Compatible Tankmate Suggestions

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Fish Crazy
Mar 28, 2008
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I have a 95G tank, 26 degrees C, pH 7.8, water fairly hard. Well planted.

Current stock is:

6 decent-sized angelfish
16 corydoras sterbai
2 BN plecs
1 peckoltia brevis

I'm after a group of other fish to share the mid-upper tank with the angels, so something that won't get bullied by the angels, but won't be too nippy, either.

Suggestions? Thanks.
Any kind of colour/species/location preference?
Well, everything else in there is South American, so I'd like to stick with that really. Something with a bit of colour might be nice, as the angels are silver and black. Otherwise, it's open season!
Have a look at black widow, flame, black neon, glowlight, cardinel and rummynose tetras.
Caridinal, neaon, black neon, and small rummys will be dinner for the angels.
Adults of all those species (exluding neons which I never mentioned), should be fine with "decent-sized" angelfish.
My 4" angels managed to eat 12 neons that were 1.5" long. They just chased them around until they were wore out and then pecked the crap out of them until they were gone.
right get this straight, neons, guppy and the liking are dinner4 andels if an angel fish can eat a tubifex cube in about 5 bites it can certainly eat a neon!!
My 4" angels managed to eat 12 neons that were 1.5" long. They just chased them around until they were wore out and then pecked the crap out of them until they were gone.
Again, no one is talking about neon tetras. The only point I overlooked is that the angelfish are well established. So adding the sorts of fish I suggested would be different compared to adding them when the angels were still small.
Caridinal, neaon, black neon, and small rummys will be dinner for the angels.
Adults of all those species (exluding neons which I never mentioned), should be fine with "decent-sized" angelfish.
My 4" angels managed to eat 12 neons that were 1.5" long. They just chased them around until they were wore out and then pecked the crap out of them until they were gone.
Again, no one is talking about neon tetras. The only point I overlooked is that the angelfish are well established. So adding the sorts of fish I suggested would be different compared to adding them when the angels were still small.

Neons that you never mentioned? You said "black neon" which is a variety of neon tetra.
Unless you have different information (in which case could you please provide links, photos etc.), you're incorrect.

Neon tetra (paracheirodon innesi) and black neon tetra (hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi) are not only different species of fish, but they're from entirely different genus.

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