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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Willbacon23

    Planning ahead for fish move

    Thanks so much
  2. Willbacon23

    Planning ahead for fish move

    Hey guys, in October I am going to be moving house and will be taking my fish with me. The only tank I need to transport is my 25 gallon with corys a Bristlenose pleco and 6 danios. I’m wondering what’s the best way to transport them? I was considering buying a 15L plastic tank for...
  3. Willbacon23

    Betta breathing at surface

    Perfect just first betta wanted to check. I have the flow at a very low rate because when it was slightly higher he was struggling to cope where as now he can leisurely stroll. The level of surface ripplage is much lower, is this still good
  4. Willbacon23

    Betta breathing at surface

    Hey guys, every 5 mins or so inll see my little betta go to the surface to take a small breath of air. I know they do this obviously with their labyrinth organ and so was wondering if this is normal or not, or if it’s something to be concerned at?
  5. Willbacon23

    New betta and controlling filter flow

    It does seem very gentle now and is cornered away from the betta. He’s getting used to it as well so knows it’s a harder swim other there. He’s now chilling on the plants wnendriftwood in the other side! He’s got so much space he seems very happy
  6. Willbacon23

    New betta and controlling filter flow

    Yeah it can go either way just gotta keep an eye on it
  7. Willbacon23

    New betta and controlling filter flow

    I I know he is living in luxury, getting a wide variety of amazon swords for him to rest on as well. Perfect I think I will do that. He’s already getting used to the tank and is so far leaving the shrimp alone ( he’s going up to see them but not bumping or biting them.) he’s a beautiful thing...
  8. Willbacon23

    New betta and controlling filter flow

    Hey guys this is my new betta Sirius in his heated 25G. I have a flu all hang on back and jab epositioned it going into the side to reduce flow as I know bettas aren’t great swimmers. I’ve also now moved my heater to refract some of the wave energy. I’m wondering if by reducing this flow...
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  11. Willbacon23

    Best betta tankmates that can move into a community tank?

    I feel like a 25G by itself should hopefully be a better life than a small cube. I’m considering an all red half moon or a crowntail
  12. Willbacon23

    Best betta tankmates that can move into a community tank?

    Perfect! I will keep it by itself, any recommendation on best betta to keep? My tank is fully cycled and I think it ll rly like it perfect temp etc etc, willing to spend whatever formperfect betta if you have a good one in mind
  13. Willbacon23

    Best betta tankmates that can move into a community tank?

    I would never add them to the community tank! But no I was simply asking I won’t do it!
  14. Willbacon23

    Best betta tankmates that can move into a community tank?

    Hey guys, I am planning this week on moving a crowntail betta into my planted 25G L until around November. In November it will move into its own 15G and any hypothetical tankmates will be joined by the fish in my other community tank. I am wondering if it’s beneficial to add tankmates to a betta...
  15. Willbacon23

    Best plants for shrimp welfare/hiding

    I ll keep you updated!
  16. Willbacon23

    Best plants for shrimp welfare/hiding

    Hi guys, I’m wanting to increase biding spaces for my cherry shrimp as their 25 gallon gets a new tank mate in the form of a betta. I currently have java moss and some Smaller leaf plants in the tank as well as using some fake plants in a corner (scandalous i know.) I have a pleco breeding tank...
  17. Willbacon23

    Newbie with stocking questions for larger tank

    Toppping is very common with stingrays as well if I’m not mistaken, must be the shape!
  18. Willbacon23

    Newbie with stocking questions for larger tank

    What fish do work with loaches, purely out of curiosity
  19. Willbacon23

    Betta in heavily planted shrimp tank.

    I really want a crow tail betta so I think I may stick with that. Luckily the shrimp are in before the betta, guess reduces the image of it being dropped in as food. The sheimp are also only going to be in the tank for around 3 months before being placed in a Pygmy Cory tank :).
  20. Willbacon23

    Newbie with stocking questions for larger tank

    I believe a 60L in the Uk is around a 16 gallon, 16.5. Again even in UK The gallon system is so outdated :/. Different areas have slightly different conversions. As fish keeping in uk is nowhere near as big as in America it’s often said a 20 gallon is a 70,72 litre tank
  21. Willbacon23


    Any changes in behaviour, swimming issues?
  22. Willbacon23

    Betta in heavily planted shrimp tank.

    Yeah that makes sense, I’ve got a community tank in a different 20G so if I see any signs of aggression I will simply move them. Did you enjoy the shrimp with the bettas whrn it worked?
  23. Willbacon23

    Newbie with stocking questions for larger tank

    I apologise if it seemed I was recommending, it was more a general comment for size of the original tank, I wasn’t suggesting they purchase it without knowing the tanks requirements.
  24. Willbacon23

    Newbie with stocking questions for larger tank

    I’ve never owned tetras so I can’t comment! In a 15L I feel like corys are always the way forward
  25. Willbacon23

    Betta in heavily planted shrimp tank.

    Hey guys, I’ve got currently a 25G tank with very big cherry shrimp and lots of cover, java moss breeding tunnels, moss balls, java fern driftwood etc etc etc. My local fishkeeper keeps all his bettas in a 5G with cherry shrimp to control fry numbers which is something I am wanting to do myself...
  26. Willbacon23

    Newbie with stocking questions for larger tank

    I’d say the main problem with that tank, especially if it’s a 15H is the cherry barbs, especially having 5. They are very active and will really benefit from the larger tank
  27. Willbacon23

    HELP: 7mg/L ammonia reading

    This spike makes no sense!
  28. Willbacon23

    HELP: 7mg/L ammonia reading

    In my tank of 6 cories 8 Pygmy cories and 6 danio I will feed once a day around 5 tropical flakes and 3/4 of an algae water, is this too much?
  29. Willbacon23

    HELP: 7mg/L ammonia reading

    Should I hold off on feeding today and tommorow until this is sorted or will this harm the fish
  30. Willbacon23

    HELP: 7mg/L ammonia reading

    It’s still perfecr thanks I will try that now
  31. Willbacon23

    HELP: 7mg/L ammonia reading

    I’ve got a ciano 80 filter with a spray bar attached. The spray bar is still releasing water at a normal rate and quantity so I presume it is workint?
  32. Willbacon23

    HELP: 7mg/L ammonia reading

    I think I might buy it yes, these test strips seem awful. The only thing that concerns me would be a broken filter, but I’m wondering what the signs of that would be. My nitrites and nitrates are still trace so woukd thwt still occur if I had a broken filter? I’ve only had the filter for 3...
  33. Willbacon23

    HELP: 7mg/L ammonia reading

    Yeah I think it might be
  34. Willbacon23

    HELP: 7mg/L ammonia reading

    I’ve done another test and now the colour is different, this is so confusing and rubbish
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  36. Willbacon23

    HELP: 7mg/L ammonia reading

    N not really at all, my corys gills look completely normal, my danio are swimming usually and are active and my pleco seems happy and moving, no gasping for air at surface nothing. The actual scale is also terrible , I can barely tell what it is
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  38. Willbacon23

    HELP: 7mg/L ammonia reading

    I I jus re took a test and it still said 7! My water has a slight green tinge to it, but I assume that’s from algae. My filter spray bar is still workint as normal so I’m so confused as to what’s happened
  39. Willbacon23

    HELP: 7mg/L ammonia reading

    Hey guys, I recently bought new ammonia strips from terra, however usually I use the API ones. Consistently there has been no large ammonia readings when I used the other test stripes with readings consistently of 0. Today when the new test strips arrived after nkt testing for a week it’s said...
  40. Willbacon23

    Favourite corydoras?

    My Aeneus are the 4 alphas of my 20 gallon and are always with each other. They always sleep next to each other in a tight area it’s rly cute-I never knew how fish would sleep until I got into the hobby