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October FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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  1. Jinx_

    My Managerie of Tanks

    Either he's got a torn dual personality (like me lmao) or he's just moody 😂😁
  2. Jinx_

    Cherry shrimps not multiplying?

    I have tons of plants, and I have a rock with java moss stuck to it that is doing really well. They LOVE the moss, but apparently not enough to commit mitosis :D
  3. Jinx_

    Medicating fish for worms?

    Thank you so much for all the information you have posted. This is the medication I bought: In the description, it's stated it...
  4. Jinx_

    Medicating fish for worms?

    Right. I don't know what to get for these then, most meds aren't available here in the UK. I also am unsure what is actually wrong, or what if I'm just paranoid. I don't want to kill them. She eats then spits the food out, doesn't that much. I've observed them poo today, looked mostly normal...
  5. Jinx_

    Medicating fish for worms?

    You misread it, bought just regular micro pellets from them as well as the flubendazole. Medicated pellets are the aftermath after making the coctail. NT Labs says the liquid form will kill any crustaceans/inverts, that if I put im the water. So not sure. I don't have a spare air pump or air...
  6. Jinx_

    Working on my tank / fish picture taking abilities

    Thank you! Yeah, I use my iPhone 15, no specific settings. Only portrait mode for my beardies pic, we were in a park and wanted to try the mode out in better lighting :)
  7. Jinx_

    Do fishes really live long?

    And omg I can't spell... it is flubendazole. How should even baby fish poo look like? I don't remember, had youngsters back then. Whitish looking stringy? It wasn't very brown, quite possibly I'm blind and it was thin brown stringy? I don't see them poo a lot. At what age can females be...
  8. Jinx_

    Do fishes really live long?

    Yep, I got flubendonzole based one from NT Labs.. micro pellets.. I hope my shrimps won't get any medicated ones cause jesus christ I don't wanna deal with dead shrimps, and I can't move them (space and money issue).
  9. Jinx_

    Medicating fish for worms?

    Hi, I just want to clear this up. I just ordered micro pellets from Hikari, I'll try these with my still pretty small guppies and ordered NT Labs for worms. Since the flubendanzole will kill my shrimps... Does it matter for them if they eat a medicated pellet? Or it doesn't matter if it's a...
  10. Jinx_

    Do fishes really live long?

    Yeah, that's a fair point. With water based meds, eggs are near impossible to destroy. It's like dealing with cat fleas, their eggs are impossible to kill. And they will keep hatching, so it's better to kill off the adults then keep dosing the meds so the eventual young will get killed as well...
  11. Jinx_

    Swordtail males

    Fantastic! :)
  12. Jinx_

    Do fishes really live long?

    I don't feel like the eSHa range is effective. I've used one of theirs for gill flukes. They accelerated rather than go down over time :/ But the flubendazole ones are better to have food dipped in them then eaten by fish for some weeks time. That would help the fish go over killing worms in...
  13. Jinx_

    Do fishes really live long?

    Yeah, it's why I'm thinking of deworming my guppies with API powder thing for parasites. Better to be safe..
  14. Jinx_

    Guppies not doing well.

    Yeah, I've used it safely with shrimps and such. It didn't crash my balance either.
  15. Jinx_

    Do fishes really live long?

    Yup, money more important than an animals wellbeing. So sad..
  16. Jinx_

    Working on my tank / fish picture taking abilities

    For fish, these are the only good ones my phonw has taken: And if you don't mind me setting an example of the difference it shows fish tank vs other shots. I don't have such difficulties taking pics of my reptiles through glass doors or not. Again, sorry, just wanted to set examples...
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  23. Jinx_

    Working on my tank / fish picture taking abilities

    I have iPhone 15, it doesn't do awful pics but I can't focus lock the camera.. Samsungs have it nice tho, better focus, camera focus lock, and can dim the lighting so only light is the tank and anything in the light focus.
  24. Jinx_

    Pets At Home

    I'm sure you could file a complaint on the workers, they have no right to be nasty and rude to customers. And they do take fish in. After quitting the hobby for a while, I had a bn pleco that nobody wanted. My closest P@H store was super rude and hesitant about it, but eventually they took her...
  25. Jinx_

    Swordtail males

    I would finish the cycle before adding fish, fishless cycling is more complex and quite nasty to any inhabitants. And yep, you can have more males. They will have stand offs, but they won't get overly aggressive like cichlids can get. You might sometimes get the odd one, but let's face the fact...
  26. Jinx_

    Do fishes really live long?

    You serious? Back when I had my fish that wasn't a thing, and I'm referring to diseased fish being sent out. Sheesh that is tragic to hear :( Guess I might not be getting anymore fish then xD
  27. Jinx_

    Guppies not doing well.

    Have you cycled the tank? For how long? The cycle takes about a month or more (depends on certain factors). The eSHa 2000 is shrimp and snail safe, it doesn't kill filter bacteria.
  28. Jinx_

    Is this ich?

    Are you sure it's not food or debri or bubbles stuck to the fish? I've seen this happen on my fish, then being gone after few minutes. If you are sure it's ICH, then get API White Spot medication and dose as on the bottle. Iirc, you can rise water temp to 32 Celsius then keep doing water...
  29. Jinx_

    Do fishes really live long?

    I heard that actual fish TB is rare, and it's often worms.
  30. Jinx_

    Does it matter if I see my guppies poo?

    Well, I've been told it's also could be due to not eating much. Guess I'll have to keep my eye on them.
  31. Jinx_

    Apple snails or rabbit snails?

    I wanted to buy one golden mystery snail and one "coffee". Guess what? Ended up buying 3 freacken snails... cause the goldens were listed as TWO. I hate myself.
  32. Jinx_

    Does it matter if I see my guppies poo?

    Hi, I don't see them poo that often. I often thought livebearers were constant poopers? Or are just juvis not such poop machines? They've had tons of frozen daphnia yesterday, some Hikari's First Bites today along with algae wafers (for hungry shrimps but yeah). One little female's poo was...
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  34. Jinx_

    Apple snails or rabbit snails?

    That's great! I have tons of shrimps so not worried about excess food. I'll order two later :)
  35. Jinx_

    Apple snails or rabbit snails?

    I had two, but they died for a random reason. I'm just looking for a different snail. I might get the mystery snails, but are rabbits good too?
  36. Jinx_

    Apple snails or rabbit snails?

    Welp ok. How do I make sure they're not hungry? Are they problematic to feed?
  37. Jinx_

    I get it that you're selling fish but...

    Yeah, I completely understand issues that come with breeding fish. It's just sad to out so many fish into a small confined space :(
  38. Jinx_

    Apple snails or rabbit snails?

    Hi, looking for couple weird goofy looking snails for my tank. Came by apples and rabbits. I have plants, live plants. I'm worried that both will eat them. Not dealing with nerite eggs, nope.