Betta For A 10 Gallon?

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Aug 2, 2013
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I am thinking about getting a male betta fish for my ten gallon fish tank and I have some questions. It is not fully cycled yet but almost, I will probably get him 2 or 3 weeks from now and I know that I can only get one because they are highly territorial.
Is a ten gallon suitable for just one male betta? and it will be just him no other fish.
What do male betta's prefer in their tank? like what things do they like plants, decor, ect.
What type of food should I provide for him?
What type of betta fish should I get?
Last question, do you guys have any name suggestions?
There's a whole pinned post on caring for a betta and it has a list of everything you will need so I'd suggest reading that first and then if you have questions there are a lot of very knowledgeable people here who will be more than happy to answer your questions.
As far as a name goes, I name them after I get them because usually I base their name off of their colors or their personality so you might want to wait to pick a name until you pick your betta. :)
A 10 gallon would be excellent for a single male betta!  Definitely take a look at the caresheet.  Bettas love live plants and places to hide like caves.  Make sure that you stay away from anything with sharp edges(this includes most plastic plants) as it will tear up your betta's delicate fins.  As far as which betta to get -- that is totally up to you since there is a wide variety of fin types and colors.  And names suggestions -- although I do not name my fish (I have too many) I believe it is best to wait and see what fits the betta you end up getting.
Bettas have individual personalities so there is alot of trial and error. For example, my betta is a total sweetheart who absolutely loves having other fish with him and actually attempts schooling with them (he's a bit of an oddball). My betta also refuses to eat pellets but others will ONLY eat them.

Live plants with broad leaves are good tank addictions for bettas because they like to rest on them. Also make sure your filters current isn't too strong since bettas aren't the strongest of swimmers.
a 10g is great! I have a 10g divided tank for 2 male bettas, which you could also do. bettas like to explore, so when you change the water, you could also change the layout for something new, thats what I do, so the boys dont get bored. as for names, definitely wait until you have the batta in your possession.  
Thanks for your questions, check out the care sheet first then come back with any further questions.
For type I like the Plakats i.e. the Bettas with shorter fins, as I tend to find them to generally be stronger, I am also partial to a nice looking Crowntail.
I prefer live plants and make sure you have one that is tall that your Betta can chill out in.
In my profile you will find other links to assist with layouts etc.
Look forward to seeing pictures of your tank and new boy.  Do you have a colour preference?
well if you're just going to get one fish for the 10g then I would suggest a giant half moon betta it could be named Vincent (idk whatever you like), they're the same just that they're like 2 times bigger then normal bettas. But careful tho, I don't really know much about giant bettas, I don't know if they're super in bread or injected with drugs or what, but they do look awesome.
I've had a lot of success with Kuhli loaches in company with my agressive Betta :) Those along with plenty of plants, driftwood and hidey holes provides plenty of daily interaction and entertainment!
A Betta would do great in a 10 gallon tank.
Care sheet
  • Keep the flow of the filter to a minimum. Bettas like to spend a lot of time lounging near the water surface and also breathe in atmospheric air. They're not strong swimmers either and will be stressed out by strong water currents.
  • A planted tank is definitely preferred as Bettas live in heavily vegetated swamps and paddy fields in their natural habitat.
  • Avoid any artificial plants or decorations with jagged edges that your betta could tear his fins on.
  • Bettas are tropical fish and prefer warmer water conditions. So a heater is always a good idea.
  • There are various types of Betta specific pellets available on the market. You can also suppliment his diet with frozen bloodworms.
  • There are so many tail types and colorations. Check Aqua Bid's betta section for instance and you'll get a look at the many different options. I'm partial to halfmoons myself and think that they're the most beautiful type of betta.
  • I have a friend who names his bettas after all his favorite actors. You should try that.

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