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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. haleem8777

    Which Tetra?!

      i guess your just gonna have to wait for which fish wins the vote, the people on this forum have different fish opinions as the votes are equal on 5 each
  2. haleem8777

    Betta Is Not Eating

    i wil try it
  3. haleem8777

    Which Tetra?!

    What do you want the tetras for? i mean it do you want a tight schooling fish then buy the rummynose tetra but if you want fish to swim near each other but not very tight then buy the flame or diamond tetra.   By the way i voted rummynose, no tank is complete without them IMO.
  4. haleem8777

    Betta Is Not Eating

    I mentioned above that i feed bloodworms. The bloodworm are in small pellets.can they work?
  5. haleem8777

    Betta Is Not Eating

    what shall i do?
  6. haleem8777

    Betta Is Not Eating

    the pet shop that he was happy on the flake food they feed, and the tetra pro energy is flake type food
  7. haleem8777

    Betta Is Not Eating

    i brought a betta last weekend for my tank with tetras and corys but i still have not seen him eat when i put food in. I feed my fish tetra pro energy and Hikari micro wafers mixed together. some times i put in freeze dried blood worms for the corys. Does the betta feed at night?  
  8. haleem8777

    The Real Culprit

    i really like it as it is fun to see the loach dig caves but it leaves me having to sort out everything so the corys dont get  into awkward places and get stuck. so i am going to sell him off
  9. haleem8777

    The Real Culprit

    Hi, just recently i put up a topic called "help my cories are driving me mad" it was about , i thought my corys where digging up the plants and digging hole around rocks and wood pieces.I used state and gravel under the rocks and still there where holes and plants uprooted it was strange as the...
  10. haleem8777

    Toss Ideas Around For A New 125G Community!

    i would up the numbers of the rainbow to about 6 possibly 8. i think the synodontis would be better than the clown loach as the clown loach get really big.
  11. haleem8777

    Selling Fish Stock

    well i think they are as the adds dont stay for long
  12. haleem8777

    Sparkling Gourami Vs Threadfin Rainbow

    i dont think i can get the betta anyway so it will be the sparkling gourami
  13. haleem8777

    Selling Fish Stock

    a common plec is not really a example as many are sold on gumtree. i have sold some odd catfish on gumtree. i also would try aquarist-classified. if these fail i would just sell them to the LFS
  14. haleem8777

    Sparkling Gourami Vs Threadfin Rainbow

    the betta inbellis is very nice but i dont think my LFS can get them in
  15. haleem8777

    Sparkling Gourami Vs Threadfin Rainbow

    i never knew such little gouramis could be so aggressive.   the reason i want them is i want another fish in the tank that is different and not just a shoal-er. Is there any other fish similar to the gourami
  16. haleem8777

    Sparkling Gourami Vs Threadfin Rainbow

    I have a tank with corys (4) and harlequins(6) but i want another fish to add color or just a different shape to the tank but i dont know which fish would be the best from the 2 above so i decided to ask. so what do you think and why 
  17. haleem8777

    Help! My Corys Are Driving Me Mad

    i will fix everything on the weekend as i am busy.   I like the idea of the bloodworms but what if the corys cant find them and will they rot
  18. haleem8777

    Looking For A Few Bits Of Advice...

    i think by catfish he or she means the corys
  19. haleem8777

    Help! My Corys Are Driving Me Mad

    I feed them enough. i think they just love the sand so i guess i will try weighing the plants downs and if that does not work i will just remove the plants. They dig almost every where but near the plants more
  20. haleem8777

    Help! My Corys Are Driving Me Mad

    I have sand in my aquarium with a wood piece in the middle and some dwarf sag in a small 10 by 10 cm patch but the corys have decided to go digging and have dag up the plants and have removed most of the sand in the corners of tank i have put slate and some rock pieces in the sand but the corys...
  21. haleem8777

    Red Indian Scarlet Badis

    yes all red and they seem to be fine together
  22. haleem8777

    Red Indian Scarlet Badis

    sorry i was supposed to say i have 4 in a small i have got them.anyway i am changing my mind.They where in a small 25 liter tank but i have decided to put them in my 100 litres aquarium which will have tetras and cory. When i brought them the guy from the shop just gave me 4 of the...
  23. haleem8777

    Red Indian Scarlet Badis

    i was just wondering if anybody had kept this fish before as i was wondering of getting 4 for a small tank
  24. haleem8777

    First Timer Planted Journey.

    The woolly,fungus thing on the wood seems to be increasing, when i had this problem i just took it of by hand
  25. haleem8777

    Last Second Fish For 125 Gallon Setup?

    I think your stocking should be     6 Snakeskin Discus 15 Sterbai cory 20 Rummy nose Tetras 15 Harlequin rasbora or black neon tetra (another type of tetra sized fish) 10 Ottos or Pygmy cory   1 Rio Negro Pleco   1 Whip-Tail Cat   This is what i think.      
  26. haleem8777

    So Many Corys

    i guess i will up the corys to 6 and keep the rest as at the size of the fish now and for about another year they should be ok in the tank.As next year i am getting a 200 liter aquarium
  27. haleem8777

    So Many Corys

    i think the number are correct 5 each of harlequin rasbora, cardinal and black neon tetra. Also there are 4 pygmy corys and of course the 2 peppered cory. All most forgot the 3 or 4 male guppy (i might be getting rid of the guppy).   According to the online stocking calculator with 10 more corys...
  28. haleem8777

    So Many Corys

    yeah i guess i should give the fish what they deserve. Could i get away with 4 each of 3 species
  29. haleem8777

    So Many Corys

    i may have 2 peppered but i really want the others
  30. haleem8777

    So Many Corys

    i have a 100l aquarium with 3 small shoals of fish and i have space for about 10 or so corys. While i was searching which one to get a cant make my mind up and which 2 species i should get in groups of 5.   The species i cant decide between are Peppered, sterbai, tail spot , orange Venezuelan...
  31. haleem8777

    My Tank

    . Thank my design of the tank was taken from james findely. I watched alot of hes videos on youtube and choose some feartures from hes tanks. How long will it take for the plants to grow and fill the tank?
  32. haleem8777

    My Tank

    Yes me too, hope fully nothing dies
  33. haleem8777

    My Tank

    Thanks for the reply.i used easy plants like anubias,java fernfor the background and for the midground i used some plants i cant remember the names and for the foreground i used dwarf sag and dwarf hairgrass.yes nc guppy they where black neons.
  34. haleem8777

    My Tank

    i said a month or so ago i would do a low tech planted tank. So i manage to do a planted tank with by pocket money so i want some type of feedback on how i did.   So here are the picks:           Now the two are close up of the foreground plants.         Also i forgot to mention i will be...
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