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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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    Red cherry shrimp help

    That seems fine. But others know better than me :) What about nitrites?

    Red cherry shrimp help

    No problem, hopefully someone else will be able to help more. :)

    Red cherry shrimp help

    Hi. It's a molting problem. Do you know your GH and KH? Some people also say its related to water changes - you may be doing too many. @PheonixKingZ knows more about cherry shrimp than I do so he might be able to help more. :)

    Tiny moving dots in shrimp tank

    Hi. I had a similar experience, I later found out that they were copepods. Do you have pictures? :)

    Carbon filter and plants.

    Thank you. So if I add plant fertiliser all the nutrients and good stuff in it will be adsorbed by the carbon?

    Carbon filter and plants.

    Yep, I have one fairly near to me. Thanks for the replies. :)

    Carbon filter and plants.

    Thank you. I'll have a look online for various filter sponges - do you have any recommendations? I'm a bit worried that my water will become dirty, I know it's unlikely but I still am.

    Carbon filter and plants.

    Thanks. So for the sponge filter - Can I buy it and then cut it to size? Or how does it work? :)

    Carbon filter and plants.

    Hi. I've never come across this before but when helping someone out on another thread this caught my eye. I have a triple filtration stage filter - A section with ceramic bacteria, A section which is the floss/wool filter cartridge, and an algae pad. Filter - Love fish filter Wool and algae...

    Filter Question

    Yes, I have live plants. Some are: Anubias, Java fern, Vallisneria, Hornwort (or something looking like it) and a few others. I also have a floss filter cartridge, it has some carbon in it, and I replace it every month. At the moment it is out because I am going through a white spot treatment...

    Filter Question

    Sorry, my bad - the filters are floss filters (I accidentally wrote sponge).

    Fluval filter for tropical fish?!?!

    Hi. Why would you want to swap the filter? Is something wrong with it? Generally current/water flow isn't a problem as long as it's escapable, and it doesn't affect the entire area of your tank. :)

    Filter Question

    Hi. Yep, the link works. :) I think go with what they say. Start with changing them every 6 weeks, but if you see that the cartridge is really dirty before that time, change them more often. I think the fish will be fine with the filter cartridge being changed that often.

    Filter Question

    Hi. I use them just fine. :) Yes, it's a fit expensive to change them every month. My filter cartridge has already gotten mucky and the tanks only been running two weeks, and I've done a water change and during the water changed rinsed the filter. If my the cartridge you mean the cotton/sponge...

    Filter Question

    Hi. Congrats on your new tank! Make sure to keep checking all of the water levels :) I would just keep it as it is. A dirty cartridge can clog up the filter and worsen water quality. The filter seems like a really good one to me - I might be wrong but I don't think that changing that sponge...

    Do i buy another dwarf gourami?

    Hi. I'm pretty sure thats a female. :) Females have a rounded dorsal fin and also a rounded belly. Males have a longer, pointed dorsal fin and a slimmer and smaller body shape. Here are some links that may help. Pet Helpful - Gender of dwarf Gourami However female gouramis are not that common...

    Gravel Vac controversy

    Hi. I have had a bad experience with a gravel cleaner..... I bought a really expensive one, you shake it to start it up but I found it so complicated to use and it just fell apart in my hands. I now have a pump siphon - you squeeze it a few times and its starts up. I use it as a gravel cleaner...

    Do i buy another dwarf gourami?

    Hi. Dwarf Gouramis aren't extremely social fish, males have the tendency to be territorial but females can be kept in groups or pairs. I think your gourami might be fine, but she could also be lonely because she is a female. If I were you I would wait and see is she looks happy, but if she...

    Why not?

    Hi. I really like the cave! :)

    How many halfbeaks per gallon / how many can I have in a 75 gallon

    Hi. By half beak I assume you mean the wrestling half beak. I've never had them but I think the minimum tank size for a small group is 20 gallons, however for a larger group with multiple males should have a larger tank. I think you can have a pretty large group in a 75 gallon - not sure exactly...

    Adding fish to cycled tank

    Hi. I think that they would be completely fine if you add them :)

    If a fish is eating and pooping does that mean it’s happy?

    Oh wow, sounds exciting, hopefully all goes well. :)

    Betta fish is not eating and being lethargic

    Hi. I don't really see any visible signs (eg pinecone scales or white spots) so I would assume its swim bladder - I might be wrong though. Have you had him for a while now or is he new? Swim bladder disease is treatable, I'll link some resources below. Treating swim bladder Swim bladder

    If a fish is eating and pooping does that mean it’s happy?

    I'm no expert but they seem good to me. I don't see any white spots, pinecone scales, they aren't just sitting on the gravel, they don't have fin/tail/mouth rot. They seem good, and they are so beautiful! :)

    Aquarium - which are HALVED

    Hi. Sorry to bring up this thread again..... @PheonixKingZ I understand what you mean about MTS now...the urge to get more tanks and upgrade my tank is overwhelming! I literally spend hours looking at fish tanks online....I tell my self I will be satisfied with just one more tank, but then I...

    How long can a betta go without food

    Hi. Betta fish will be fine for 4-5 days as mentioned above, technically you could leave them for longer but that's not really recommended unless you really need to. You could buy an automatic feeder or a dissolver block if you plan for leaving longer (I know they do them for goldfish but not...

    What kinds of snails/shrimps should I get?

    Yes, they are beautiful. I was so excited for them, I even got black substrate because apparently it brings out the red colour in them...

    What kinds of snails/shrimps should I get?

    To be honest I think it is only because I have one shrimp. I know, I'm sad too. Unfortunately I have gotten it from a not very responsible seller. We wanted to get more but the person who was selling gave us one and said 'take it or leave it'. I think it was the only shrimp he had. We really...

    What kinds of snails/shrimps should I get?

    Thank you. If I decide to get these shrimps I will be sure to do enough research and buy the necessary feed and other things they need. :)

    What kinds of snails/shrimps should I get?

    Thank you, the information is so helpful! Wow, I've never heard of Bamboo shrimps, they sound cool, I'll be sure to do plenty of research. :)

    What kinds of snails/shrimps should I get?

    Thanks for the reply! The place I saw the apple snail was in fact maidenhead aquatics, I quite liked it there but as I said before they don't have any at the moment. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll have a look online again and check the delivery times/ if they do collections. :)

    What kinds of snails/shrimps should I get?

    Hi! I am looking to add some snails to my tank, something that will get along with shrimps. I've recently seen a beautiful apple snail in a shop, but it wasn't for sale - Apple snails are illegal to be sold in the UK. I just can't get over how beautiful it was! It was so large and it was...

    New member

    Hello! Welcome to the forum. :hi:

    Animal sounds

    Hello. Welcome to the forum! :hi:

    New to plants

    Hi. What is your substrate? Some substrates already have fertiliser in them. Is your tank cycled? What kind of fertilizer are you looking to get? :) You can inject C02, have caplsules, mixtures etc... I'm not an expert and I find the plant stuff a little complicated so what I am planning to use...

    If a fish is eating and pooping does that mean it’s happy?

    Hi. Sorry for your loss. I would say that just that doesn't mean they are 100% perfectly happy, but it is a good sign that they are healthy and strong (eg. no constipation, no swim bladder disease). If a fish is not eating and not going to the toilet that's a bad sign - it could mean the fish...

    First time fish, something went wrong

    Hi. @dmpfishlover Made really good points. Have you cycled your tank and added all the beneficial bacteria to it? Also, sometimes the fish can die of stress. It is strange though because if I read correctly it died within 2 weeks, not a few days. However your fish doesn't have to die of stress...

    Word Game #3


    Word Game #3


    Sand vs Gravel - Which is easier to clean and maintain?

    Hi. In my opinion I prefer gravel as I find it is easier to clean and easier to wash when you put new gravel into a tank. However, there are many fish (eg corys) that need sand as gravel can damage them. I use gravel and regularly clean it with a gravel cleaner when I do a water change. :)