Help! My Corys Are Driving Me Mad

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Fish Crazy
Mar 15, 2013
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I have sand in my aquarium with a wood piece in the middle and some dwarf sag in a small 10 by 10 cm patch but the corys have decided to go digging and have dag up the plants and have removed most of the sand in the corners of tank i have put slate and some rock pieces in the sand but the corys still seem to dig up the sand. 
i was wondering is there any way of stopping them from digging up the plants
i cant upload any pictures as my laptop is not letting me for some reason
could be that the cories are not getting enough food and are going to the plant. what i usually do i feed them shrimp pellets.. and when i do my water change once a week i move the sand around slightly to remove any bubbles trapped, and then the cories have fun searching through it again.
All my plants are now weighted down to stop them being dug up by my Panda corys
Having your plants dug up and having the sand re-scaped every day by your corys, in my opinion,  is just part of the joys of having crazy but fun fish in your tank
My cory's have ruined my sandscape, I love them though, they are the best.  Worth keeping them fed though, you could always inject a bit of crushed and soaked algae tabs into the sand away from the plants, they will soon learn to dig over that spot more!
I feed them enough. i think they just love the sand so i guess i will try weighing the plants downs and if that does not work i will just remove the plants.
They dig almost every where but near the plants more
Give the weights a try, I did and now the plants are more established I have no more problems with floating plants due to the corys digging them up
To keep my plants weighed down long enough to establish with my bulldozer corys I have used bits of  rock as the anchor. What has also worked well for me, is mixing gravel and sand together  just around the plants. The gravel anchors the plants while creating air pockets so the plants establishing roots are able to grow easily.
A real treat that your corys will love to seek out is defrosted bloodworms buried in the sand, you can bury the bloodworms away from your plants and the corys will spend ages sifting through that area looking for their treat.
i will fix everything on the weekend as i am busy.
I like the idea of the bloodworms but what if the corys cant find them and will they rot
Yeah, I had to use rock to cover plant roots as well.
I think it's just that bits and pieces get blown around the plants by waterflow, and well corys like it. As for unfound food, if your corys are like mine, as a coworker says, "I'm a fatboy, and fatboys don't leave crumbs."

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