Search results

  1. KevinZ

    Hillstream loach maxium temperature

    I didn't even notice that until you point it out... Oh my god :eek: :eek:
  2. KevinZ

    What did i just bought?

    That's Neocaridina shrimp. You can ask me anything about shrimp :lol: tag me along~~ That's Black Rose Neocaridina Davidi :) Or in a lower grade, people know it as Black Choco Shrimp.
  3. KevinZ

    Hillstream loach maxium temperature

    Hillstream loaches might work. But when the temperature is above 23° / 75F i suggest you add Airstone. Hillstream Does Thrive in high Temperature tank, but the thing is when the temperature gets highs the water have less oxygen and this is the main problems with any hillstream loaches species.
  4. KevinZ

    General stock questions, moss is out of control and a little bit of algae

    You will never win against any type of moss when they fully established to the environment. All you can do is trim again and again. I got a bucket of moss every 2 weeks. -_-", I can't suggest you anything about stocking idea. Not really great at this thing. The algae is a part of a healthy tank...
  5. KevinZ

    Finally decided... your opinions please

    I read this thread all through and none concerning that Otocinclus & Lava Rock is a bad idea or that's just my opinion ?. Lava rock kinda has a spikey sharp area and any bottom dweller / No-scale fish can easily get an open wound. I recommend to use another type of rocks to avoid this. :)
  6. KevinZ

    plant question

    I highly recommend Bucephalandra! I have them the Blue-green Species Specifically. And i really love them. The best part is they have a really bright Blue dot and give your tank a bright shine :X :X Edited: i got some typo before. :rofl:
  7. KevinZ

    New to the forum but not altogther new to fish keeping.

    Welcome to the Forum!! :hi: :hi: And yes, small Tank is considered really hard to balance, Water parameter can drastically change in sort time. Water temperature will have a hard time to be consistent, you should always have an ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate test kit. They're so pricey (not in...
  8. KevinZ

    Mental health

    I am sorry to hear you have to go through that in yourlife. All people deserve better in this world. Not really a mental health story, but i do want to share this because I can't share it anywhere except in my gaming community & here. :) WARNING for Homophobia please dont read it. :lol...
  9. KevinZ

    Hey there!

    Welcome :hi: :hi: :fish:
  10. KevinZ

    I tried live Mosquito larvae today.

    Living in Tropical Country. I'd said i have unlimited Mosquito Larvae's. :rofl: and i feed my fish every 2 days mixed with flake's
  11. KevinZ

    Songs that resemble my life

    Mine Conrad Ricamora - All of me TBH i dont like The original song. :fish: the song doesn't resemble me but the singer is. :)
  12. KevinZ

    Hyperactive Tetra

    I see nothing wrong tho. Why the water brown? Blackwater aquarium ?. Try to check your water parameters i think ? Your shrimp looks like darting around too.
  13. KevinZ

    Floating Plants and Surface Scum

    How about this ? You can make it bigger if you want using Oxygen Aerator Tube and glue to make it circular & float. Photo credit to @GirlsTalkFish Youtuber. You can check her video.
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  15. KevinZ

    Floating Plants and Surface Scum

    Make a DIY separator if you want. Use Aerator Tube / Pipette. Here's mine using bending plastic Pipette.
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  17. KevinZ

    Jacob’s aquarium review!

    Sadly they only ship around the UK... I would totally buy the plant. So great looking & Healthy for 2-day shipping. While mine 1-day shipping yet some of them develop brown spot. :(
  18. KevinZ

    HELP. My new emerald jade have a worm? And another have odd backline?

    Everything is fine. Good luck on keeping shrimp! I do have shrimp only tank but i sold all of them and now i have x3 10Gallon fishtank dunno what to do with it :rofl: . Tbh with you. Keeping shrimp is really hard IME. lot of thing to maintaince and they really sensitive to water parameters...
  19. KevinZ

    White spots in sand - Uneaten food?

    Looks like uneaten pellets to me :fish:
  20. KevinZ

    Nitrate removal

    Have you check you tap water? Some country tap water contains Nitrate. Idk where is the specific place. What test kit brand did you use?
  21. KevinZ

    "Brown Goo" on Frogbit Roots ?

    Ahh okay. I dont really mind how its looks like. I just have to make sure if that thing might be bad for the aquarium. Looks like nothing to worry about, thank guys! :X :fish: 10 Congo Tetra , 9 Albino Corys, and Shrimp. :fish:
  22. KevinZ

    Eggs identification

    Damselfly eggs is attached to floating leaf and kinda Yellow Looking Eggs (Like a Clear Yellowish) i dont think that is a damselfly eggs.
  23. KevinZ

    Setting up new 55 gallon. Would like advice/opinions

    I dont think using any small tetra species for cycling is the best option IME, i tried to cycle with a school of neon and all of them got some sort of bacterial that's uncureable. And after that i have never tried cycle with fish ever again. :( , If you adding a lot of Amazon Frogbit i'd say...
  24. KevinZ

    "Brown Goo" on Frogbit Roots ?

    No i dont have any snail, and the tank size is 66 Gal with sponge filter size BF-4, it said for 380 litre..., but i do have shrimps. Probably around 20-30
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  26. KevinZ

    "Brown Goo" on Frogbit Roots ?

    I dont think so.. I use Sponge Filter in a Low Air pump Settings. And the air pump is at other side. I dont use any fert in this tank.
  27. KevinZ

    "Brown Goo" on Frogbit Roots ?

    Any idea what is this Yesterday I watch some Aquarist @Youtube. And then I found one of the YouTuber has a really good looking Frogbit, and then I realise my Frogbit is a Lil bit different. Her Amazon Frogbit has a really long & clear White while mine have short roots (probably time matters)...
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  31. KevinZ

    HELP. My new emerald jade have a worm? And another have odd backline?

    Can you give me a closer looks at the Worm? I believe its a leech, And for that White line is normal for Any bright coloured shrimp, (Yellow, Green, Black Choco) except if your Red Cherry shrimp have that then it's a different story. If its turn out as a white Multiple worm then its a parasite...
  32. KevinZ

    Jacob’s aquarium review!

    That Anubias is really Big Compare to all of my Online Shopping Center. :rofl: its around 1 : 5 big ratio. Good think I farm my own now.
  33. KevinZ

    Root Tabs + Liquid Fert ?

    Okay, thanks! I'll try Root tabs :)
  34. KevinZ

    Plant problems

    Bucephalandra & Anubias Will take a month to establish and start to growing new Leaf IME
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  36. KevinZ

    Root Tabs + Liquid Fert ?

    I use Tropical Specialised Fert Edit : Here's the Declaration for the Nutrient
  37. KevinZ

    Root Tabs + Liquid Fert ?

    4cm... Around 1,2" maybe ?.
  38. KevinZ

    Need help with new tank

    I am not really that sure. I can't give any Advise if i didn't use it myself, sorry. For now the best thing to do is water change and see how it goes. Good luck!
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