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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Gav_B_UK

    Initial Water Parameters

    Hi I've just started cycling my tank and a few questions regarding water parameters: 1) I'm using fishless cycling and read all the notes on here. I've just put my second dose of Ammonia solution in this evening and my ammonia level has gone up to 7.3ppm. This is the highest my test kit...
  2. Gav_B_UK

    Fun R Fish Frf-2100

    The guy I got it off of has agreed to send me a replacement via 1st class post tomorrow.........good job as I can't find anyone who sells them locally!!!
  3. Gav_B_UK

    Cycling Question

    Most hardware stores sell amonia in a diluted form. You just need to multiply the amount up depending how diluted it is. Also...make sure its a ammonia + Water (or aquarium safe) solution. If you're in the UK, Homebase do there own household ammonia in the household section (cleaning...
  4. Gav_B_UK

    Fun R Fish Frf-2100

    Thanks...I've noticed that one now after having a play. One of the powerheads has its impellar not attached to its internal magnet. I'm currently talking to the shop owner and seeing what they say (as they would replace, but obiously, we'd both prefer to avoid this). What could I use to stick...
  5. Gav_B_UK

    Fun R Fish Frf-2100

    Got the tank yesterday...its all set up now and running in before I start fishless cycling. However, I've got a couple of issues: 1) One of the pump is just making lots of noise and won't pump. I've checked the impellar and it only seems to move intermittantly. 2) The pump that is working...
  6. Gav_B_UK

    Keeping Plants While Not In Tank

    Cheers I think I'll dab a bit of silicon between two bits of plastic...and when that's reasonably set, so it wont wash out....I'll start to fill....
  7. Gav_B_UK

    Keeping Plants While Not In Tank

    My tank arrives this afternoon. I predict it wont be ready to fill until tomorrow as I need to build the cabinet, silicon the background in (the plastic internal type), and put subtrate in place. My question is, if I go out and buy some plants this afternoon, what would be the best way to...
  8. Gav_B_UK

    Washing Substrate

    I've done a quick search but couldnt find a relevant answer..... I am doing a 50/50 mix of Florite and Silver Sand for my substrate. Bottom layer will be florite, top will be sand. I started washing some florite this evening and I couldnt seem to get it totally clear. Rinse a 1/4 bucket...
  9. Gav_B_UK

    Outside Aquairum

    I once emailed a manufacturer of greenhouses to see if they could supply a green house using smaller thicker panes of glass, with a glass floor and opening roof and no door and completely sealed. I do have some crazy was a bit of a joke though.....never did get a reply! The crazy...
  10. Gav_B_UK

    Another New One

    Well...I've made a few posts already and thought it was about time to say hello to everyone and introduce myself. My name is Gavin and I live in Leicestershire in the UK. I'm an IT Manager of 10+ years and been working/playing with computers since I was knee high to a grass hopper. I had my...
  11. Gav_B_UK

    Fun R Fish Frf-2100

    Just wondering.... According to the manufacturers website, this tank is 55.5 US Gallons.... According to the measurements and Practical Fish Keeping calculator....this tank is 80 something US Gallons Which is it??????
  12. Gav_B_UK

    Somethings Wrong

    Look for subjects entitled 'cycling' You need to put your tank through a process called 'cycling' before you start adding any livestock...otherwise you just poison them! Basically, it mean that your tank needs to build up a stock pile of beneficial bacteria so that polutants such as the waste...
  13. Gav_B_UK

    Substrate Membrane

    Apparently its a product designed for it....its sounds as if you can plant through it (obviously by creating holes)...and it also sound permiabable from what I was reading...the annoying thing is that I did find it in an online shop...but I didnt save the link!
  14. Gav_B_UK

    Substrate Membrane

    Someone on here mentioned it when they did a posting about their sand and pond soil substrate. I don't know much more than that....
  15. Gav_B_UK

    Substrate Membrane

    Does anyone know where I can purchase (online) the membrane to put between a gravel base and a sand upper in my substrate?? I've seen it somewhere, but can't remember where.... Thanks in advance...
  16. Gav_B_UK

    Substrate Mix - First Tank

    Sand is for effect...I prefer that kind of look......I just can't shake my reef addiction from before :)
  17. Gav_B_UK

    Substrate Mix - First Tank

    Hi I'm going to be setting up my first Tropical tank next week (I used to keep a reef tank). I have decided on the following for a substrate: 1 inch of Brown/Red Florite at the bottom 1 inch of Silver Sand on top A few loose areas of gravel for effect Is this a good choice for a planted...
  18. Gav_B_UK

    Show Me Your Car!

    My car from before April: And my current little 2.0Litre Turbo, 0-62 in 5 seconds beastie: Sorry about the arty set of pics for my current car..
  19. Gav_B_UK

    Good Tank Locations

    I will be getting my first Tropical setup put together in the next couple of weeks. The tank will be going in my house in the dining room, away from direct sunlight and distrubance from people walking through. However, I want to put my quaratine tank elsewhere and possibly even additional...
  20. Gav_B_UK

    How Many Young People Are There Who Have Interest Of Tropical Fish

    I'm now 28. Had a 4 foot tank between 8 and 10. Left the hobby for ages, then came back with a vengance at 23 by going out and spending in the region of £5k on a reef setup...kept that going until the end of last year when I sold it all off, as I said I was giving it up...well...didnt last...
  21. Gav_B_UK

    Still Dont Know..planted Or Not...but Anyway...

    I've still not decided whether to go down the planted line or not...however, I've just been out and purchased the following in preperation for my tank when it arrives next week: 1 x 7kg Bag of Red Florite 1 x 7kg Bag of Brown Florite 1 x 25kg bag of Silver sand I plan to cover the base of the...
  22. Gav_B_UK

    How Do You Move Fish?

    Polysterine boxes....and maybe a few heat packs depending on the weather. You should be able to get the boxes from and LFS. Its what they use to transport them in. You'll need some strong plastic bags for transporting too. Don't overload the boxes though...just make sure the bags can't role...
  23. Gav_B_UK

    Keeping Algae Away

    What methods can be used to preven algae developing in the tank too much. I understand Plants help this but If I wasnt to go this route, what other methods are there??
  24. Gav_B_UK

    Planted Or Not

    I used to keep corals....with lighting systems and filtration reaching in to 1000' a few hundred I don't mind if it helps! Thanks for the advise....Any more tips/advice anyone?
  25. Gav_B_UK

    Planted Or Not

    I've made the decision to now go with sand as a substrate for my tank. My next decision is to whether go for a planted tank or not. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having live plants?? If I'm going for live plants, how do I best get a natural look. Does the sand have to be deep...
  26. Gav_B_UK

    Chosing A Substrate

    Thanks for the replies...that's what I wanted to hear.... A couple more quickies... 1) Can a use a syphon vac on sand?? If not, how do I clean it?? 2) Does sand need cleaning in anyway before use? 3) Which is the cheapest sand to use?? Do I buy it from an LFS like I did with my marine...
  27. Gav_B_UK

    Chosing A Substrate

    Mmmmm...really need some help with this...please guys and girls.... After a little more reading I'm looking to possibly keep catfish, loaches and few tetras gouramis. Not exactly sure which and what combination yet. I read that loaches like a softer substrate. My worry is, that sand will...
  28. Gav_B_UK

    Building Your Own Computer

    Worked in IT for 15 years. Built 1000s of computers. Maintained 1000s more. And I'm convinced static damage is a myth as I have never worn and anti-static protection and have never damaged any components to my knowledge. Although, if you are a person who suffers from static, then it may be a...
  29. Gav_B_UK

    Full Tank Clean

    I'm new to Tropical....not even got the tank yet...but used to keep a reef aquarium... I may be wrong, but I would think doing a full water change and cleaning the gravel would just about destroy your bio system and bring all sorts of poisoning problems to your fish. I imagine cleaning the...
  30. Gav_B_UK


    Thanks again for another useful reply.....I think I'm pretty decided on the FRF tank....
  31. Gav_B_UK

    Computer Specs

    Which one...I have 6 Desktops and 1 Laptop: 1 x P4 3.4Ghz, 2Gb, 600Gb SATA RAID, Geforce 6200, DVDRW, DVDROM/CDRW, Windows XP PRo 1 x AMD64 3400, 1.5Gb, 200Gb SATA RAID, BFG Geforce 6800, DVDRM, DVDROM/CDRW, Windows XP PRo 2 x AMD64 3200, 1Gb, 160Gb SATA RAID, Geforce 6200, DVDRW...
  32. Gav_B_UK


    Sorry for all the questions: What are the pros and cons of an external filter? What are the pros and cons of a built in filter such as in a 'juwel' aquarium or the 'fish r fun' aquariums?? Sorry if they are stupid questions..... Thanks in advance...
  33. Gav_B_UK

    Chosing A Substrate

    OK....think I have now made a decision on my step is substrate...I'd like to keep plants...I'd also like to have some bottom dwellers. I like the idea of some kind of sand, but dont like the idea of silt and poisoneous pockets. I'm not in to phsychodelic substrate...I like a...
  34. Gav_B_UK

    Fun R Fish Frf-2100

    Thanks for the reply.... Its actually £375, the price is wrong on the yea...a little over but that includes delivery on a chosen day, which is always handy. Nice setup by the way....I'm not looking to stock so much vegitation....but its definately answered a few questions for me...
  35. Gav_B_UK

    Doing Things Backwards - Reef To Tropical

    Thanks for the reply. The tank is advertised as having 2 x 20W lights, although the only replacements I can find are 30W. I see that it falls in the 0-1 WPG lighting with 20s or 1-2WPG with 30s....I'd rather the later. Thanks again.... any more comments anyone???
  36. Gav_B_UK

    Doing Things Backwards - Reef To Tropical

    Hi New to the forum. I am a former keeper of a 120Gallon Reef Aquarium and due to moving house and a change of circumstances I am now looking at setting up a tropical aquarium (which is typically backwards of me). I have a few questions: 1) I'm looking at a Fish R Fun FRF-2100 tank with...
  37. Gav_B_UK

    Fun R Fish Frf-2100

    Hi I previously kept a Reef aquarium for about 3 years with reasonable success. I recently moved house and had to sell my previous aquarium off. Looking around the new house I have come to realise that there is no where really suitable for the size and type of reef aquarium that I would like...