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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. DiddleBug

    Corys And Live Plants?

    I'm thinking about getting some live plants.  (Dwarf Amazon Sword, Corkscrew Vals, and Java Fern.)  I have lots of frisky green/bronze corys.  Would they rip up my plants?  Would I want to let the plants root first before adding the corys? 
  2. DiddleBug

    Fish Ideas

    Pygmy corys, a honey gourami or two, shrimp, guppies, mollies, or zebra danios would work.  Black mollies would fit your black theme.  There are also black guppies, but they are harder to find.  Good luck!   
  3. DiddleBug

    Plant Ferts?

    Thanks. :) I'll buy some there if I decode to get some live plants. :)   Now where can I have easy directions of how to use it? Oh, and i have green cories.  Should I worry about them uprooting any plants I get?  Should I let the plants root (if I get them) before moving in the cories?  
  4. DiddleBug

    How Long Till My Platy Gives Birth?

    She looks like she could pop andy time now. Keep an eye on her. :)
  5. DiddleBug

    Is My Guppy Pregnant?

    She looks like she'll have babies any time now!  Just wait a few more days and be patient.  Try raising the temp 2-3 degrees.  
  6. DiddleBug

    Plant Ferts?

    That makes it simple. :)  So you just follow the dosing and put the stuff in the water?  I had looked up E.I. starter kits and saw this same site! :)  Is it okay that I'm from the US?  
  7. DiddleBug

    Plant Ferts?

    Ok.     So basically I should get an E.I. starter kit and then some ferts?  
  8. DiddleBug

    Plant Ferts?

    I'm still unsure about live plants, but I might give it one more try.  I'm thinking of getting some vals, java fern, and amazon sword for my 2 10 gallons.  I have sand in my tanks and LED lights in one and a bulb in the other.  What ferts, nutrients, co2, etc.. do I need?  And what brands work...
  9. DiddleBug

    Is It Worth It?

    Are there any other fish that I could fit in a 10 gallon and sell for a good price? I looked into GBRs but they seem tricky. What do you think I should invest in? (Or should I keep my cories?)
  10. DiddleBug

    Pic Test

    Nice dog. :) Is he a purebred or mutt? 
  11. DiddleBug

    My Cat Lynxie

    She's a cutie! :) I love cats, but sadly none of mine like water. :P
  12. DiddleBug

    Is It Worth It?

    Maybe you're right. :) I'll have to think about all the options. :) How hard is shipping fish and selling them online?
  13. DiddleBug

    Is It Worth It?

    Selling online sounds confusing... Do you think I should just drop trying to breed cories?  Even if I don't breed my fish they are going to keep eating my money.  What should I do?  
  14. DiddleBug

    When Should Guppy Fry Be Added To The Main Tank?

    Yeah, i was just playing around. :P 
  15. DiddleBug

    Is It Worth It?

    I like breeding Bronze corys and there are 2 LFS nearby that will buy my fish for $.75-$1.  I only have 2 10 gallons though... I was thinking maybe I could buy a big 20 gallon tub and add a heater and sponge filter.  I already have sand.  So I was think I could use the 1 10 gallon for 4 adults...
  16. DiddleBug

    When Should Guppy Fry Be Added To The Main Tank?

    Especially if one's a piranha. Sorry, I couldn't help myself.   So yeah, basically just see if they are bigger than the mouths of their tank mates.  :)
  17. DiddleBug


    My bronze females always had larger heads/snouts.  
  18. DiddleBug

    My Asian Highback Redtail Golden Arowana + Friends !

    Nice fish!  That big guys a bit scary though! lol :P
  19. DiddleBug

    My Two Gordon Setters

    Cuties! :D
  20. DiddleBug


    Welcome! :) Feel free to explore this website!  It's great and I've learned a lot.  :)
  21. DiddleBug

    Cory Personality?

    I was just wondering... do corys have different personalities?  They never show aggression and they like to swim in a group.  I have had some adults (bronze/green) a few times but for the last few months I've just been raising some fry.  I have so many it's hard to know who's who and keep tabs...
  22. DiddleBug

    My Two Betta Tanks

    JJ, Peeka, Flipper, Dodger, Yoyo, Fantasy, Lava, Hokey-Pokey, Skittle, Domino, Jedi. I know these are a bit weird... :) 
  23. DiddleBug

    Most Owner-Friendly From Your Experience?

    My guppies eat out of my hand.  I've also seen some very tame gold fish.  
  24. DiddleBug

    Just A Drawing (:

    That's really cool!   i wish I could draw that good.   It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!!! lol :D
  25. DiddleBug

    Is My Guppy The Father Or Not?

    I heard that females can get pregnant by a different male than the previous one during the 24 hour period after she has fry.  :/ I'm not sure if this is true, I just read about it on a few different websites.  
  26. DiddleBug


    I see.  And if you feel bad about your cories and other fish eating the eggs just scrape the eggs off the glass and pitch them.  I don't like my cories getting used to eating their eggs either.  
  27. DiddleBug


    You don't have to keep the eggs if you don't want any more cories. :)
  28. DiddleBug

    My Licorice Gourami's

    Nice fish!  I haven't seen that type before either.  How big do they get?
  29. DiddleBug

    When Do Guppy Fry Reach Breeding Age?

    As soon as the males' anal fin starts to change shape (when you can tell they aren't females) you will want to separate them. This can be around 3 months, but the age varies. Believe me, they don't have to be very big to get a female pregnant. :P
  30. DiddleBug

    Mollies Born From Neon Tetras Platies!

    I agree. People should know about fish if they're taking care of them. :) It's not like you don't need training to keep fish because they're "just fish".  
  31. DiddleBug

    I Swear I Didn't Mean To Buy Him! He Fell In My Tank!

    Nice fish!  :) lol I go to the store for fish food and come home with fish all the time! :) 
  32. DiddleBug

    [Pic]Opaline Gourami Mating

    I'm not sure.  I'm assuming they probably would but I never tried it.  I was so young I just gave my gourami fry crushed flakes! :o And they lived for over a month-I'm not sure how-and then they started dying.  Probably because they had a horrible tank set up! :P     Any way, you could also try...
  33. DiddleBug

    [Pic]Opaline Gourami Mating

    Wow!  Your camera is really nice. I'm jealous.  :) Your little guys are so cute!  Wait till they lose their eggs yolk/sacks and start looking more like fish. :D
  34. DiddleBug

    Guppys Pregnant?

    Yeah, i know. :P The 7 fry were just swimming around as happy as can be in the tank.  i only have a females and them 3 young corys in there.  So I don't think she ate any.  Plus she hardly even looked pregnant before she had them. :)  Other wise i'd have moved her or kept better tabs on her if...
  35. DiddleBug

    [Pic]Opaline Gourami Mating

    They're so cute!! They look like the pearl gourami eggs I had years ago. :) Keep us updated!
  36. DiddleBug

    [Pic]Opaline Gourami Mating

    Sweet!  Are you going to try and raise some fry?  
  37. DiddleBug

    [Pic]Opaline Gourami Mating

    Nice picture! Your fish look very healthy. :) I'm not a gourami expert, but I did take away the eggs be because my male pearl gourami stopped making buibles and the eggs were floating all over! I used a spoon and took the eggs-and bubbles and moved them to another tank. Good luck with your eggs!
  38. DiddleBug

    Guppys Pregnant?

    Here's a vid of the little ones.  The one has a half black head.
  39. DiddleBug

    New Fish

    Nice fish!  Your cory looks like a youngster. :) He's so cute.. I love corys. 
  40. DiddleBug

    Guppys Pregnant?

    I found 7 fry in the tank about 3 hours after I posted this.  :/ None of the females are acting weird or looking visibly different.  So I'm guessing Dulce-the one with the smallest stomach-was the momma.     Do you think i couldn't see any signs because this was her first batch?  Because 7 fry...