HELP. My new emerald jade have a worm? And another have odd backline?


Fish Fanatic
May 22, 2020
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Thanks in advance. 2 things

1st Here is a picture of a new emerald jade shrimp I got. I just noticed it looks like something on his head behind and in between eyes. Do I need to salt dip?


2nd this one has good color in light slightly darker but good color except this line down back. I know not saddle down entire back. Do I cull or is this ok.

Can you give me a closer looks at the Worm?
I believe its a leech,
And for that White line is normal for Any bright coloured shrimp, (Yellow, Green, Black Choco) except if your Red Cherry shrimp have that then it's a different story.

If its turn out as a white Multiple worm then its a parasite. If only 1/2 piece of worm its Leech worms

Do this method.
Salt bath with aquarium salts. Be careful not to use table salt with Iodine.
Dosage: 1 teaspoon to 1 cup of clean tank water (not tap water).
Duration: 30sec to 1 minute for Leech and 1 to 1 and a Half Minute for Parasite. You might need to repeat this a couple of times until the parasite drops off, so keep the infected shrimp in a breeder or hospital tank (could be another cup of tank water) to allow easier re-treatment.
I agree with above post, but the worm might also be a long horn that shrimp normally do and the shrimp might also be close to molting.
The line is nothing to worry about, it might be old that shrimp. My cherries have these line but that is because they are old shrimps.
There is nothing wrong with picture #3 - #4. Shrimp do that close to molting.

I see nothing wrong with picture #1 - #2 either.
I agree. Its normal with shrimp to hae these. My vamp shrimp has the same horn on her head.
My bigger female cherry shrimp have the white stripe down their backs. (Only right before they molt)
Can you give me a closer looks at the Worm?
I believe its a leech,
And for that White line is normal for Any bright coloured shrimp, (Yellow, Green, Black Choco) except if your Red Cherry shrimp have that then it's a different story.

If its turn out as a white Multiple worm then its a parasite. If only 1/2 piece of worm its Leech worms

Do this method.
Salt bath with aquarium salts. Be careful not to use table salt with Iodine.
Dosage: 1 teaspoon to 1 cup of clean tank water (not tap water).
Duration: 30sec to 1 minute for Leech and 1 to 1 and a Half Minute for Parasite. You might need to repeat this a couple of times until the parasite drops off, so keep the infected shrimp in a breeder or hospital tank (could be another cup of tank water) to allow easier re-treatment.
Here is better pic. It is not the cluster like scutarierlla japonica and I dont see it move. I may be wrong I'm fairly new shrimp keeper. Maybe this is part of shrimp as I'm looking at close pics of neos online. Again thanks for tips I'm no expert.


Everything is fine.
Good luck on keeping shrimp! I do have shrimp only tank but i sold all of them and now i have x3 10Gallon fishtank dunno what to do with it :rofl: .

Tbh with you. Keeping shrimp is really hard IME. lot of thing to maintaince and they really sensitive to water parameters. But nothing compares to their beauty colours. :wub:
Tbh with you. Keeping shrimp is really hard IME. lot of thing to maintaince and they really sensitive to water parameters. But nothing compares to their beauty colours. :wub:
Mine are waayy hardier! I cycled my tanks with them in. Once ammonia was 4ppm and none died and they kept getting berried lol

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