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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Willbacon23

    Guppy’s in a community tank?

    Hi guys, apologies for messaging again, just feel like information online isn’t often as reliable as it should be. I currently have a 20 gallon long fully cycled with a ph of around 6.7 generally softer water. Ammonia nitrites both now 0 ppm. I have 6 Pygmy cory 6 glow light danio and 3 bronze...
  2. Willbacon23

    Bronze and albino Cory

    Perfect I was thinking of doing just that! But getting a dwarf blue gourami as a centrepiece kinda fish and 3 albino Corys and 4 Pygmy cories, think that would work?
  3. Willbacon23

    Bronze and albino Cory

    I’ve got a long 20 gallon with java fern and soon to be amazon swords plants. I’ve got 6 Pygmy cories 6 glow light danios and 3 bronze Corys at the moment :) with a hang on back filter z
  4. Willbacon23

    Bronze and albino Cory

    Perfect. I currently have 3 bronze Corys so the addition of 2 albino Corys for example would be fine? My tank is currently under stocked so any number recommendation would be appreciated as I do really love them very fun to watch
  5. Willbacon23

    Bronze and albino Cory

    Can you keep albino Corys with bronze Corys ? Or do they both need their different shoals. Seems weird considering they’re both same fish with different pigmentation?
  6. Willbacon23

    Fish ideas?

    Everywhere I read said 5-6 Pygmy Corys were fine?
  7. Willbacon23

    Fish ideas?

    Yeah thanks you made two points I never even thought about, do shrimps breed easily? How many could I fit with everything else that would be suffice so not hurting any of the fish
  8. Willbacon23

    Fish ideas?

    Cheers amazing! Thanks for the help. Sounds like a great idea. Cherry shrimp and black shrimp with java fern etc I think would be really cool as well. A lot of people always talk about dwarf gouramis what would your thoughts on them be if any?
  9. Willbacon23

    Fish ideas?

    Would that all fit in fine with my fish I currently have?
  10. Willbacon23

    Fish ideas?

    GH is fairly hardy nothing crazy tho and PH is near neutral it’s never out of the range of 6.5-7.5 but alwuas closer to 6.8 roughly
  11. Willbacon23

    Fish ideas?

    Hey guys, I’ve currently got a 20 gallon tank which is newly cycled. I have at the minute 6 glow light danio, 5 little Pygmy cories and 3 bronze Corys. I do large water changes weekly and it is a 20 long tank with driftwood cave space etc. Any fish ideas and stocking ideas would be really...
  12. Willbacon23

    Bronze corydoras reddy gills

    Perfect thanks so much
  13. Willbacon23

    Bronze corydoras reddy gills

    Also more importantly I apolgise, excitement over new tanks etc taking over, if nitrites don’t fall afte water change after test in 3 days what should I do
  14. Willbacon23

    Bronze corydoras reddy gills

    You all seem really knowledgeable you all seem really knowledgeable and was wondering with my water temperature at a constant of 23-29 degrees is there any other fish you’d recommend. I see a lot of people suggest dwarf blue gourami but is there any other slightly niche suggestions your have...
  15. Willbacon23

    Bronze corydoras reddy gills

    Yeah I thought the same I’m also quite hands on so planning to do regular changes and have a spray bar etc so hopefully should Be fine.
  16. Willbacon23

    Bronze corydoras reddy gills

    Hi, yes guppy’s in the near future but Ofc now focusing on community tank. My waters GH is quite hard being from london in the UK. Before adding any more fish or anything I want to wait at least 2 months to ensure that all the water parameters are perfect and my fish are happy. At the minute in...
  17. Willbacon23

    Bronze corydoras reddy gills

    I’m a university student so struggle with money and the kits really expensive :( I’ve got strips which I know aren’t good enough but coronavirus hasn’t helped just yet in funding the addiction! I’m planning to eventually have a guppy breeding tank alwuas seemed like an amazing idea
  18. Willbacon23

    Bronze corydoras reddy gills

    Yeah lovely tank btw kinda what I aspire too. I bought them with a slight red tinge I believe seen because I haven’t seen a drastic change in their appearance nor temperament. They’re lovely creatures and I’m really enjoying them probably why I’m stressing!
  19. Willbacon23

    Bronze corydoras reddy gills

    this is the one with the worst redness I could find
  20. D21CCC31-D8D0-4E43-9557-AE7E3FF58795.jpeg


  21. Willbacon23

    Bronze corydoras reddy gills

    Yeah sure I will tommorow :) send a video is there anything in the videos to look out for
  22. Willbacon23

    Bronze corydoras reddy gills

    I’ve got some java fern maritimo moss balls in the tank and some amazon sword coming? Is that positive or not
  23. Willbacon23

    Bronze corydoras reddy gills

    Would it be worth changing feeding habits. I currently feed them tropics flakes and algae wafers once a day
  24. Willbacon23

    Bronze corydoras reddy gills

    I also have Ofc tetrasafeplus would it be worth re applying?
  25. Willbacon23

    Bronze corydoras reddy gills

    Also I do dechlorinate water yes and condition with slime coat etc
  26. Willbacon23

    Bronze corydoras reddy gills

    It’s a 20 gallon tank. There are 4 bronze Corys, 5 Pygmy Cory and 6 Glowlight danio. None of the others have any signs of red. Nitrates is around 10ppm max and nitrites readings were around 1.5ppm at their highest before consecutive 70% water changes today and yesterday
  27. Willbacon23

    Bronze corydoras reddy gills

    Hi guys, more a reassurance than anything else being a new fishkeeper and all. I have 3 bronze Corys and they’re activity levels are all normal and very high! They’re eating very welll and have been really friendly. There giills area seems slightly red but barely visible and seems more...
  28. Willbacon23

    Help, My albino Bristlenose pleco keeps staying near the filter!

    Hello, thanks so much for taking the time to respond . I cycled my tank for around 2 weeks whilst adding live bacteria dechlorinators and other products. Though now I would’ve liked to have cycled my tank for longer, it was initially due to the misinformation of my local pet store. I have since...
  29. Willbacon23

    Albino Bristlenose pleco in trouble!

    Hi guys please reply ASAP if you’ve got any advice ! I currently have a newly cycled fish tank with 6 danio and 5 Pygmy Cory as well as my albino Bristlenose pleco. Currently the water parameters are around 1ppm nitrites 7 ph and negligible nitrates. My albino Bristlenose pleco has recently been...
  30. Willbacon23

    Help, My albino Bristlenose pleco keeps staying near the filter!

    Hello, my name is will and I am from England. I currently have. A 20 gallon tank with 6 Glowlight danio 1 albino Bristlenose pleco and 5 Pygmy Corys. My water parameters are a neutral ph 0 nitrates but around 1 ppm nitrite. All my fish apart from the Bristlenose are not coming to the surface...