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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. afishdude

    Whitish Gunk On Top Of Water?!

    Is the water flowing well in the tank?
  2. afishdude

    Thinking Off Putting Co2 In The Tank

    Looks to be swords, cabomba, and some grass plants. None of which require co2.
  3. afishdude

    Bloodworm Pellets Causes A Feeding Frenzy!

    I don't see why it would be illegal... it's fish food. No places around here carry them and there are none on ebay. I have been looking for them for quite a wile now. Can you pm me and let me know how much shipping would be?
  4. afishdude

    Fish Died Gutted

    I read your title and thought you gutted your fish! Sorry to hear they died :( You must have an offly big tank!
  5. afishdude

    What Should I Breed?

    Any good online fish stores that you can recommend? Or a place where other fish keepers sell fish (other than the classifieds here)
  6. afishdude

    Bloodworm Pellets Causes A Feeding Frenzy!

    I can never find these in the USA. :(
  7. afishdude

    Saphs Pond And Fish

    How long has the pond been set up? Sounds like its cycling
  8. afishdude

    Are These Things Safe For An Aquarium?

    I have always used small ceramic pots, non glazed and have never had a problem.
  9. afishdude


    Snakeheads are illegal in the USA.
  10. afishdude

    Bloodworm Pellets Causes A Feeding Frenzy!

    Was this off ebay UK or ebay USA?
  11. afishdude

    Found A Baby Cory

    Oh man, wow I didn't even look at the date. I found the topic at the bottom of the screen when I was looking at another topic.
  12. afishdude

    What Else Can I Add With These Chichlids. Advise!

    Is the red finned shark a red tail black shark by chance?
  13. afishdude

    Thinking Off Putting Co2 In The Tank

    Check the DIY section for a way to make your own co2 factory. What type of plants are you planning on putting in there? Some need co2 and some don't
  14. afishdude

    What Should I Breed?

    I think I'm going to go for german blues. I have a couple of questions... Where is a good place to buy a pair online? I do NOT trust my LFS. Would the LFS buy the juvies or would I have to sell them online?
  15. afishdude

    What Should I Breed?

    Snakeheads are illegal in the USA :( They were outlawed after some Asians released them into the waterways and they started eating everything in the rivers. Im leaning towards german blue rams. I'm just worried about buying a pair and having them not breed.
  16. afishdude

    Found A Baby Cory

    I would say a few weeks at least.
  17. afishdude

    Found Baby House Sparrow

    I think you should put the bird back in the nest. If the parents are swooping down to the cage that means they want it back. It has a much better chance of surviving with the parents than in a cage.
  18. afishdude

    What Should I Breed?

    Green terrors grow to 8" and are very aggressive if I remember correctly. I don't have the tank space for them and the angelfish would be shredded. Not sure what a GBR is.
  19. afishdude

    Shrimp And Other

    Is there any way he can get a 10g? With a 10g he can get all sorts of fish and shrimp combos.
  20. afishdude

    What Should I Breed?

    Male, I don't have the room to raise angelfish. I could only raise maybe 10 at a time and they take months to grow big enough to sell.
  21. afishdude

    What Should I Breed?

    Ok guys, I have just got back into fish keeping and decided that I want to breed some fish again. I was thinking about wild guppy or endlers but I need something that a LFS would take for sure. Here is the set-up. I have a 30g with 1 angelfish and 1 cory cat so this will be used as the...
  22. afishdude

    What Sand Is Good?

    Go natural. Get a bag of sand from home depot and strain it out so all the big rocks come out. I use noodle drainer thing. Once all the big rocks are out you should have pure, natural looking sand. WASH IT and when you think its clean, wash it a couple more times. It takes a lot of washing to...
  23. afishdude

    Am I Ready For More Fish?

    It shouldn't take a week for your nitrite to get to 0. Maybe a day or two. Once your ammonia and nitrite reach 0, wait a day and add new fish. Only add a couple at a time and keep checking the water stats!
  24. afishdude

    Cherry Shrimp, Guppies, Fry.....?

    You can get heaters down to fit a 5g. I can't remember the brand name. He's not going to raise the fry in the 3/4, just grow them until the other fry will not eat them. It's like using the breading box things that float in the aquarium. What size is your fry tank? The one your going to...
  25. afishdude

    Compatible Tankmate Suggestions

    Neons that you never mentioned? You said "black neon" which is a variety of neon tetra.
  26. afishdude

    Limescale Removal.

    Lemon or lime juice on a rag. Takes it right off. Vinegar works also but can leave your tank smelling nasty.
  27. afishdude

    Cherry Shrimp, Guppies, Fry.....?

    Who said he has in internal heater? With a tank that small you can get away with one of the reptile types that go under the tank. I don't see any problem with it being used as a temp fry tank as long as you have a sponge filter in there. I'm assuming your going to net the fry out when they...
  28. afishdude

    a fish to id

    Get another pic of it!
  29. afishdude

    Compatible Tankmate Suggestions

    My 4" angels managed to eat 12 neons that were 1.5" long. They just chased them around until they were wore out and then pecked the crap out of them until they were gone.
  30. afishdude

    Wanted: Guppies & Pond Snails

    Go to your LFS and ask them to grab a few snails out of the plant tanks.
  31. afishdude

    My Clown Loach Is Pregnent Pics

    .0% chance that that clown is pregnant. .01% chance that it has eggs.
  32. afishdude

    Compatible Tankmate Suggestions

    Caridinal, neaon, black neon, and small rummys will be dinner for the angels.
  33. afishdude

    Rocks For Tank

    You only need to bring them to a boil. Once they hit the boiling point, all the bacteria is dead. No need to keep it in there longer.
  34. afishdude

    Breeding In A 10 Gallon?

    Cory cats.
  35. afishdude

    55 Gallon Tank Filtration Questions

    I have always had good luck with these: The XP2 should work perfectly.
  36. afishdude

    Why Can't I Use This Site With Firefox?

    I'm also on firefox. Try re-downloading firefox, cleaning your temp internet files, and clean out your cookies.
  37. afishdude

    Hello Guys (once Again)

    Hey guys! I just got back into fish keeping this spring from taking a year off. Couldn't remember my password until today, you might have seen me post logged in as 'bbk1'. I have to say. It's good to be back!!!!!
  38. afishdude

    Fins On Tetra Falling Apart

    PM 'wilder' she is the local disease expert.
  39. afishdude

    Finally Have Fry!

    Thanks for the replies guys. This is BBK1. I just remembered my pass for this account.
  40. afishdude

    Platy Eating Dead Ghost Shrimp.

    Yes it is normal. In fact they might have seen it as food and killed it. It's all natural.