getting some help figuring out the sex of my new 3 powder blue dwarf gouramis. I made This post because before purchasing them i saw it was not recommended to keep 2 males in the same tank. Although i believed I had Purchased 2 females and one male, it’s now come to my attention i most likely have 2 males and one female. This has been worrisome to me and i don’t have a large enough tank if they did become territorial and i didn’t want to create a stressful environment for my gouramis. The thing is, ever since I’ve had them I’ve never once noticed them being aggressive towards eachother or any issues. They are always pretty peaceful and swim together a lot of the times as well. Is this normal and is it possible these fish may live ok together in the long run?? I did Purchase all 3 from the same store at the same time and they were in the same tank at the petstore so I’m wondering if this had a play in them doing well together?? Idk, any thoughts?? Everything seems to be perfectly okay and the fish are doing amazing and healthy but i just Want to make sure this will be sustainable long term:(
They could be not matured to the extent that would cause fighting. It will probably work in the short term but not when fully grown
oh i must Have worded my original post weird! I’ve never seen any aggression between the fish since purchasing them! I said “Never once” lol, but if i do See any aggression between them i will Defenitely look into just purchasing another tank as ive already grown attached to these little dudes:( thanks for ur response, I’ll make sure to keep a close eye on them!
Ah, that makes sense. Do u think removing one male would be beneficial or does having a pair also cause aggression? I’ve seen so many different opinions but so far my fish are all very peaceful together?!
Now... probably still settling in the new tank, or arent mature, or you are exceedingly lucky... but watch for it.

My male was perfectly peaceful and cute when he was a baby. Liked all of his tankmates... then one day it was like a switch. Started fighting with a fish who he followed around all the time before, attacking everyone else... we had to get a whole other tank and now hes in a much larger tank with a girlfriend... hes a happy turd now.

I keep a pair, male and female together. The male can be a butthead though still with her. Sometimes they hang out. Sometimes each of them are in their own places on opposite sides of the tank.

I wouldnt put more than one fish in a 20gal min. A pair should have a 30gal or larger. Keep it very densely planted, so any fish targeted can hide.

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