Betta Knowledge....

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Fish Fanatic
Oct 24, 2002
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heh title is kinda appropriate for what im suggesting. it would b nice if ppl could post questions they have about their betta fish, to gain a better understanding about how they live.

what r those little bubbles the fish makes? i read it was for nesting

NOt sure. I know the males make a quite a bit of bubbles. My betta does that. Let me know what you find out.
Baby betta fish are also dependant on daddy, who builds... THE NEST...out of little air bubbles from his mouth. So that's what those annoying, tiny bubbles are in all those beta bowls! Poor betas, all that work blowing bubbles for nothing, unless... ...there's a female beta around, then he'll show off to attract her beneath the nest for... SPAWNING fertilize the eggs

well this is a clip of something i read on the following web site

personally i dont get how this works, if anyone wants to enlighten me, id appreciate it =)


yes daddy betta builds a nest. Unfortunately because they are so violent you have to be careful with the female only putting her in after conditiioning and after he does this otherwise he'll kill her :( then as soon as its done I think you have to take her out again :/
Females build nests sometimes too, and some males will actualy tolerate non-breeding females. All bettas are different... some are crazy. My betta will tolerate froggies, but not livebearers. :rolleyes:
:hyper: I haven't been keeping bettas long, but I have had the experience of working in two aquariums. Male bettas are the nest builders, and they usually produce the bubbles under a floating plant's leaves or on the edge of the tank. The female will then spin upside down :fun: and spray the eggs onto the bubbles underneath the leaf! However, you should keep at least 2 females :* :* with 1 male B) to stop him killing the female(as males have a large sex drive!!!). The female should then be removed as the father gets over protective and aggresive while he guards the eggs! Once the fry has hatched, remove them as the male will often see the fry as an early dinner! Hope this helped! 8)
Just a quick correction, the female doesnt spin upside down and spray the eggs into the nest, she simply drops them, then the male picks each one up in his mouth and 'spits' it into the bubble nest :)
Have kept a few but never had much luck. Parents would breed , female would be removed, male would care for young, then male would eat young. ??

Here is a web site with really good info on breeding/ keeping bettas.

Small tanks and little water are the keys to getting a pair to breed and a male to succesfully raise the young. That much I remember and learned alittle to late.

Here is the site.


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