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  1. G

    Tetra info

    I cant tell if the growth is hard or not but at a guess its hard by looking. Parameters on the other hand have gone mental for some reason. No matter what I do its not working. So I checked my source and boom, there it is. My tank is exactly the same as my source. I have just purchased an ro...
  2. G

    Tetra info

    Hey guys. Does anyone know whats growing on my tetras mouth. Some sort of weird ball. A cyst maybe??? Also a white patch on his tail! I had to euthanize two already from neon tetra disease. I hope this isn't the beginning of the end for them. cheers. G.
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  6. G


    I forgot to ask, How do i attach plants to wood? Thanks.
  7. G


    Thanks for that @essjay I think I have been struggling with ammonia since I got the tank. I think I'll give the live plants another shot i know they are better for keeping the water quality good. I'll get a bottle of the safe start see if it helps aswell. Thanks for your help G.
  8. G

    Ammonia at around 4ppm - how do i lower it?

    Hi asturias, Have you been putting bennificial bacteria into the tank everyday for the first week? This will help alot with the ammonia. Have you checked your water source for ammonia and nitrates? Do a large water change firstly and see if this helps.
  9. G


    The tank is set up about 3months now I left it cycle for 3 weeks with plants and rock no fish until mid way through the 3rd week. The plants were real but I took all of them out as the started looking bad because of low co2 and maybe causing ammonia. So I only have substrate and a piece of drift...
  10. G


    Thanks for that @Naughts Its something I've been batteling with since I have the tank. I've taken out all rocks and plants that may have been adding to ammonia. I also think that my water source has ammonia in it at .25 My water parameters are PH 8 Ammonia .25 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10 I do...
  11. G


    hi all Still being very new to the hobby and little experience I need some advice on how to lower the ph in my tank. The ph from my source is 6.4 but in my tank its rocketed to nearly 8 which I think is killing my fish and causing ammonia to spike aswell. What can i do without using chemicals...
  12. G

    neon tetra.

    @Retired Viking thanks for that. I have plants ordered and awaiting delivery. I'm looking forward to their arrival. Tetra is still doing his own thing, I'm not seeing him eating but I think he must be getting some kind of food from somewhere saying he is pushing through so long.
  13. G

    neon tetra.

    Wow, Thanks @seangthat probably sound more like the issue. I've taken him out of isolation and have changed the water. I just hope he will pull through. The rest are doing great. He just looks really small and the weakest of the bunch. Cheers G
  14. G

    neon tetra.

    Plenty of experience then ha ha. Tetra is isolated right now. He still won't eat in the box tho.I'm not sure what to do. I don't know if he is sick or if he will make the other tetras sick. How long should I keep him isolated. I don't really want to stress him out anymore. :-(
  15. G

    neon tetra.

    @Retireis that the tank you had in last months competition? Its well kept. How many tanks do you have? I'm not sure I could handle anymore than 1 right now. Maybe after I get some knowledge off everyone here ha ha :- D
  16. G

    neon tetra.

    That looks amazing. Would you say its the best floating plant?
  17. G

    neon tetra.

    I wish I ha this knowledge when I first set up my tank. So many things to learn. I'll get some of those floating plants and a breeder box to keep an eye on him try and see if he will eat. I might try turn the bulb so there won't be so much direct light. Thanks @Retired Viking
  18. G

    neon tetra.

    Thanks for that. I have done already, finished just before I came back here. I know ammonia is bad for them but it should be reducing as the tank cycles. As for stock, I was told it was OK by the pet store??
  19. G

    neon tetra.

    No worries it happens. I just did a large water change so its going to look murky. Usually its crystal :) now that you mention it he does have a lil nip on his tail which i was watching to see if it gets worse.
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  21. G

    neon tetra.

    Thats true. I have no dimmer on the tank light but the rest seem fine with the it. Flying around right now.
  22. G

    neon tetra.

    Thanks for that @Retired Viking I have 10 of them and they are all doing great except for this one. I have no other tank to separate him so is there anything that you know of what could be wrong with him? Treatments? etc.. Cheers.
  23. G

    neon tetra.

    Thanks for that. He swims around a bit then goes hiding. Haven't seen him eat anything in a while. Flakes or anything else. Cheers. G
  24. G

    neon tetra.

    I'm sure you know your stuff, and I agree amm is too high but my tank is still cycling. I have been told tho that the tetras can adapt to the ph of the tank as long as it wont change drastically. Keeping a close eye as much as I can as I started bk to work on Monday. Cheers G
  25. G

    neon tetra.

    Hi everyone. I've recently noticed one of my tetras has not been eating. Plus to the fact his colours are faded, gills are red and seems to be panting. He is the smallest of the 10 and seems to be hiding within the foliage. Parameters are PH 7.4 Amm .25 NO2 0 NO3 10 GH 8d KH 6d Any info would be...
  26. G

    filter cleaning during cycle

    No prob at all @Tez_20 and thanks for that. I haven't done a test in the last few days but keeping upwith water changes. Going to perform a test tonight before a water change to see how things look. I'll let you know after :-) Cheers G.
  27. G

    Liquid co2

    Thanks for everyone's help on this. The information here is great. Its a shame in one way to learn this because I really wanted guppys but the alternative would have been way worse to get them and they died. Cheers all.
  28. G

    Liquid co2

    Hey byron. Multifit fert is my local pet store home brand. I think that's why it wont be found. Cheers. G
  29. G

    Liquid co2

    The GH shows at 4d. Is this an alright number? As for the fert, I don't se another manufacturer name on the bottle but its made in Germany. I'll have a search myself to see if I can find out more about it. Thanks for the help ill invest into some new tabs. G
  30. G

    Liquid co2

    Thanks for that Byron. I'm using jbl ferro tabs and multifit liquid ferts which the pet store recommended. Tank load is only 10 neon tetras. As for the GH levels, I've only tested with the 6in1 test strip which says it it OK. Here are a few pics
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  33. G

    Liquid co2

    I dont suppose you recognise any of the other plants in my tank? That would really help me research them. I've been trying to find them with no results. Tnx.
  34. G

    Liquid co2

    Thanks for that @Salty&Onion. Is it salvageable in its condition or will I trade it for a younger model?
  35. G

    Liquid co2

    @essjaythanks for that. I have both tabs and liquid. I think I have to put more into the graves maybe this would help. This is what the worst plant looks like.
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  37. G

    Liquid co2

    Thats half the problem too. I cant remember their names. I should have wrote them down. Rookie mistake I know.
  38. G

    Liquid co2

    hi everyone. Being so new to the hobby I have millions of questions, sorry to wreak heads but I need to know is it a good idea to use liquid co2 for my plants and would it harm my fish? Plants look in dyer need of some help. Thanks. G
  39. G

    filter cleaning during cycle

    Thats good to know. I have fish in there about 5 weeks now. Its starting to even out now I think. Just waiting for the ammonia to drop that lil bit so it can finish totally. Cheers. G
  40. G

    filter cleaning during cycle

    Thank you, I'll try your trick with the kitchen roll. Anything for a more accurate reading. I have an airsrone in my tank also, and performing 20% daily water changes. Thanks for the video ill have a look at it there now. Meanwhile here is a pic of my first tank.