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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. FallenPepper

    Betta lost his tail?!

    Check other posts on the forums you can find a lot of info on bettas and how people solved it. Just search betta, fin rot/fin injury and something might come up. I'm not very knowledgeable on bettas and I'd rather not risk telling you something that might be a solution to something I think is...
  2. FallenPepper

    My hobby...

    That's really cool you into biology as well? I feel they would go almost hand in hand
  3. FallenPepper

    Betta lost his tail?!

    Looks like fin rot but I've never kept bettas. If you can maybe a bigger tank as well. 1g is a little cramped and requires more maintenance. Plus your water looks cloudy or it might be a smudge of your camera. How often do you clean the tank?
  4. FallenPepper

    White fuzz/mould on filter intakes question

    Sounds like moldy food tbh. Might want to increase the amount you gravel vac and cut down on feeding to reduce the chance of food molding. Right now when you have a chance too I'd do a teardown of your tank clean everything and put it back just to make sure there isn't any food hiding in...
  5. FallenPepper

    Cloudy water need help!

    Not a problem hope this helps!
  6. FallenPepper

    Java moss

    Most likely stay floating unless pushed under.
  7. FallenPepper

    Cloudy water need help!

    If you empty the tank put a bowl on the substrate then fill the bowl up with water and keep filling it. That should allow a nice easy flow into your substrate with minimal disturbance. Plants should be fine to go in as soon as possible.
  8. FallenPepper

    Price of corydoras

    Depends on demand and stock tbh. Each store varies in price for example I breed plecos and a gold nugget can cost $75 usd at one store then 10miles away the other store carries it for $40 usd. It's a crap shoot and depends on a stores customer base for its price and how loyal they are to that...
  9. FallenPepper

    Puffer fish won't eat

    Oh you got a spotted congo puffer! I though you had the traditional congo puffer the more predatory species. She is a good looking fish btw. Any plans of a community tank with her? Oh places to hide help the spotted Congo's destress and make them feel safer in they're environment which can lead...
  10. FallenPepper

    Puffer fish won't eat

    I hope your treatment goes well and you have a happy puffer healthy puffer at the end of the day!
  11. FallenPepper

    Puffer fish won't eat

    I had a minor ich outbreak and it lead into killing a solid 10 puffer over a month and a half of me treating with everything else was a nightmare really until I tried experimenting. Used my uv filters evicted my other fish out of my breeding rack to quarantine them all. All the resources I put...
  12. FallenPepper

    Puffer fish won't eat

    When I get out of work I'll look though my puffer notebook and tell you what I did exactly and what I used along with when. Puffers are very sensitive to ick and parasites especially if they're wild caught. I take it you haven't deparasited as well?
  13. FallenPepper

    Puffer fish won't eat

    Use chems puffers can handle it. Best bet it doing baths in chems metroplex is great just get a half gallon bucket put some on his food and leave him in it for about 2 hours with an air stone. Oh and keep the bucket in the tank so the temps the same. This saved my amazon puffer tank when I was...
  14. FallenPepper

    Tank upgrade 15G --> 30G I got Questions!!!

    Go with a sponge filter things are amazing and cheap plus any algae eating fish will keep it clean
  15. FallenPepper

    Reed fish/rope fish in brackish

    I've seen this with bichirs and some say it can be done but idk I've seen saltwater fish put in fresh and they end up stunted and left with a shorter life span. Long term it can do harm like colin said. They can do hard water and are hardy but not like that
  16. FallenPepper

    Silver Dollar New Fish Urgent

    No no not what I'm sayin at all. Just watch your tank and see behavior of all the fish not just that one
  17. FallenPepper

    Silver Dollar New Fish Urgent

    Might be the shark but if theres plenty of cover they should be fine
  18. FallenPepper


    Lobsters and crayfish are messy things to keep between waste and fighting/killing each other (mostly lobsters) I'd advise against it especially with the tank space required for them.
  19. FallenPepper

    Chlorine in water.

    Try mixing your water up when you add it next time the chemicals might not of bonded with the chlorine in the bottom. That stuff works like dating when you pour the fellas (chems) in there to find the ladies (chlorine). Theres always gunna be the odd man/women out in with not finding a match...
  20. FallenPepper

    Laziest bichirs

    Ornamental bichirs are the laziest fish I swear they eat and sit in their corner after. I love em but out of all of my noodles the worst one to watch
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  23. FallenPepper

    What can this be?

    Just Cory's in there?
  24. FallenPepper

    My current 140 liter blackwater setup

    Oh thank you those are my mangrove trees
  25. FallenPepper

    Puffer fish won't eat

    My puffers love frozen krill,snails, and live crickets. Try using live crickets then after awhile start buying dead ones and maybe grubs as well. Used this to get my spotted congo to eat prepared foods.
  26. FallenPepper

    My current 140 liter blackwater setup

    This was 5 almond leaves boiled for a 75g and i got this amount of tannins. Only took 10 minutes then letting it cool for about an hour with some ice added. Watch your ph though add something to stabilize it it could drop your ph with too many too quick but in general you should be fine
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  28. FallenPepper

    My current 140 liter blackwater setup

    Boil your leaves it speeds up the process along with wood
  29. FallenPepper


    Keep your sand levels low so you don't lose em when they dig
  30. FallenPepper

    Chance to open up LFS

    I'll keep my eyes out for it! Seems like I might become a pleco breeder exclusively lol
  31. FallenPepper

    Chance to open up LFS

    Picked up some new plecos today to begin breeding. The gold nuggets need a few more months before I cam start them, but i grab about 6 butterfly plecos that are fully matured and need to be quarantined before breeding! Hopefully by summer I can have enough stock to start a website and have a...
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  35. FallenPepper

    Sudden death of Betta.....

    Could just be age unfortunately, but it sounds like you gave them a good healthy life while under your care.
  36. FallenPepper

    Chance to open up LFS

    I'll probs set up a website regardless
  37. FallenPepper

    Chance to open up LFS

    I've been traveling around the new england for about 2 years now checking out stores to see what works and what doesn't asking questions and doing a bit of research on what everyone carries that goes quick and what tends to collect dust. Plants I'm going to be staying away from online and would...
  38. FallenPepper

    Chance to open up LFS

    I've been selling fish locally to stores in nearby states but my own state really only has one store that's mediocre at best (dead/sickly fish, misinformed fish and selling salt water fish and corals as fresh) . Though I've been doing rebuilds of tanks and selling tanks for others along with...
  39. FallenPepper

    Chance to open up LFS

    What kind of fish do you normally buy? Anything you would like to see in a store just looking for general ideas for my initial stock that I might not have thought about yet.
  40. FallenPepper

    Bloodred parrot

    Oh also how do their gills look? Red or inflamed?