Fun R Fish Frf-2100

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Fish Fanatic
May 7, 2006
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Leicestershire - UK

I previously kept a Reef aquarium for about 3 years with reasonable success. I recently moved house and had to sell my previous aquarium off. Looking around the new house I have come to realise that there is no where really suitable for the size and type of reef aquarium that I would like (this and the hassle of a reef), so I have made the decision to move to keep Tropical fish.

I currently don't know a great deal about Tropical Fish and I am doing the usual reading of books and forum and starting to post the questions to get opinions and ideas. I would like to keep community type fish along with some plants in the tank. At this minute in time I know little other than that.

I've been looking at the tank mentioned in the topic title. A link is below to a shop selling it. I've chosen the tank due to its price and specifically its size (my limit is around 40" wide x 24" deep and I'd like it to be around 24" high....which this tank is).

As I don't know much yet. Are these tanks any good? Does anyone have any experience of them?? Will the be good for what I want in terms of plants?

The link:

Thanks in advance....
hi I have this tank in silver
it is a fine plug and play tank.

I like the filers built into the hood as it is easy for cleaning and
you can adapt the boxes for any type of media you wish.
I don't use their carbon bags but peat instead.

for substrate I have 1"of fullers earth topped with 2" of pool filter sand and my plants grow very well.

BTW £395 for the wood effect one is over priced slightly,
I wouldn't pay more than £360 for the wood effect one.

here is an old pic of mine (click thumbnail)
BTW £395 for the wood effect one is over priced slightly,
I wouldn't pay more than £360 for the wood effect one.

Thanks for the reply....

Its actually £375, the price is wrong on the yea...a little over but that includes delivery on a chosen day, which is always handy.

Nice setup by the way....I'm not looking to stock so much vegitation....but its definately answered a few questions for me seeing yours!

It says the lights are 20W on the adverts for it, but I can only find 30W bulbs for it it 20W or 30W and are the bulbs standard??

Is it pretty quiet when running??

Thanks again for the reply...
yes the lights are std T8s at 30W
I have replaced the tubes that come with it for
1x original tropical by arcadia and 1x gro-lux by Sylvania

my tank is right next to my bed and I find it very quiet

The website of the manufactoers is
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Just wondering....

According to the manufacturers website, this tank is 55.5 US Gallons....

According to the measurements and Practical Fish Keeping calculator....this tank is 80 something US Gallons

Which is it??????
I worked it out to be 62 US gallons
Got the tank yesterday...its all set up now and running in before I start fishless cycling.

However, I've got a couple of issues:

1) One of the pump is just making lots of noise and won't pump. I've checked the impellar and it only seems to move intermittantly.

2) The pump that is working is making a lot of noise...similar to that of the pump that isnt working, although it seems to be printing reasonably well.

Is there anything I'm doing wrong with the pump that isn't working?? Is there anything I can try to get it working??

As for the noisy pump...any ideas how to make it less noisy?

Thanks in advance....
the powerhead must be fully submerged before you plug it in
unplug it and top the tank up untill it is above the plastic trim
(as seen from out side tank), then plug in the powerheads.
that should eliminate any noise
the powerhead must be fully submerged before you plug it in
unplug it and top the tank up untill it is above the plastic trim
(as seen from out side tank), then plug in the powerheads.
that should eliminate any noise

Thanks...I've noticed that one now after having a play.

One of the powerheads has its impellar not attached to its internal magnet. I'm currently talking to the shop owner and seeing what they say (as they would replace, but obiously, we'd both prefer to avoid this). What could I use to stick the two back together?? Super-glue wouldnt work would it (due to its poisenous content)?
best thing is to get a new one from the lfs
glueing won't work long term no matter how you glue it.
best thing is to get a new one from the lfs
glueing won't work long term no matter how you glue it.

The guy I got it off of has agreed to send me a replacement via 1st class post tomorrow.........good job as I can't find anyone who sells them locally!!!
my tank is right next to my bed and I find it very quiet

Hi, I wonder if you can give us some advice?

We're new to the forum, mother and daughter, and we're just setting up the same tank, the Fish R Fun 2100 (upgrading from a 74 litre tank with undergravel filter).

We're finding that the filter pumps are making a deep, vibrating, rattly noise; loud enough to be annoying. We wonder if it's the ceramic bio balls (hula-hoop shapes) knocking against each other, but it does seem too loud to be just that.

Also, is it right that the filter boxes aren't full of water? You can see pockets of air in there at the top of each section.

We just want to make sure we've connected all this up properly, as the little instruction leaflet leaves a lot to be desired!!

Many thanks, Jackie & Jo
We're finding that the filter pumps are making a deep, vibrating, rattly noise; loud enough to be annoying. We wonder if it's the ceramic bio balls (hula-hoop shapes) knocking against each other, but it does seem too loud to be just that.

the powerheads must be seated correctly in their cradles, they have a rubber baffle on each corner and they can be slightly out of line with the cradle. ensure they are properly seated. also the cover for the entire filter area needs to be seated corectly too, this will make an audiable click when pushed down hard enough

Also, is it right that the filter boxes aren't full of water? You can see pockets of air in there at the top of each section.
yes that is ok, this aids the growth of the bacteria. when the box is full of water then it is not running at its most efficient. time to clean it out.
Thanks for the advice, Wolf. We'll have a good look at it all and see what's wrong - there's definitely some kind of vibration going on that shouldn't be.

We might be back with a few more questions over the coming weeks! We've never had this type of filter before, and might need some advice on maintenance routines and best filter medium (but will have a look through the old posts first).

Also, it's our first attempt at a planted tank - we've put a layer of laterite under the gravel, and are wondering now whether we will need CO2 injection as well. We've put Java Fern and two other types of plant (not sure of names!!) in at the moment.

We're really looking forward to getting this up and running :D

Jackie & Jo

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