danio died

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New Member
Mar 31, 2003
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north east - england
i fed my fish this morning and all was well, i checked them 5 mins ago and there was a dead zebra danio just resting on the sand. i netted it out and checked it and it had a hole on the underneath of its stomach and part of its tail fin missing. in my tank i have zebra danios, neon and red eye tetraa and 2 yo-yos.

could the filter have anything to do with it? the rest of fish seem fine.

anyone offer any suggestions as to why this happened?
also on closer inspection it has a dent in its head which i noticed yesterday. im gutted as this is my first casualty.

also the water is cloudier today, i put some stress zyme in the water on wednesday is this the cause and should i add more or wait and should i test the parameters as they were tested on thursday. there was a slight amount of ammonia 0.5 but i added ammo-lock 2 to the water
I think i know what happened to your danio, sounds like the males fighting over the female and got killed in the process!!! it happened to me they were fine at feeding time and then later in the evening my mum said they were eating the living daylights out of my dead danio!!! but he was fine when i last saw him, I haven't replaced my loss though as they have seem to of settled down since.

Im sorry to hear of your loss but it does happen natural instict i guess.
Welcome to the fish trade!! It's amazing how you learn different things. So how long have you been keeping your tropicals? and how did you start?

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