My first ever black water tank!

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Barry Tetra

Fish Aficionado
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Dec 23, 2019
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Hi guys, I just wanna show off my first ever black water and low budget.
It took me 5 hours to finished all of this, I hope you enjoy.

stockings: 20 neon tetras, 6 lemon tetras and 5 cherry barbs.
the only thing I really proud of is low budget, all fish in this tank only cost 0.6$ (20 Thai Baht) in my LFS.
Ok. If it was mine, I'd have something vertical in the rear corners to from your central wood. Probably more wood as I think fake is just trashy lol. Plants at the ends will help in a number of ways also.
Still leaving swimming room but framing your fish.
Looking good so far and what a bargain !

I would add taller plants in the back - this gives a good sense of depth.

I would also get some java moss for the driftwood, and some java fern as well.

Pretty much just get more plants. :nod:

That tank has a lot of potential, keep it up! :fish:

I would add taller plants in the back - this gives a good sense of depth.

I would also get some java moss for the driftwood, and some java fern as well.

Pretty much just get more plants. :nod:

That tank has a lot of potential, keep it up! :fish:
How big can neons get? (0.7 cm RightNow) I am a bit concerned of overstocked lately, especially with another tank which is 5 gal and have over 20 endlers in there...

@Byron can you show us your neon tetra's tank? I've seen neons in your profile pic.
Nicely done! Always great to be able to pull off a tank on a budget.

I'm no aquascaper I'm afraid! And I haven't had a blackwater tank yet, but have looked intoit a little for my otos,; especially plants, because I love a planted tank and worried about how plants would do. I was given this list of plants that can grow in a blackwater low pH tank;
Cryptocoryne spp. (C.wendtii, C.lutea, C.undulata and C.affinis), Dwarf Ambulia (Limnophila sessiliflora), Japanese Water Cress (Cardamine lyrata), Myriophllyum spp., Bacopa carolina, Java Moss (Vesicularia Dubyana), Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) and Anubias species.

I feel like blackwater tanks really need floating plants for that authentic feel!

Agree with @Crispii about adding botanicals, and I know @mbsqw1d @NCaquatics and @dmpfishlover have stunning blackwater tanks and could give you much better advice!
Botanicals to use:

Acorn tops (free!!)
Alder cones (offer the best tannins for their size)
Indian almond leaves
Oak leaves
Beech leaves
Maple leaves
Magnolia leaves

Or if you dont like the look of botanicals, you can put them in a filter media sock in the filter, but doesn't help the natural look.

Most blackwater habitats lack plants. I would add some overhanging branches from trees and perhaps some floating plants
How big can neons get? (0.7 cm RightNow) I am a bit concerned of overstocked lately, especially with another tank which is 5 gal and have over 20 endlers in there...

@Byron can you show us your neon tetra's tank? I've seen neons in your profile pic.
Are you wanting to know what a neon tank looks like? What they look like? Or how big they are?

I have 8 neons in my 29g tank:

(You can see them in the top left corner)
Yeh if you're staining the water (you can use rooibos tea for this) then plant wise you're best to go for low light level, i think Adorabelle has covered the list of plants. Mine isn't a true blackwater, i stain the water slightly with tea and add some dried almond and oak leaves. This site is very good
neons can get up to 2 inches.
I would add more surface plants/leaves they like shade and it helps make them feel safer since birds are one of their primary predators. In the rainy season they are found in flooded areas along the stream where there would be a lot of plants submerged like in my sunken forest. Large areas are flooded for a time. So adding Java ferns and such would be reasonable. Normally it is just leaves and roots of trees and a few surface plants with their roots in the water.

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