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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. lazarusthefishboy10

    Pest Snails in a tank containing Red Shrimp

    That's tricky. I'd just feed less food, or less often. That's usually why snails overpopulate aquariums. A good colony of snails (pest snails or not) are really beneficial for the tank and have lots of benefits like eating algae, breaking down debris further for the filter to pickup, etc. But...
  2. lazarusthefishboy10

    Am I missing something?

    Hey man! Thanks heaps! Yeah been real busy, but good to be back!
  3. lazarusthefishboy10

    Newbie with a Jewel 125

    you can lower the flow by adding more fine filter media like filter floss. The uv should kill algae, but even so, if you're gonna aquascape it then an internal filter will work great as long as you got a lot of plants. but you've already invested in an external which is great! Maybe try adding...
  4. lazarusthefishboy10

    Am I missing something?

    It could also be high in meat and protein in the form that's safe for our veggie-based fish, because feeding like bloodworms to cichlids can bloat them, maybe it's a nutritious food for the low-protein-based fish, still giving them their essentials. But I've never used this food before, so I...
  5. lazarusthefishboy10

    Mixing gouramis

    I've kept honey and pearl gouramis together before, they worked well! I wouldn't recommend Pearls and Sparkling, as the Pearl Gouramis might eventually eat them as they've got big size differences. Sparkling and Honeys might also do well too. It's a 50/50 situation, you'll have to try the combos...
  6. lazarusthefishboy10

    What is this?

    This is my Golden Wonder Killifish. He has some red marks on his body but look like parasites or infections. Does anyone know what exactly is on the fish? Cheers!
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  9. lazarusthefishboy10

    DIY Co2

    Yesterday I setup a co2 system (diy) and a diy co2 diffuser. I used the brown sugar and yeast version. It's been running for a couple hours now and it's stopped with the bubbles. Do anyone know how long this method works for or if there's a way to make it last longer? Thank you! Here's the...
  10. lazarusthefishboy10

    Is This Swim Bladder Disease?

    Hi all! I just got home from holidays, and my Emperor Tetra is swimming erratically. It has an unbalanced buoyancy and is struggling to swim upright. That is usually the sign of Swim Bladder Disease, but it's also bloated. I checked for pine coning and it doesn't have any scales sticking out. If...
  11. lazarusthefishboy10

    What Is This Algae?

    I just re-set it up a week and a half a go, so the driftwood and the sponge filter is clean. I haven't done a water change yet, but will do! :)
  12. lazarusthefishboy10

    What Is This Algae?

    Should I then stop putting liquid fertilisers in? Or reduce the amount I put in? Thanks Colin! You're the best bro!
  13. lazarusthefishboy10

    Small tank ideas?

    Saltwater would be very hard in that tank, as its small size makes it hard to get to some places to clean, and with all the equipment you'd need, would make the tank like a 2 gallon. Maybe a couple shrimp and snails, and maybe some child Rasboras, but I reckon it's otherwise too small. If you...
  14. lazarusthefishboy10

    Tips for making your aquarium look nice and pop out?

    I reckon maybe no rainbow gravel and get a completely dark substrate? But might not be worth the hassle of replacing the gravel. Looks good, though! I reckon the driftwood you've got in there makes a difference. 👍
  15. lazarusthefishboy10

    What Is This Algae?

    Hey all! How's it going? I have this stringy algae in my cycling tank that is growing amongst my floating wisteria and wrapping around my driftwood, but looks like it's mainly just at the surface. I know it's part of the cycle, but I'm not sure what type of algae it is and how I can get rid of...
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  17. lazarusthefishboy10

    Sinking Driftwood

    Haha, I'm pretty patient, so thank you for the quick response. I'll update this post when it stops floating. Cheers!
  18. lazarusthefishboy10

    Sinking Driftwood

    Ok, I'll do that! Thank you so much!
  19. lazarusthefishboy10

    Sinking Driftwood

    I appreciate your reply @itiwhetu How long until I should take it off? Thanks?
  20. lazarusthefishboy10

    Sinking Driftwood

    Hi all. Hope you're all well! I got some new driftwood yesterday, and I boiled it last night for a couple hours. I glued some java fern and Anubias to it this afternoon, and now the driftwood won't sink. I had it sitting out all night, so I'm not sure if that was what caused it to still...
  21. lazarusthefishboy10

    Freshly Hatched Artemia

    Yeah, got those, too! Lol
  22. lazarusthefishboy10

    Freshly Hatched Artemia

    G'day folks! I recently bought myself a jar of freshly hatched Baby Brine Shrimp (Artemia) and was wondering what I do with it lol. Do I just put it straight into a container and is it ready straight away for fish? Cheers and hope you all have a great day! PS: this is a photo of the BBS I got.
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  24. lazarusthefishboy10

    Fish not eating and sticking his head out of the water for hours on end

    Doing a big water change can help get rid of any ammonia, and if sill acting the same, try get an air pump coz it could just be lack of oxygen, too.
  25. lazarusthefishboy10


    Ok, I'm gonna use heat then. I got an air pump so there's A LOT of oxygen in the tank now. Thanks so much and I'll let you know if I have success or not!
  26. lazarusthefishboy10


    So, what I'm gonna do is keep the temperature at 30 degrees and add two air stones to the tank. What are the signs to look for so I know when to add the medication? Thanks a lot for the help!
  27. lazarusthefishboy10


    Thanks so much! Really means a lot! And one more question, once I see the last few spots on my fish, how much longer should i leave the temperature at 34 to ensure the ich is defeated?
  28. lazarusthefishboy10


    So, I just have to do that, and that'll get rid of the ich?
  29. lazarusthefishboy10


    Hi all! I have ich in my 80l aquarium with some pretty expensive fish infected and almost all of them infected. I raised the temperature to 32 degrees celsius, and trying to feed the fish garlic. I was just wondering if cooking salt that's uniodised and doesn't have any additives will work as...
  30. lazarusthefishboy10

    Plant Identification

    Hey everyone! I have some plants in my 80L that I don't know the name of. I've seen one of them in a lot of aquariums before, so if you guys know the types of plants in the pictures bellow, please let me know what they are. Cheers, Lazarus
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  33. lazarusthefishboy10

    Lethargic and injured Betta | WHAT TO DO?

    I got another heater and the temperature is at 27. She is now acting normal and eating and just being a happy betta. Thanks for the help, guy!
  34. lazarusthefishboy10

    Lethargic and injured Betta | WHAT TO DO?

    I have a female betta. It's in a 250L community tank with some angelfish that are guarding eggs and a group of rummy nose Tetra. Lots of plants. She's been lethargic lately and spending her days up on the surface near the heater. Her back is partly out of the water, she's blowing a few bubbles...
  35. lazarusthefishboy10

    Aquarium salt

    Hi @Swartz44 , Freshwater aquarium salt is great for the fish that like a pH higher than 7.5 (no lower), but if the fish you keep can thrive in a lower pH, then they don't need any type of salt in the tank. You should be able to find aquarium salt for freshwater aquariums at your lfs (Local Fish...
  36. lazarusthefishboy10

    Molly fish in labor trying to jump out of tank.

    Yeah, I agree! Just try cover the gaps with different medium-weight objects, but just ensure there is still fresh air flowing through the surface. Lazarus
  37. lazarusthefishboy10


    Yep, I'd have to agree. Hope all goes well with that beautiful goldfish! Fingers crossed!
  38. lazarusthefishboy10


    Welcome @Fishgurl ! I'm so glad you've found this forum helpful, and if you have any questions your more than free to ask us! Good luck on your third tank and a whopping 12 years! Good for you! Hope you find this forum even MORE helpful and happy fish keeping! ?
  39. lazarusthefishboy10

    Hi all, new and appreciate the advice!

    Welcome azvictoria! Hope you find this forum to your liking and if you have any questions feel free to ask anytime! Happy fish keeping! ?