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New Member
Mar 31, 2003
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north east - england
i have a 30 x 15 x 12 inch tank with 5 neon tetras 5 zebra danios 4 red eye tetras and 2 yo-yos, the neons and danios have been in the tank since 28/3/03 and the other fish a day later. The tank had been running since 21/3/03 and i had the water tested 5 days after i set up the tank. I was just wondering when i should do the first water change and by what % and when should i next test the water? Also how many more fish can i add as the tank is looking a bit colourless and want to add some colourful fish, any ideas of what to add and how many? Also do i need to buy a gravel vac to suck out the waste from bottom? And last of all how often do i need to add stress treatment?

This tropical fish hobby is very confusing to a beginner. -_-
Hi walah,

Its a shame you didn't do a bit more research before getting into fishkeeping.
I feel you may have been mislead somewhere. Did the shop where you got the tank not give any advice .....

Has anyone mentioned 'cycling' the tank - the time it takes for the water to become suitable for your fish and for the biological filter to start working properly. Typically this takes about 4 weeks though there are ways of speeding this up.....

The water in your tank is probably very unstable at the moment and you should really be testing the water daily. The tank will suffer ammonia and nitrite 'spikes' which can be dangerous (deadly) for your fish.

You were also sold way to many fish for a new tank - even it it was cycled. Fish should be introduced a few at a time over a period of weeks, so that the filter can adjust to the increase in load....

Changeing water while a tank is cycling prolongs the time it will take but may be neccessary to keep ammonia and nitrite levels down.

Have you got any test kits ammonia, nitrite pH etc.

There are products/additives that will make these toxins less harfull to the fish.

Cut back on feeding - less waste

See if the shop will take back the fish untill the tank is cycled.

hth and lets know how you get on

I have to agree with Wet that you have to many fish to try and cycle a tank on, you are going to have your hands full till it gets done. If you cant take some of the fish back you are probably going to loose some. The Danos should be alright since they are pretty hardy, I have had neon tetras before and I had nothing but trouble with them. IMHO the like perfect water conditions. I dont know about the red eyes and the yo yo's as I have never had them. I would say from your measurements you have a 20 gallon tank. Personally I would change a couple of gallons of water every other day to help keep ammonia levels in check. Also check into a product called stress zyme. It has the good bateria that you need. I know some dont advocate the use of this stuff but I use it and with in a few hours you will seem drops in some of your levels. At this time you havent even hit your peak for ammonia and your nitrites havent even started their cycle so as I said you are in for a bummpy ride. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but you need to know

i added stress zyme to the water just after it was set up and i added some today and the water seems clearer now even though it looked pretty clear before. The fish are all acting normal, is this an ok sign? I feed the fish morning and night and only a few flakes and there is little waste of food. I havent got a testing kit as the shop test the water. What are the names of the products to bring toxins down? And how long before anything happens to the fish if the ammonia is high.....i dont wanna kill them
Your best getting a dry tablet test as they are easy to use, measure the correct water level in the vial and a tab shake and wait and then read off the result. Volia simple!!

:) welcome newbie i'm a newbie too

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