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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. DiddleBug

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    Sure! I'd love to see them! :)
  2. DiddleBug

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    I'm not really sure what sells well. There seems to be a lot of reds and yellows, as you said. :) This was the first time I'd seen half black guppies at the LFS.  I like the blue colored ones and also black, so I'm not exactly what I'll do.  I might see what the LFS have in a week or so.  My 3...
  3. DiddleBug

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    I might try that. I could use a breeder net for the fry I find so they can grow a bit in there and then I can release them at 1month or something. I've done it before. Assuming my females are half black tuxedos, what color male should I look for? I was thinking half black or all black if I...
  4. DiddleBug

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    My male died last night! I have no clue why. :( Also, is it even possible to selective breed with only 2 small tanks? I could keep just some fry here and some fry there if that would help.
  5. DiddleBug

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    Yeah, I've seen a large variety at the LFS. I can probably sell my extras to them too.  i might just keep a few from each batch and keep the best as I don't have a lot of room.  Would you happen to have a picture of any of your best guppies?  i'd love to see them.  
  6. DiddleBug

    Selective Breeding Guppies

    I was wondering about trying to selective breed guppies.  I have just 2 10 gallons, but they seem to be the best fish I can breed in that size of tanks.   I have 4 young half black tuxedo guppies I think.  They are probably siblings.  I got them at a LFS for cheap.    If they have fry I'd like...
  7. DiddleBug

    Old Guppies

    I had a big red and black spotted female from the LFS and she had this outstanding blue male with a huge tail and dorsal fin.  I named him Azure.  He was practically a show fish!  Then when he got old his tail started hanging and he sort of swam slightly vertical, if you know what I mean.  He...
  8. DiddleBug

    Moscow Guppies?

    Cool.  I measured them and they are slightly over an inch long if that helps.     So do you think they could be fairly pretty and have neat fry, or should I try and get better stock?  I'd like to see if i can sell some to the petshop while keeping the best for future breeding.     I've seen some...
  9. DiddleBug

    Moscow Guppies?

    Ok.  Yeah, my male looks just like the one in the pic. :) I'm hoping his fins will grow a bit yet.  And the female are quite small.  Do you think they'll get any more color?
  10. DiddleBug

    Moscow Guppies?

    I'm not sure what they are...I googled some pics and none really fit.  ...
  11. DiddleBug

    Moscow Guppies?

    ok. :) yeah, I'm excited to see if I'll get some snake skins. :) I'll post some pics if they have any. :)
  12. DiddleBug

    Moscow Guppies?

    I have these 4 black guppies.  They're 3/4 black and very pretty.  I was wondering what type of fancy tailed guppy they were.  Do you need a pic to tell?     Also, the one guppy is a male and I was hoping to get some beautiful all black colored fry.  I saw orange and snake skin males in the...
  13. DiddleBug

    Fake Plants!

    Here's my fake planted tank.  i got my plants at Petsmart and it looks pretty good.  I think they have even better stuff. This here is what my mom got and she knows nothing about what to look for. :P  
  14. DiddleBug

    Tank Picture

    I don't know.  I clean often and I have corys which would probably uproot them.  I don't have the money to buy more plants either. :/ My parents have me buy my extra fish stuff. 
  15. DiddleBug

    Tank Picture

    I've always killed my aquarium plants, so I decided to stick to plastic. It makes things easier to clean and it doesn't look too bad.  I'm not saying plastic is best by far, I know live plants look better than plastic and are best for the tank.  This is just for those who don't have green...
  16. DiddleBug

    Which Is The Best Corydoras Fry Food.

    I've used Hikari First Bites with great success.  I got it off ebay cheap.  I'm sure there are better methods, though.  :)
  17. DiddleBug

    What To Feed Cory Cats

    I use frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, and mysis shrimp along with shrimp pellets and a cory/bottom feeder wafer.  This gets them condition quickly and keeps them very healthy.  You can give them just a few tablets or flakes and they'd be fine though.  They aren't picky.  
  18. DiddleBug

    Gourami Bubblenest

    Thanks. :)
  19. DiddleBug

    Gourami Bubblenest

    My male dwarf gourami keeps building bubble nests even though there's no female. I know this in normal for male gouramis and I hope to get him a lady friend as soon as I can. How big are the nests supposed to be? This nest here is the biggest he's made before, and he's not done with it yet...
  20. DiddleBug

    Green Cory Sexing Age?

    I know! Ever since I got my first green cory I've almost always kept some in both my tanks. They are a bit shy, but if you can get over that they are great fish. It's nice how they never fight with eachother or other fish.
  21. DiddleBug

    Green Cory Sexing Age?

    ok, thanks for the help. :)
  22. DiddleBug

    Which Corys Do You Have?

    Any idea how the fry would turn out? 
  23. DiddleBug

    Corydoras Losing Barbells Dying Due To Sand ?

    i use play sand too.  It settles quickly and i've not had a problem yet.  
  24. DiddleBug

    Green Cory Sexing Age?

    Ok, so you can't sex them till they're about breeding age?
  25. DiddleBug

    Green Cory Sexing Age?

    I have some 4 1/2 month old  green corys and I'd like to sell some to clear up some space.  I'll just be keeping the best 2 females and 4-5 males.  How old do they have to be before you can tell the males from the females?
  26. DiddleBug

    Pregnant Guppy?

    She looks like she is.  Most female guppies are about constantly if there's a male in the tank. :P  i'd say she has 2-3 weeks to go.  It's hard to tell though. If this is her first time she may not get very big and have only a few fry.     Live plants like that are great for fry.  :) The...
  27. DiddleBug

    How To Breed Dwarf Gouamis

    So I could get one female for my male, condition and breed them, and then move the female when they're done? I have a another tank that I could put her in. There aren't any local breeders, but I think it will be okay getting one from the LFS. right now my make is making bubble nests even though...
  28. DiddleBug

    Guppy Breeding

    I was wondering, if I was to get 3-4 guppies, only one male, what colors would go good together? The petshop often has blues, black and reds, oranges, blacks, and snakeskins. I thought it would be cool to let them breed so I could keep a few fry and see how they turn out. Does it matter what...
  29. DiddleBug

    Broken Air Stone?

     just got it though, if i needed to replace it that would be a rip off. :/
  30. DiddleBug

    Broken Air Stone?

    Today i noticed my fairly new (a month old I'd say) air stone pumping out bubbles like regular-just the bubbles didn't pop very fast, and so they were covering the top of the tank.  It looked like a huge gourami bubble nest! :)  I turned it off and checked everything and it looked fine...
  31. DiddleBug

    Red Cherry Pics

  32. DiddleBug

    Can You Tame Your Gourami?

    I have this male dwarf gourami who isn't very scared of me.  When i put my hand (just the fingers)in for a bit he came up and let me stroke his side once before he swam off.  Now he lets me pet him fairly often and he's not that scared of me.  Can you actually tame these guys?  i know some large...
  33. DiddleBug

    How To Breed Dwarf Gouamis

    Ok, so I've done some research on how to breed dwarfs, but I still have a few questions.  Is it fine to condition them together?  I'd probably have 2 females and the trio would be the only fish in the tank, besides 3 corys.  When they're conditioned I know you raise the temp to 82-ish and lower...
  34. DiddleBug

    Stocking For 10Gal?

    Pygmy Corys would be fine.  Also teras, livebearers, and other small fish. 
  35. DiddleBug

    Peas For Corys?

    Do you think frozen bloodworms, mysis shrimp, and brine shrimp, along with shrimp pellets, occasional peas, and veggie wafers sound like a good diet?
  36. DiddleBug

    Breeding Bronze Corys

    Mine are Aeneus (I'm figuring).  They're the same "type" as peppered and albino, if you know what I mean.
  37. DiddleBug

    Peas For Corys?

    I heard you can feed your fish peas, along with some other veggies.  How do you prepare the food and get it to the bottom for corys?  What veggies do you feed your corys?  
  38. DiddleBug

    Breeding Bronze Corys

    Once my group of green corys mature (6 or 7 of them), how often should they breed?  They'll be on a diet of frozen blood worms, mysis shrimp, and brine shrimp, along with shrimp pellets and veggie pellets.  I'm guessing I'd feed them 2, possibly 3 times a day.  I do water changes often.  Would...
  39. DiddleBug

    Cory Breeding Age?

    Cool!  Thanks for the input! :)