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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. stealth300


    Ive finished the post now :lol:
  2. stealth300


    My situation is - Two tanks 1x 100l/21g tank 1x 330l/72g tank The Fish List - Corydoras German blue rams Glowlight Tetras Cardinal Tetras Five banded barbs Tiger barbs Dwarf Cichlids Angel fish Green Rasbaros Zebra danios Endlers Platys Guppys, The aim is to have tropical fish tank...
  3. stealth300

    Stealth 300's Fishless Cycle

    Goodluck with your cycle ;)
  4. stealth300

    My New Tank

    Looks nice,how come you went for a taller tank then a longer tank?
  5. stealth300

    The "new Guy"/hi All :d

    I wish i took that advice,im in the early stages of a fishless cycle on my new 110l tank and im already thinking and planning a bigger tank!...As Maccy D's would say "go large"
  6. stealth300

    Stealth 300's Fishless Cycle

    It has become frustrating,coming home everynight to see green and blue on the test kit :-( ,although im wondering if i put the cycle a week behind on initial setup from dosing too much ammonia. Ive changed the white filter pad about 5 days ago because it was clogged with dirt from the tank...
  7. stealth300


    Boots Ammonia - Kleen Off Ebay (fast delivery)-
  8. stealth300

    Stealth 300's Fishless Cycle

    Heres a picture ,i think i have good surface disturbance?
  9. stealth300

    Making A Tank

    Its only as easy as your knowledge and experience,i look at my tank and the joints are tight and the sealant that has been applied is perfect(machine produced).Could i make such perfect joints..nah :no: ..but you can make a ghetto tank...might not be perfect but you made it :)
  10. stealth300

    Miles' Fishless Cycle

    Ive found my conservatory the best for natural light if you have one..or a room with windows and white walls,also Ph7.4 and 8.0 on the chart do look very similar in the wrong light.I was having the same issues with ammonia until i used the conservatory to view my tests.
  11. stealth300

    Stealth 300's Fishless Cycle

    Thanks WD,mind is now at rest,and your right about the test result log :lol: so ive now edited the original post and cleaned it up abit.
  12. stealth300

    Stealth 300's Fishless Cycle

    Having still not being convinced im dosing ammonia to the correct amount i decided to do a 100% water change and measure how much water the tank would actually take with subtrate and deco aswell as how many drops of ammonia it would take to reach 4ppm. Tank volume - 110 liters Tank volume with...
  13. stealth300

    Stealth 300's Fishless Cycle

    Tank now undercover,thanks for the advice :good:
  14. stealth300

    Stealth 300's Fishless Cycle

    Equipment Juwel 800 Fish Tank. Capacity: 110 Liters. Capacity with subtrate and deco: 98 Liters. Test Kit: Api Freshwater Master Test Kit. Boots ammonia 9.5% (Aprrox 40-50 drops = 4ppm) Baking Soda Additional Notes Raised Ph to 8.2 using baking soda. Turned lights off on tank and covered...
  15. stealth300


    Thanks Fluttermoth :)
  16. stealth300


    Hi Ive been browsing the forum for the last two weeks soaking up the wealth of knowledge and learning a great deal ,so id like to say thank you to all who contribute to the forum. As the title suggests im a newb to tropical and any other fish,the other half wanted a goldfish in a bowl and in...