Restoration Tank

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Apr 21, 2019
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Staffordshire England
Got myself a little project and resto :D

Was thinking of buying another tank this morning to house my Bn pleco because hes wrecking my 29g planted tank.

Then i remembered i saw a old tank up the shed a while back which was my sister-in-laws.

So....ive dug it out and give it a quick brush down and filled it up to check for leaks. If it holds ok it will need a bit of TLC but will look bang on when im finished :thumbs::hyper:
A yup ! Can't fault you! A free tank and it will be great when cleaned. What do you plan on keeping in it ? What size etc. Mmmmmmmmmm want another tank now , my wife says no chance but maybe my 125ltr bullit could be persuaded to change to a 200ltr normal on a custom frame ?
Haha good luck :good: go for it!

Its 91x30x30 which is about 80ltrs (22g i think)

A BN pleco will defo be going in it but as for tank mates im not sure yet. This idea is only an hour old lol
Planted or not? I don't have any luck with plants, some live but most just die , things only grow in my other tank. The main tank all get destroyed. I quess if I had just a few fish it would be different but I'm massively overstocked as the experts say, which is true, but all are happy for now. Even hornwort gets destroyed !!
All my other tanks are well planted but i might just have floating plants in this one (maybe a couple in the substrate)

Want it low maintance where i dont need to worry too much if the pleco goes on a mad one.

What fish do you have in your main tank?
Just bulldozers around the tank digging and uprooting plants when hes feeding.

Just rescaped my middle tank and he had made a few adjustments when i checked the tank this morning. Hes a right little jobo! :mad:
Great size tank. Even better than the 20 long I was thinking of for a possible project. SA cichlids, possibly apistos or rams with a suitable shoal of characins as dither fish.
Good news is that searching on the brand led me to a seller on eBay that has every size imaginable. It does say clearseal in the description but he may make them. Only downside is he is in Nottingham and they are collection only - so it will have to wait.
Oh dear, here goes n I will brace myself for a slating.
4 platty
20 neons
4 angels
4 corys
3 gouramis
4 danios
4 green barbs
1 lyre tail sword.
Mts X ?
10 nerite snails.
There you go, all are doing fine and you don't see me posting with issues or diseases, tho I admit I'm overstocked. Yet will get more corys when I can. It's a busy tank but I'd rather have that than a few fish in a big tank. Each to their own.
Just bulldozers around the tank digging and uprooting plants when hes feeding.

Just rescaped my middle tank and he had made a few adjustments when i checked the tank this morning. Hes a right little jobo! :mad:
That's bad. I hope mine is not going to do his job and he's already growing bristles :|
Oh dear, here goes n I will brace myself for a slating.
4 platty
20 neons
4 angels
4 corys
3 gouramis
4 danios
4 green barbs
1 lyre tail sword.
Mts X ?
10 nerite snails.
There you go, all are doing fine and you don't see me posting with issues or diseases, tho I admit I'm overstocked. Yet will get more corys when I can. It's a busy tank but I'd rather have that than a few fish in a big tank. Each to their own.
No slating off me. I just wondered what was destorying your plants.

Barbs would be my bet, mine love hornwort
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They all seem to love destroying plants .platty, Angels like destroying things .
Oh, boy! Another addict! :rofl:

That would look super cool! Are you planning on actually getting turtles?
No not yet, although i will in the future because my lad wants some.
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