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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. aaronnorth

    Brown Algae

    Stick a smoothed rock/ large pebble in some water and leave on the windowsil... free algae! I don't hold any responsibilty for you reintroducing or introducing a new algae species back into your tank though! Plecs only eat certain types (and that again depends on the species of plec). What...
  2. aaronnorth

    Gravel For Sand

    Although that is true, Si isn't just released over a few short weeks, it is always there, also most substrates are made up of silicate compounds. ADA aquasoil contains phyllosilicates, and sand which is usually quartz, is a form of tectosilicates. These stay in the subtrate for years, but we...
  3. aaronnorth

    Suitable Plants For South American Set Up Thanks, Aaron
  4. aaronnorth

    Ada Green Brighty Step 1

    Probably settling in, step 1 is just trace elements, and I would go for the flourish, ADA is expensive! ADA works on providing different nutrients in different steps, building them up until you can fully dose when the tank has matured. It is supposed to help minimize algae by providing the...
  5. aaronnorth

    Tff Ei Fertiliser Trace contains things like magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, molybdenum zinc & boron Thanks, Aaron
  6. aaronnorth

    Step By Step Guide - Riccia And Java Moss

    I have has a couple of second hand filters now, both been good except a Tetratec EX1200 which leaked but this is a common problem with them so I half expected it, free repair from TT though :) If you get filters of here though then you should be fine. I'm not sure, you can always get a couple...
  7. aaronnorth

    Step By Step Guide - Riccia And Java Moss

    1) Wave your fingers through it so the detrius is floating, then do your vacuuming 2) Highly unlikely, hardly any plants pearl without addition of CO2. 3) You can do it whenever you like, keep trimming it every week or two, eventually it becomes to thick and this is when it breaks off as the...
  8. aaronnorth

    Plant Growing And Storage Question

    And I answered that... he never mentioned anything about emmersed growing, I brought that up I said if you keep them unheated they will survive, but wont grow: However if you did mean emmersed growing, then yes you still need a heater. I did misread this question however, I thought it said...
  9. aaronnorth

    Plant Growing And Storage Question

    Photosynthesis will occur much slower, if it occurs too slow then it will not be able to support as many cells so it would just go into a dormancy phase, but they will survive. If you want them too flower you are better off growing them emmersed, as the extra CO2, unlimited light (and room...
  10. aaronnorth

    Plant Fertalizer

    Sorry i havent replied, Yeah NO3 is good in a planted tank, it isn't actually as toxic as people think and the concentrations in off the shelf ferts are so low that there is no way you would kill your fish, even if you go by the people that are a bit more cautious! Thanks, Aaron
  11. aaronnorth

    Ei And High Nitrate Levels

    To be honest some people would say 30ppm NO3 is getting close to high, they believe 40ppm is harmful. Is the 30ppm NO3 in your tap water what you have tested, or a water report from your supplier? Because if your test kit is wrong (and the chances are quite high that it is) then the 80ppm will...
  12. aaronnorth

    A Guide On Where To Buy Plants

    What happened? do you have any pics of the plants when you recieved them? Thanks, Aaron
  13. aaronnorth

    Plant Id

    Sounds like 'purple waffle' which isnt aquatic, is it any of these? Thanks, Aaron
  14. aaronnorth

    Drop Checker Question

    The easiest way to prove this method wrong is too look at a pH/ KH CO2 relationship chart. We aim for 30ppm CO2, which as shown by the chart the KH must be 4, and the pH 6.6 Hence why we use 4dkh as a known indicator, so when the DC is green the pH is 6.6 which indicates 30ppm of CO2 is...
  15. aaronnorth

    Cutting Java Fern Roots?

    They do absorb nutrients aswell, but just trim them down to about 1cm, then the plant can use its energy on growing leaf mass rather than roots. Thanks, Aaron
  16. aaronnorth

    Drop Checker Question

    Acids lower the pH of the water, when CO2 dissolves in water it produces carbonic acid (H2CO3). This turns the colour from blue to green, then yellow. When CO2 injection stops, the carbonic acid is convereted back to CO2 (It is an equilibrium reaction). CO2 + H2O <=> H2CO3 <=> H+ + HCO3 <=>...
  17. aaronnorth

    How To Grow/maximize Plants

    More light = faster growth. Faster growth requires more CO2 & more nutrients. The higher intensity light you use, the finer the balance becomes. What wattage & diamater tubes do you currently have? And what CO2 injecting system are you using? It doesnt sound like a pressurized kit which is...
  18. aaronnorth

    Plant Fertalizer

    Any reason you don't want it to contain NO3? Aaron
  19. aaronnorth


    Test kits are pretty innacurate, however low nitrates (<15ppm) can be a cause of BGA, as well as ammonia spikes (unlikely unless the plants are rotting? overfeeding?) and poor circulation. In low flow areas, or areas that get no circulation due to being blocked by decor can become affected, it...
  20. aaronnorth

    Id This Plant

    Looks like Hygrophillia Polysperma. Easy to grow! :) Bacopa has rounded leaves. Aaron,
  21. aaronnorth

    Drop Checkers - How They Work

    I'm sure thats been pointed out before and I'd changed it lol? hmmm well it is supposed to read 100ml + 900ml, but it doesnt matter too much as it would still give you 4dkh :) I've added a bit on scaling down the production too. Thanks! Aaron.
  22. aaronnorth


    Considering Krebs occurs in the matrix of Mitochondria it can only be claiming to speed up the process within the cells surely? It doesn't occur on the surface Thanks, Aaron
  23. aaronnorth


    TBH it probably wouldn't work, it seems to simple for it not to have been more discussed. Remember this if for respiration though, not growth, which is more to do with the calvin cycle. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, lipids etc make up biomass - krebs actually breaks down these to get a usable...
  24. aaronnorth


    You cant convert citric acid into CO2. If you look at a full diagram you can see the other compounds involved. Every time one compound is converted to another (via enzymes) it loses a carboxyl group (R-COOH). Look at the difference of the molecule between Isocitrate & Ketoglutarate...
  25. aaronnorth

    Vals Always Die On Me

    I can't grow vallisneria sp either, don't know why, I have tried in both high & low tech tanks. Cyperus Helferi is an alternative, I managed to grow that lol Sorry that doesn't answer your question but just thought I'd add it in there Aaron
  26. aaronnorth

    A Good Size To Learn On?

    60l - cheap to fill with plants and hardscape and if you ever want a change (and you will lol) it doesn't cost much and it is easy to play about with Gettig the balance right is harder in a larger tank as circulation and CO2 distribution becomes an issue. You will need more light aswell which...
  27. aaronnorth

    Plants From Tanks With Snails

    Its very hard to get any plants without snail eggs on, which is more common to miss than snails. The only way is if you buy direct from a nursery such as Tropica or Aquafleur. You can kills the snails & egss by treating the plants in a copper drip, just rinse them off thoroughly afterwards. If...
  28. aaronnorth

    Total Plant Newbie Have a read of that, it will explain the different routes you can take
  29. aaronnorth

    Which Co2 Unit Is Best?

    You might want to consider a shoaling fish to keep the clean, uniform look that goes with an iwagumi. You will want a pressurised CO2 setup, they are all as god as each other to be honest, just look at the cost, and the cost of refills. I would recommend you use a fire extinguisher as a 2kg...
  30. aaronnorth


    The green machine are the main UK provider
  31. aaronnorth

    Back To Basics

    You will have to section it off by using a plastic divider/ sheet in the substrate, or just keep on top of trimming.
  32. aaronnorth

    Bought Some New Plants

    Hornwort can be used planted or left floating. Some leave it floating for a couple of weeks to build up the plant mass quickly so they then have enough to plant elsewhere, as at the surface it has unlimited CO2 & light. It is an easy plant to grow while planted anyway, remove the weights though...
  33. aaronnorth

    Another Carbon Question

    I didn't even use it years ago, as I was told it would leach the toxins back into the water after a few days & it adsorbed the majority of the plant nutrients. Once I actually saw some evidence against this, I have just left it in for the bacteria to breed on, can't say I have seen any...
  34. aaronnorth

    Sand Substrate.

    There isnt any difference, :good:
  35. aaronnorth

    Best Value Ferts?

    Have I? I can't work it out? 5ml per 100l is the same as 1ml per 20l, I have just scaled it up by 5x. I understand that; 2.5ml per 50l is the same, 1.25ml per 25l is the same So to work out what we need for 20l, we need to take off 5litres 1.25ml/25 = 0.05ml (per 1 litre) 0.05ml*5 = 0.25ml...
  36. aaronnorth

    Best Value Ferts?

    Water changes are not for resetting the nutrient levels, Water changes are there for removing organic matter, ammonia and algae spores. sorry, I mean by going past the light intensity set when EI was calculated (6wpg), not the nutrient levels, should have been clearer. The levels wouldn't go...
  37. aaronnorth

    Another Carbon Question

    IME I can't say I have seen a difference (in terms of plant health/ algae) from leaving carbon in, but each to their own :good: Thanks, Aaron
  38. aaronnorth

    Alternanthera Cardinalis

    It doesnt do particularly well without CO2 injection & good nutrient supply. Aaron,
  39. aaronnorth

    Another Carbon Question

    Only neglible amounts, and once the carbon becomes saturated it will not adsorb any more and it ebcomes an excellent breeding ground for bacteria due to the high surface area - leave it in, I do. :good: Thanks, Aaron
  40. aaronnorth

    Best Value Ferts?

    I understand what you are saying, but I also think you are being a bit picky; . I too go on what the plants are telling me, otherwise there is no other measurable way to fix the problems. It isn't just from my experience, the "1ml per 20l" starting point has been passed around for years. I...