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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Guppy10

    Not sure about stocking

    Hi all, a 800 mm wide shallow tank now has 10. Guppy, 7 tetras, and about 15 baby platy plus mum ( no dad as I moved her n all was well even tho I had scared tales of moving pregnant fish )' heavily planted,n2 heaters, a sponge filter and power filter. Gritty sand substrate. Do you think I...
  2. Guppy10

    A blanket weed issues

    Hi all, Firstly I no that folk will say adjust the light and feed less which is good advise but things have changed !! I never had this before while running a power filter but now down to a sponge all checks out ok but obviously don't have the flow now. 1 mum platy, 6 babies and 8 glow lites...
  3. Guppy10

    How to remove stubborn brush algae from sponge filter?

    I see what you mean now better. I suppose you already are reducing the light time ? It's growing well in the light and nutrients so cutting these down must help ? I have a similar problem, my plants didn't do well at all so I bought a new light ( only £18 strip bar off eBay ) but bright as...
  4. Guppy10

    How to remove stubborn brush algae from sponge filter?

    Seems ok to me from the blurry pic. Just squeeze them out in tank water and if the still work as filter sponges , then it's ok. I don't like to see them on show anyway, so would hide them if it was me. No problem exists as far as I can see.
  5. Guppy10

    Tetra swimming weirdly

    Iv had 1 glolight with head up and can swim normal, looks heathy, maybe fatter for weeks now. Thought it had some disorder but minor as looks ok and is thriving it seems ?
  6. Guppy10

    Frozen food for platy fry....

    Don't fuss over them lol, the good ones will be fine. Flake food is fine and they like plant life and algae . I purposely don't feed that tank with live food so babies may not get considered as food. The other tank gets live food nearly everyday and the results are stunning. But no fry would...
  7. Guppy10

    My first ever black water tank!

    Ok. If it was mine, I'd have something vertical in the rear corners to from your central wood. Probably more wood as I think fake is just trashy lol. Plants at the ends will help in a number of ways also. Still leaving swimming room but framing your fish. Looking good so far and what a bargain !
  8. Guppy10

    angelfish is sideways and floating at the top, refusing to eat

    I have a 1 perfect angel in a 30 gal with lots of other tank mates so don't worry. Your tank is too small right now, but don't heed the doom merchants who say min 50 gal. Regular water changes Good filter Don't over feed Some floating plants will be good. Although I think yr fish is done for...
  9. Guppy10

    Frozen food for platy fry....

    Don't no. Why don't you just feed them crushed flakes for now ? Mine love it and are so active and growing strong, tho I think I'll return them to the tank soon to weed out the weak ones. They are mostly black or yellow / black. Don't fuss over them... The will be fine if water is ok.
  10. Guppy10

    Losing fish daily - help please

    How would you ever get nitrates below the level of tap water ? My tap water is about 20 and my tanks are the same and always are. Can you explain how you can ge lower nitrates in a tank ? Unless you use Ro water.
  11. Guppy10

    Heater malfunction

    I sympathise with you. I had 2 old no make heaters and 2 weeks ago bought and replaced both with brand new Hidom ones off eBay. All was well, went away for a few days and came home to see 1 tank heater was on, which I thought odd. Next day I noticed that heater was still on, then saw that the...
  12. Guppy10

    55gal Gets New Plants

    Nice, I like the rocks and plant area, not sure I'd like to see so much of the filter though, mine is hidden but more luck than design.
  13. Guppy10

    Platy fry in breeder box

    Iv just come home to see 6 platy fry. Mum always seemed pregnant in the main tank but never saw any fry so put her in with the glolights 2 days ago and now this ! Not too hopeful of the colours tho as dad is yellow / black and mum all black. If they make it I'll give them to lfs.
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  15. Guppy10

    My filter is suddenly really loud

    I think it can only be the impeller as that is all that moves, can you get replacement bushes for the impelle or a service kit ?
  16. Guppy10

    HELP! Dying catfish?

    Jesus !! Iv not seen such a long winded post about a fish that has died so nobody can help or comment. Why do folk ,like , somebody asking a question and they don't respond but feel the need to like them,, bizarre tbh. Don't worry but keep with future maintenance n water changes and you...
  17. Guppy10

    Breeding to fund the hobby?

    Don't even think about making money out of breeding fish. It's wrong, very wrong, unless your a proper breeder.
  18. Guppy10


    Oh I can remember stand pipes at the end of street to get water. Power cuts etc. Now nothing aver happens so there is progress !! Except the young think it's ok to throw macdonalds **** out onto the road. As I said before..l is this what my folk fought for ? They would turn in their graves.
  19. Guppy10


    I love it too. Tanks are stable at 25 . My advise is to close curtains doors internally also. Iv got a stand alone air con unit which gets rarely used but gets the place nice and chilly for sleeping. I hate going to bed and at top of stairs it's so hot that I sometimes sleep on sofa with door open .
  20. Guppy10

    MTS invasion. Problem?

    So just let them be ? Or are the vaste amounts a threat to my ecosystem. Which was and is my original question. Iv had no answer so far on this subject apart from eradication.
  21. Guppy10

    MTS invasion. Problem?

    I do like the life, but was asking if it was a problem to the ecosystem. Thanks for the extra knowledge tho guys.
  22. Guppy10

    MTS invasion. Problem?

    BUT no will they eat my nerites ???
  23. Guppy10

    MTS invasion. Problem?

    Hi all, I came home the other morning and turned the lights on, and every log was covered in hundreds of baby Mts . It's not long since I was wondering what had happened to them , so imagine my suprise to see all them ! After my recent troubles the fish are barely fed so this maybe a result of...
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  25. Guppy10

    Can sand, gravel increase my water GH? Is GH 9 suitable for shrimps?

    Perhaps fill a bucket with tap water and test, then add your sand, leave a while then test. I'm sure that will answer your questions.
  26. Guppy10

    Golden gouramis

    Thanks for the advise. The honey one only pushes the 3 spot around. As can be seen my tank is pretty bare after that rampant infection I had after adding some fish , but it didn't quite wipe out my tank so it will slowly come back, hence the lack of plants due to salt treatment, but thank all...
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  30. Guppy10

    Golden gouramis

    Thanks, it's fine with the other orange gourami as well as other fish, it's just the blue 3 spot it chases about. The question was tho... Can I have more than 1 , I think some call them honey gouramis ?
  31. Guppy10

    Golden gouramis

    Hi all, I have a gold gourami who has outgrown the ordinary ones and is a magnificent fish, so after a period of deaths, all now is well. My question is,,, can I have more than one .? It's aggressive to the 3 spot but fine with all others.
  32. Guppy10

    Are mosquito larvae safe?

    I have a small tub outside n it's full of life, in fact my fish can't keep up. Tho it's not a culture, don't bother with grass clippings as that is messy. Just a bit of gravel n the fish love them. In fact I'm off to get a few scoops now.
  33. Guppy10

    Tap water is no good - affordable alternatives?

    Ro unit is cheap enough n will solve all your problems. £50 off amazon was last I seen.
  34. Guppy10

    Which species of fish should I add first? Advice please!

    Your getting off topic and carried away with the fish shop saga. The member asked a straightforward question and has now developed into something else.
  35. Guppy10

    Breeding silver-tip tetras

    Why do you want to breed fish ? Most don't but if it happens then great,,,,, but you have the problem of housing the offspring.?
  36. Guppy10

    Worms in fishless cycling tank

    Get a couple of fish in there n problem solved imo.
  37. Guppy10

    Dropsy or Something Else

    Please don't throw loads of chemicals into your tank. It's a bad practice which has knock on effects so make sure water is good n feed good quality food to boost them. Live food is best. A water tub will generate lots of Mossi larva n bloodworms if you put in some gravel.
  38. Guppy10

    Rummy nose aren’t well

    Sounds familiar. I added fish to my mint tank n lots of fish died which was devastating. I treated with salt, marine salt, which I got told was bad for my fish, so I bought the correct salt and added that. Then I found out that salt is bad for neons n corys which wasn't ever mentioned here. So...
  39. Guppy10

    Best live food for Corydora Habrosus

    Freshly hatched brine shrimp are very small so grow your own as it's easy. Actually daphnia can be surprisingly big. Either way try it. Tiny neons will battle with a bloodworm nearly as big as them, it's like clash of the Titans but on a smaller scale lol
  40. Guppy10

    My new red, blue , emerald , tangerine tiger shrimp!!!!

    Nice ! Let us no the secrets of sucess if any, I don't have much luck with shrimps, they just disappear into thin air.