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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Y

    Suggestions For Livebearers To Live With Angels And Tettras?

    I agree with fluttermoth, platys won't have that long wavy tail that can be nipped on and both females and males are colorful and come in many colors. maybe get a matching color of platy to complement your tank? fry won't survive but it's good live food for other fish. The only thing I don't...
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    Pygmy Cories

    pygmy Cory's are awesome my cousin has some in his tank and the are very active fish and school very well. they tend to swim in the middle and the bottom of the tank equally from what I observed and usually when they're in the middle they're darting up for a gulp of air. He also has some false...
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    Decapsulated Brine Shrimp Eggs Vs Regular Eggs.

    so I know that the decap are eggs without the hard shell but is there any downside to it? it almost sounds too good to be true. they're way cheaper then regular eggs on ebay, they're more nutritious, edible eggs, and they're easier to use. I heard that it's treated with bleach and chlorine to...
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    Can These Fish Survive A Cycle?

    great, I'll probably go buy some plants tomorrow then. I almost forgot how picky I am with the decor of my tank.
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    Can These Fish Survive A Cycle?

    hmm, I'm guessing it's really stressful for the fish, but could I add live plants at least? or is it too stressful for plants also?
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    Can These Fish Survive A Cycle?

    i just started a new 20 gallon fish tank and learned about the cycle thing. I haven't bought any fish yet but I have looked at a few. I let the tank run for about and week now, but got a little bit impatient and thought hey, how about I just buy some fish that would be able to survive the cycle...
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    Can My Dwarf Gourami Eat My Less Than 1In Fish?

    I have a probably 1.5-1.8in powder dwarf gourami and I just got some .8in galaxy danios and Pygmy Cory's and I'm worried that my gourami will kill them or eat them. is it possible? his mouth could probably fit like a little bit of the tail but that's about it.
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    Betta For A 10 Gallon?

    well if you're just going to get one fish for the 10g then I would suggest a giant half moon betta it could be named Vincent (idk whatever you like), they're the same just that they're like 2 times bigger then normal bettas. But careful tho, I don't really know much about giant bettas, I don't...
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    Will My Fry Have Any Chance To Survive?

    thanks for the welcome. but do you think they will find any food at all? do i have to like take a pipette and send some food to the bottom?
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    Easy To Breed Schooling Fish.

    I've been looking all over to find a fish that likes to school tightly, colorful, easy to breed, not too expensive and around 1-2 inches (2-4.5cm). I really liked celestial pearl danios but those guys are like $10 for an inch of fish. I'm still pretty new to fish keeping so I don't know what...
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    Will My Fry Have Any Chance To Survive?

    My tank has 4 platys and a powder dwarf Gourami in a 20 gallon tank with a black substrate. it's somewhat planted (everything is still young). I want at least some of my platy fry to grow up but I'm concerned that the black substrate will give them away to the bigger fish. do you guys think...