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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  3. Guppy10

    "Plant" ID please

    Morning all and hope you are well. A strange plant came with some shrimps, which seems to be thriving. It hasn't any roots and looks more like a seaweed type thing to me. I ask what is it and is it good for the tank ? If so I could use more of it. It's the thing in the foreground next to a bit...
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  5. Guppy10

    Restoration Tank

    They all seem to love destroying plants .platty, Angels like destroying things .
  6. Guppy10

    External filter question

    Priming is easy from the pipes so no concern there. No need to touch tap water tbh. Leave it well alone and maybe check every 2 weeks or if the flow rate drops, mine is ok at this level.
  7. Guppy10

    External filter question

    I wash the filters in the can and then throw the water down sink. No need to scrub or wash anything as that will harm the bio stuff. No need for tap water either so your doing things right.
  8. Guppy10

    Restoration Tank

    Oh dear, here goes n I will brace myself for a slating. 4 platty 20 neons 4 angels 4 corys 3 gouramis 4 danios 4 green barbs 1 lyre tail sword. Mts X ? 10 nerite snails. There you go, all are doing fine and you don't see me posting with issues or diseases, tho I admit I'm overstocked. Yet will...
  9. Guppy10

    Restoration Tank

    Planted or not? I don't have any luck with plants, some live but most just die , things only grow in my other tank. The main tank all get destroyed. I quess if I had just a few fish it would be different but I'm massively overstocked as the experts say, which is true, but all are happy for now...
  10. Guppy10

    Sims / Chens / Pablos etc...

    Sound advise there. Be patient and you will get a better choice when this lockdown ends.
  11. Guppy10

    Restoration Tank

    A yup ! Can't fault you! A free tank and it will be great when cleaned. What do you plan on keeping in it ? What size etc. Mmmmmmmmmm want another tank now , my wife says no chance but maybe my 125ltr bullit could be persuaded to change to a 200ltr normal on a custom frame ?
  12. Guppy10

    Corydora suddenly turned black and has a red tinted belly

    Add some gravel to the floor to start, add plants even if plastic for height and cover. 50% water change per week. Limit feeding until the fish boil at your sight as I think over feeding is an issue. Then I think you will have a more enjoyable time.
  13. Guppy10

    Corydora suddenly turned black and has a red tinted belly

    I think , bottom line that it's over populated tank. No plants , too many fish. Try the big water changes but I can't see it ever working. This tank seems bad in so many ways so time to start again for the sake of the fish. I'll explain if needed,
  14. Guppy10

    Help With Black Lava Rock

    Probably salts leeching out of the rocks so maybe a soak in a bucket and scrub until it stops appearing.
  15. Guppy10

    Air pump for 30/50 L tanks and sponge filter for up to 60 gal tanks

    Overlap there lol. I wouldn't go by that as you can regulate the output if too much ( which I very much doubt )
  16. Guppy10

    Air pump for 30/50 L tanks and sponge filter for up to 60 gal tanks

    Pumps are sold by the volume of the air output as you stated, a good indication is the power consumption in watts so it would be good to no the wattage. Is Iv just looked at mine running a small sponge is 2ltr/min @ 2.5W, the other is 4ltr/min@ 4W with 2 outlets, so I'd say it's a bit small.
  17. Guppy10

    Culling plants from my tank

    Nice tank there, although I would ditch the fake stuff and get more bog wood in there with a nice big shoal of tetras, stunning.
  18. Guppy10

    Which heater and heater cover?

    It won't overheat cos of the thermostat but the choice is yours. If money is tight grab the bargain, if not get the bigger one.
  19. Guppy10

    Which heater and heater cover?

    My 125ltr has a 100w which does fine.
  20. Guppy10

    Feeding brings aggression

    Hi all. I've recently started mixing up feeding between algae wafers, trop flake, and fish fuel wafers. Out of all these, the sinking fish fuel by far brings out more aggressive feeding ! 48% protein so can't really knock my female platt from kicking all the other fish out. A barb seems to have...
  21. Guppy10

    Maximizing filter space

    IMHO, foam is a more mechanical filter so should be first to filter water of debris, ideally coarse to fine grades, then the biological media can feed without getting clogged. If you have multiple sponges like I said, you can rotate the cleaning of them over weeks which will keep the bacteria...
  22. Guppy10

    Is this glue safe?

    To be sure I wouldn't glue. Agree with screws that don't rust, or wire it together or dowels of wood or metal pins. Depends on what you have to hand.
  23. Guppy10

    Mollies jumped out of tank!

    Agreed, fish jumping out is a clear sign the water is bad for them in a big way"
  24. Guppy10

    What should I add next?

    Hi, personally to start with I would change the flexi blue pipe to a rigid black tube routed straight out and take it from there.
  25. Guppy10

    Background Input...

    Black for me too.
  26. Guppy10


    I'd think again now I know more about fish. Stick to hard or soft water species, not both and go from there, although you need to state water parameters before anyone can advise more.
  27. Guppy10

    What is your favourite word?

    Do you no wot that actually means ? Seriously ? Iv got a fav word but can't say here lol.
  28. Guppy10

    Should I give them away?

    Haha,, make your mind up. Either they eat shrimp or not ? Not hard, they ate mine.
  29. Guppy10

    Algae on sand

    Easy, get some snails, perhaps nerites. Iv got 2 tanks and every plant, rock ,log, sand gravel etc is pristine, in fact iv joked that I could not keep algae if I bought it ! I feed lots and don't limit lights, but that's up to you.
  30. Guppy10

    Should I give them away?

    Corys ate my shrimps.
  31. Guppy10

    Sexing my gourami/ will a gourami and betta be okay together?

    I'm puzzled, never heared that you can only keep 1 gourami in a tank. Maybe a typing error there ?
  32. Guppy10

    Is this ick

    Yep fungus.
  33. Guppy10

    Help I need another!

    Kids just see one part of a picture, whereas an adult sees the larger picture and may not be willing going by a past experience. I can only say, going from experience that a parents wishes must be adhered too, even if a kid thinks it's wrong. I was told I could do what I wanted when I pay the...
  34. Guppy10

    Missing shrimp question.

    Ah ok thanks. I can move the corys to my main tank as an option as I want to persevere with shrimps as not had them before ( and I don't like failure ) I'll wait til lockdown is over and get more locally ( local water etc ) to rule that out. Thanks
  35. Guppy10

    Missing shrimp question.

    Hi, I got 5 tiny Bloody Mary shrimplets for my well planted tank that only has 4 cory in it. Day2 and 1 was missing, day 3 another and so on until only 1 left. No bodies ever found, so could the little corys have eaten them ? The 1 left looks healthy so water is fine I assume ( tests good ). I...
  36. Guppy10

    Found baby snail in new aquarium

    I agree totally. I got a few largish rams horns and they are pretty, mt snails that are rarely seen in daylight, sometimes I see a few big ones then other days it's tiny ones, I see they burrow into the gravel. It's the ( think bladder snails ) that breed like mad that I hate ! I got nerites as...
  37. Guppy10

    Lead strapes

    For years lead has been substituted to a lead free alternative. As in solder for copper pipes.
  38. Guppy10

    Neon tetras breeding?

    Good vid of how to on youtube. Mark's aquatics
  39. Guppy10

    Anyone from the UK?

    Yep, he was a star, a very bright star , love a cuppa. Yorkshire tea tho.
  40. Guppy10

    Firemouth help

    Don't bother trying to breed. Enjoy your fish as they are.