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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. T

    Im a beginner

    hi luke =) im fairly new too. im also about to get an aquarium + accessories hehe. not too sure of the fish, but the tank im getting is a 33gallon i believe. im thinking of a few neon tetras to start off though. i have 1 betta fish swimming in a small table side tank - very nice fish, good...
  2. T

    Planning on purchasing an aquarium...

    yup heh very true... but im not planning any fish for about at least a week after i get the tank - i rem reading that u need to setup the tank first, make sure its maintaining the right pH and nitrate levels... then u can add the fish after floating etc... anyone know a site where they have...
  3. T

    Planning on purchasing an aquarium...

    i think its the 39x12x12 =) tazz
  4. T

    Planning on purchasing an aquarium...

    well just came from the pet store... the tank im prolly gunna get is a 33 gallon one. dimensions are about 39"x12". comes with all this stuff - water heater etc... (cant rem the whole list lol) an interesting comment though... i asked the clerk about setting up the tank. he was like "u can...
  5. T

    laser lights for fish tanks

    yea i saw those on sale at the lfs today... looked kinda kewl - says its harmless to fish. might check it out once i get my tank =P tazz
  6. T

    Planning on purchasing an aquarium...

    hi all - well its that time, pay check is gunna come in =) im prolly gunna grab a tank + accessories sometime this week. 1] what items whould i be looking to get along with my tank? (stuff like heater, light, etc...) 2] how do i prepare the tank so i can add fish in 3] how long will the...
  7. T

    how to change the water temperature

    ahh im in Canada, its kinda cold but my room is warm cause i keep the comp here - and it runs 24x7 =P got the fish from super pet,dunno if they r good - apparantly not - seing how they r selling fish to ppl without giving full info on the subject. the bowl is around 5 gallons i guess... not...
  8. T

    how to change the water temperature

    heh tru - makes u wonder why they wouldnt tell u to buy the other stuff - after all thats more profit to em right? okay so bottom line... get a water heater heeh... but would u think i could last maybe a week on what ive got - with regular water changes... cause im kinda broke but should b...
  9. T

    how to change the water temperature

    hmm wouldnt u think a large pet store such as Super Pet ( would have some idea though wouldnt you? i guess i should just monitor the water temp, and do regular water changes to keep it up, til i can get some more cash - for an aquarium tazz
  10. T

    how to change the water temperature

    yup... basically i went into the store and told em i wanted somethign small - a starter kit. they referred me to a betta fish, and the tank+kit. I purchased both at the same time. after bout 2 wks (when i had a lil cash hehe) i got a plant and light. tazz
  11. T

    how to change the water temperature

    i bought the kit they had for bettas - they had one setup - which i asked em about. i was basically going tot he store not knowing what i was needing, and asked the person there what i needed. what i have is what they referred me to. with exception from the plant and light - i bought these...
  12. T

    how to change the water temperature

    1 betta fish - thats all and a plant tazz
  13. T

    how to change the water temperature

    --Bujeeboo this was a quote from the emergency section - topic is somethign like fish seems paralyzed. tazz
  14. T

    how to change the water temperature

    if thats teh case, why would the pet store sell bettas, and in the kit only have a tank, water treatment, waste treatment, stones and a fish net? i asked em there if i needed anything else b4 i bought the fish - they said all i needed was the tank, and fish. since then ive got a plant and a...
  15. T

    how to change the water temperature

    well i was told to maintain a betta fish, all i needed was a tank and tap water. i just wanna last maybe a month with what i got then upgrade =) that was one of the main reasons i got a betta cause it wasnt as expensive to start off with one, while i learned about it all. tazz
  16. T

    how to change the water temperature

    i just got a betta fish in a small table side tank - with tap water. he seemed a little sluggish over the past 2 days, and didnt eat much today. so i did a water change - and put slightly warmer than room temp water in and he was swimming fine again. the water when i took it out was kinda...
  17. T

    how to change the water temperature

    how would i go about maintaining wthe water temerature, without a water heater? and how often, if its with regular water changes should i change the water ? is it okay to change 50% of the water every 2 days to maintain the temperature?? thanks tazz
  18. T

    The symptoms of fin rot are......

    well is there anything i can do to prevent the fin rot?? other than put warmer water in. the fin rot is only on the tail fin, not the one on top or bottom. thanks tazz
  19. T

    The symptoms of fin rot are......

    aroudn room temp - 25 deg C - i read that bettas thrive in temp 20-30 degrees C tazz
  20. T

    The symptoms of fin rot are......

    my fish's tail has this blackish border - when i bought him, the tail was smooth, but black, now its kinda jagged and black - followed by a whitish colouring, then the red of the rest of the fish. The fungus cure that i was using to treat the fungus (on 2nd treatment of the cycle) says it...
  21. T

    a quick hello =)

    THanks for the warm welcome all =) tazz
  22. T

    adding more fish...

    good call hehe... just gunna wait about a month i think, by then il have some cash from the new job =) will prolly get an aquarium tank... and in the mean time learn more from this awesome site =) the store, pet smart, is selling an aquarium kit for like $230 cdn, so i might look into that...
  23. T

    beat up dempsey

    hah that is some good news... and teaching a kid about somethign is kewl too - gotta learn somehow if ur interested =) tazz
  24. T

    Noticed some fuzz forming over the head

    i thought bettas breathed surface air due to poorly developed gills... so why would u need to aerate the water? and i dont have any mechanical device in it - just a light, and a plant heh its just oen of those small tableside tanks tazz
  25. T

    adding more fish...

    hmm the store said this tank was a good size for it... coem to think of it, im not 100% about the capacity of the tank. the size is around 12"X6"X8" roughly - just eyeing the dimensions. its not really rectangular - more of a rounded rectangle in shape. it might b 5 gallon tank, cause the...
  26. T

    Tank light

    hi all... lol anohter post by me ;) oh well anyway i got a question about the tank light - i bought one for my betta bowl, and was wondering how long do i need to have it on for?? i have a live plant in the bowl too. thanks tazz
  27. T

    a quick hello =)

    hi all just stoppin by to formally say hello tiz an awesome site - very informative, and friendly ppl. thanks for all the help, and i hope il b able to help out those in need soon, from the info i learn here =) currently own a betta fish (Felix) in a smallish tank. hoping to expand to a...
  28. T

    adding more fish...

    what kind of fish, if any, and how many, could i add in with my betta fish. the bowl isnt the biggest thing, its about 10L and how would i find out how aggressive my betta is? thanks tazz
  29. T

    Noticed some fuzz forming over the head

    i dont have a filter... its just a tableside tank with water in it = when i did the water change, all i added was the water conditioner, and the fungus cure, and b4 i added teh plant, i added the fertilizer to it outside of the tank. tazz
  30. T

    black border around the tail, behind a whitish one

    2 questions 1] my betta has like a black border around its tail - looks like its been burnt. directly behind it is a whitish tinge, then its red - the fish color. the tail is smooth - not jagged. i was wondering if this was tail rot or if its healing from tail rot. 2] i bought a plant for...
  31. T

    feeding my betta

    so ur saying keep feeding til he dont eat any more??? if thats the case, then whats classified as overfeeding? tazz
  32. T

    White bubbles.....

    my betta made a bubble cluster of approximatelya cirlce of a diameter of 3 inches - just a little smaller than a cd, in like 2 days - and its a lil thick in places too tazz
  33. T

    Noticed some fuzz forming over the head

    well i bought this stuff - some tablets called fungus cure. it cures the 3 types of fungal diseases - cotton mouth, bacterial body slime, and fin+tail rot on anotehr note, i bought a nice live plant and a light heeh - hopefully that will help keep the tank clean also, after adding the em...
  34. T

    Noticed some fuzz forming over the head

    not sure... gunna head to the pet store - someone said add salt - and that kills the fungi... so il go c what they got tazz
  35. T

    Noticed some fuzz forming over the head

    also i notice a black edge around the tail fin... :-( i just read that this could b a sign of tail rot?? i bought the fish with it like this i think. i thought it was part of the coloring = should i do the water change b4 or after i add in the medicine? thanks tazz
  36. T

    Noticed some fuzz forming over the head

    sigh... i c some fuzz forming over my bettas head again. theres not much but its noticeable. i also noticed he swims frantically sometimes too - like in a zig zag towards the stones at the bottom, and sometimes hel try to bury his face into the stones. also seems hes rubbing against the side...
  37. T

    feeding my betta

    just a quick ques about feeding, i know its once a day, but when i feed him, i place around 4-5 grubs of around size 5mm in the tank, and he eats them all. should i put more in after or stop? how do u know when to stop feeding? i also read that when feeding, watch the fish for about 10...
  38. T

    Betta Knowledge....

    well this is a clip of something i read on the following web site personally i dont get how this works, if anyone wants to enlighten me, id appreciate it =) thanks tazz
  39. T

    Betta Knowledge....

    heh title is kinda appropriate for what im suggesting. it would b nice if ppl could post questions they have about their betta fish, to gain a better understanding about how they live. what r those little bubbles the fish makes? i read it was for nesting tazz
  40. T

    water is kinda cloudy

    hi again all =) just a quick question, i changed my water yesterday - added the chemicals - the waste treatment, water treatment, cycle treatment, EM tablets. today i c the water is slightly cloudy. should i be worried about this and do another water change? i dont fancy boiling the stones...