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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. W

    gold apple snails

    thanx for your replies, when i got home from work there was a dead snail but dont know if it was the floating one or not...the 2 that are left have their shell doors closed so im assuming they are still alive....for the time being!!
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    gold apple snails

    i got given 3 gold apple snails on sat not realising that my yo yo loach would take a liking to them....i came down this morning and 1 was floating on the top, i put it onto a rock and it floated back up again.... Can anyone give me any information about these snails and is the floating 1 dead?
  3. W

    sick of brown algae

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    yo yo loach acting funny

    what is ich and is it maybe because i added a new fish?
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    yo yo loach acting funny

    what do i treat it for? ich or velvet....ive never had this before
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    yo yo loach acting funny

    my yo-yo loach keeps flicking itself while swimming along the bottom of this a medical condition, its eating normal and only does it now and then.....can anyone tell me whats the matter with it?
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    sick of brown algae

    hi, my tank is covered (ornaments,glass and rocks) in disgusting brown algae, i did a 30% water change a week ago and washed the ornaments and rocks in tank water to get rid of the algae but its came back even more so and quicker. i have read that brown algae is caused by high nitrates and/or...
  8. W

    want to buy a betta this afternoon

    i have a 20 uk gallon tank currently with 5 neons, 4 red eye tetras, 3 zebra danios and 1 pakistan loach could my tank handle a betta, i have worked out that i have roughly 15" of fish (including head and tail). the tank has slate in it (will this damage a betta's fins?) if this is all ok do i...
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    nitrite and nitrates

    i thought nothing would eat brown algae not even a pleco.....
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    nitrite and nitrates

    i have been trying to cycle my 20gall tank for about 6 weeks and although there is no ammonia now i still have readings of 0.5 NitrItes and 110 NitrAtes, i do water changes weekly of about 25% but cant get them down. Also my brown Algae is back covering my glass, heater and do...
  11. W

    Rust in the tank??!!!

    i also had this rust coloured thing which was invading my tank which appeared from nowhere and even after it was washed it came back the next day, what i did was i bought a product from pets at home called "cleanaway", it looks like a giant tea-bag which u can put in the filter or anywhere in...
  12. W

    what is happening to my cycle?

    my tank has been set up since 21/3/03 and fish added a week later (too many fish i admit) but i still dont think its cycled. my parameters are: Ammonia 2.0 (as of 5 days ago) Nitrite 4.0 + (as of today) Nitrate 110 (as of today) PH 7.0 Temp 25oc I did a water change of about 15% 3 days ago...
  13. W

    brown algae?

    i now have green algae mixing with the brown on the ornaments! the wattage of the light is 18w and the tank is around 20 gallon. my tank is still at the cycling stage so will washing the ornaments by hand remove valuable bacteria and should i wash them in tank water?
  14. W

    brown algae?

    i have 2 ornaments in the tank which are growing brown marks, is this algae and how would i treat it? every day i check and the marks have grown. The light is on for about 10 hours on average. thanx
  15. W

    cant get my tank right

    hi, i waited a week before adding fish i have in my 20 gallon: 4 zebra danios, 5 neons, 4 red eye tetras and 1 yo-yo loach. i have no bogwood in the tank either. the fish seem to be ok and not affected by the ammonia so far.....fingers crossed
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    mysterious speckles in tank

    on closer inspection of my tank today i thought the outside glass on tank had water splash marks but then i realised that these tiny white speckles are in the tank and i just wondered if it was start of algae, they are tiny little feathery looking things (if this helps?!?) and there is millions...
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    cant get my tank right

    i have been having trouble with my tank and getting it cycled. Its been set up since 21/3/03 and i prob added too many fish (pet shop said amount would be ok) the levels of ammonia have been all over the place, first high then back down to 0.5 then went to 4.0 again all within a week, i have cut...
  18. W

    waters gone cloudy

    just changed some water about 20% water is still cloudy will this settle down? i just feel like everything is going wrong with my tank
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    waters gone cloudy

    i forgot to ask should i do a water change or clean the filter? it would be the first since i bought the tank on 21st march
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    waters gone cloudy

    tank is hopefully cycling now, tested ammonia today its gone from 4.0 to 0.5-1.0 since sunday and nitrite is still 0.25, problem is the water has gone cloudy added some stress zyme will this help the cloudiness or is it just because i have a bacteria bloom? also i only feed fish once a day will...
  21. W

    advice please

    i tested my water today and the ammonia was 4.0 (dangerously high i know) so i added ammo-lock 2 (10mls as i have a 20 gallon tank) nitrite was 0.25. It is a new tank(set up since 21/3/03) and admittedly i didnt know what i was doing when setting it up and prob added too many fish. shop wont...
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    danio died

    tank has been set up for 3 weeks fish been in for 1 week.
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    danio died

    also on closer inspection it has a dent in its head which i noticed yesterday. im gutted as this is my first casualty. also the water is cloudier today, i put some stress zyme in the water on wednesday is this the cause and should i add more or wait and should i test the parameters as they...
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    danio died

    i fed my fish this morning and all was well, i checked them 5 mins ago and there was a dead zebra danio just resting on the sand. i netted it out and checked it and it had a hole on the underneath of its stomach and part of its tail fin missing. in my tank i have zebra danios, neon and red eye...
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    lots of questions

    i added stress zyme to the water just after it was set up and i added some today and the water seems clearer now even though it looked pretty clear before. The fish are all acting normal, is this an ok sign? I feed the fish morning and night and only a few flakes and there is little waste of...
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    lots of questions

    i have a 30 x 15 x 12 inch tank with 5 neon tetras 5 zebra danios 4 red eye tetras and 2 yo-yos, the neons and danios have been in the tank since 28/3/03 and the other fish a day later. The tank had been running since 21/3/03 and i had the water tested 5 days after i set up the tank. I was just...
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    new to this and tropical fish

    hi, the tank is 30 inches, the pet shop said this amount of fish would be ok as they are small fish!?! the other fish are behaving normal and the loaches also seem to be acting better than this morning. Maybe they are eating i just havent seen them, i expected them to be straight at the food...
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    hi eddie, they have been in the tank since saturday, do u actually see them eating or do they eat at night? as im new to this i am concerned that im not doing it right and dont want to kill them. the temp is 26c or 79f is that ok?
  29. W

    new to this and tropical fish

    i have had my tropical tank for about 3 weeks and have 5 neons 5 zebra danios 4 red eye tetras and 2 pakistan loaches. The other fish are eating well on nutrafin max (flakes) and i bought nutrafin max sinking food for the loaches but the dont seem to be eating it. They seem to hide and be still...